Nghĩa của từ mathematics bằng Tiếng Việt

Danh từ (số nhiều dùng như số ít)
(Anh mathes; Mỹ mathe)
môn toán, toán học

Đặt câu có từ "mathematics"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "mathematics", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ mathematics, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ mathematics trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt

1. It is actuary mathematics program in mathematics department.

2. " Mathematics, good.

" Toán, giỏi.

3. Pure mathematics is mathematics that studies entirely abstract concepts.

Nói chung, toán học thuần túy là toán học nghiên cứu các khái niệm hoàn toàn trừu tượng.

4. 16 Axiomatic thought dominates the area of modern mathematics and pure mathematics.

5. The Applicabilities of mathematics

6. You can study mathematics.

Bạn có thể học toán.

7. We'll teach her mathematics.

Chúng ta sẽ dạy toán cho con bé.

8. Asians are mathematics Brainpans

9. Mathematics 7 : G7 - Amiability

10. He excels in mathematics.

11. One young protester reportedly demanded: "Aryan students want Aryan mathematics and not Jewish mathematics."

Một thanh niên biểu tình thể hiện đòi hởi: "Những sinh viên Aryan muốn toán học Aryan chứ không phải toán học Aryan."

12. Convex lens, in optics; Mathematics

13. Agida does research in Mathematics

14. Abscissa'17 is an annual mathematics fest organized by Department of Mathematics, Maitreyi College, Delhi University

15. She is digging at mathematics.

16. Manthan Classed for Mathematics, Haldwani

17. Mathematics is her favorite subject.

18. Mathematics was never my forte.

19. Mathematics is connected with astronomy.

20. Biometricist, Economic Journalist APK MATHEMATICS AND

21. Algebra is a branch of mathematics.

22. The Importance of Coherence in Mathematics

23. The Applicabilities of Mathematics MARK STEINER

24. He leads the class in mathematics.

25. I conquered my dislike for mathematics.

26. He grounded himself thoroughly in mathematics.

27. Student's motivation for mathematics was analysed as a function of gender and of beliefs and attitudes towards mathematics

28. Mathematics and geometry Algebra and trigonometry.

29. Reputedly, he is brilliant at mathematics.

30. Actuarial science applies the mathematics of

31. Here's a video about abstract mathematics.

32. Mathematics and astronomy are cognate sciences.

33. 17 Mathematics is connected with astronomy.

34. Trigonometry is a branch of mathematics.

35. Geography mathematics; Formula for incantation; Constellate.

36. Statistics, operations research, programming, actuarial mathematics

37. That student has an aptitude for mathematics.

38. Mathematics essence is a problem about epistemology.

39. He is hot in mathematics and chemistry.

40. One central concept in pure mathematics is the idea of generality; pure mathematics often exhibits a trend towards increased generality.

Một khái niệm trung tâm trong toán học thuần túy là ý tưởng chung chung; toán học thuần túy thường biểu hiện xu hướng tăng tổng quát.

41. I am completely at home in mathematics.

42. Antipode or Antipodes may refer to: Mathematics

43. Courses: Language skills, mathematics, computers, woodworking class.

Các khóa đào tạo khác: Ngoại ngữ, toán, vi tính, nghề mộc.

44. I know now it cover the mathematics.

Giờ em biết cần học cả môn toán.

45. He was working religiously at his mathematics.

46. Ethnographies and historical sociologies of mathematics must, to be complete, situate mathematics cultures in their wider social, cultural, and global settings.

47. Leadership in Computational mathematics and parallel computing

48. Compositional technique is not about accurate mathematics

49. In mathematics there are four: using and applying mathematics; number and algebra; shape, space and measures; and handling data (HD).

50. The principal view of mathematics has changed from motionlessness and absolutism to action and dialectics with the development of mathematics.