Nghĩa của từ lineages bằng Tiếng Việt

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Đặt câu có từ "lineages"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "lineages", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ lineages, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ lineages trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt

1. They carry mixed DNA from six different genetic lineages .

Chúng mang hỗn hợp ADN từ 6 dòng di truyền khác nhau .

2. But germ lines can deteriorate and cause extinction of lineages.

3. To determine their functionality, we tested their capacity to produce the three lineages commonly associated with MSC and found they could form osteogenic and chondrogenic, but not adipogenic lineages.

4. This biozonation utilizes numerous ammonite lineages, inoceramid, ostreid, lucinid, thyasirid, pectinid, plicatulid, Cardiid, and pteriid bivalve lineages, and turritellid and aporrhaid gastropod lineages to create a system of 89 high-confidence level (HCL), 136 medium-confidence level (MCL), and 169 low confidence level (LCL) composite

5. At least 33–38 independent lineages of gastropods have successfully colonized freshwater environments.

Ít nhất 33-38 dòng độc lập của lớp chân bụng đã sinh sống thành công môi trường nước ngọt.

6. Phylogenetic revision of the genus Bartsia (Orobanchaceae), disjunct distributions correlate to independent lineages.

7. There are two Zika lineages: the African lineage and the Asian lineage.

Có hai dòng Zika: dòng châu Phi, và dòng châu Á.

8. From six to eight of these independent lineages occur in North America.

Có từ sáu đến tám thuộc những loài độc lập ở Bắc Mỹ.

9. From there, Archosaurs diverge into two separate lineages: crocodile-line and bird-line Archosaurs

10. However, the mechanisms underlying the parallel evolution of naturally occurring Apetalous lineages remain largely unclear.

11. Bhikkhuni lineages enjoy a broad basis in Mahayana countries like Korea, Vietnam, China, and Taiwan

12. Ghost lineages are frankly a Contrivedsolution, a deus ex machina required by the cladistic method.

13. Complete loss of petals, or becoming Apetalous, has occurred independently in many flowering plant lineages

14. All plants, fungi, and many other lineages form sporangia at some point in their life cycle.

Mọi loài thực vật, nấm, và các nòi giống khác đều hình thành nang bào tử ở một thời điểm nào đó trong vòng đời của chúng.

15. Using a phylogeny, it is easy to tell if a group of lineages forms a Clade

16. Eighteen strains of NDV from four lineages were identified and grouped into virulent and Avirulent strains

17. 1), which have appeared in parallel in both the avian and Crocodilian lineages (Dufeau and Witmer, 2015)

18. Therefore, we will refer to the two lineages based on their origins: Antioch/Antiochian and Alexandria/Alexandrian

19. However, the mechanisms underlying the parallel evolution of naturally occurring Apetalous lineages remain largely unclear.

20. Complete loss of petals, or becoming Apetalous, has occurred independently in many flowering plant lineages

21. The normal tendency for these cells to differentiate into osteogenic and adipogenic lineages is restricted.

22. This key difference became very apparent when the animal and plant lineages independently became multicellular.

23. Gene syntenic and collinear comparisons revealed macrosynteny between sex chromosomes and the corresponding Autosomes between these two lineages.

24. Coleopterans mainly include coprophagous and phytophagous lineages, and many species of the latter lineage are serious pests

25. Conversely, the maternal lineages of Jewish populations, studied by looking at mitochondrial DNA, are generally more heterogeneous.

Ngược lại, dòng dõi mẹ của các nhóm Do Thái, nghiên cứu bằng cách nhìn vào ADN ty thể, nói chung là không đồng nhất hơn.

26. 2015) that Fragum is paraphyletic and includes Corculum and Lunulicardia, the two other wholly photosymbiotic lineages of Cardiids

27. While facultative Apomicts produce clonal offspring, sexual species are the conduits of origin for new genetically different apomictic lineages

28. Ascidians, or sea squirts, are marine invertebrate filter feeders with highly reproducible cellular events and invariant embryonic cell lineages

29. Autotomy has evolved in many animal lineages as a means of predator escape, and involves the voluntary shedding of body parts

30. Ancestors are not limited to blood and family lineages; however, Ancestors of body tend to be impactful and important to include

31. The node represents an evolutionary split between lineages as well as a hypothetical common ancestors of all taxa higher on the Cladogram

32. Aurei is con fi rmed as monophylet ic and encompasses 8 distinct lineages from the European and N orth American continents ( Fig

33. Three insect lineages, the beetles, ants and termites, independently evolved the ability to farm fungi between 40 and 60 million years ago.

Ba dòng côn trùng, bọ cánh cứng, kiến và mối, độc lập phát triển khả năng để trang trại nấm từ 40 đến 60 triệu năm trước đây.

34. 28 The two clusters evolved by duplication of an ancestral gene cluster before the divergence of the human and great ape lineages.

35. The gradual development of cohesive political units with important leaders of lineages will have extended and strengthened this pattern.

36. Bipedalism is probably an adaptation for Cursoriality among archosaurs, which may explain why bipedalism evolved convergently in the crocodilian and bird lineages

37. Basidiomycete lineages maintain close associations with specific lichen species over large geographical distances and have been found on six continents

38. The POLYADAPTATION (Adaptive mechanisms of ecological divergence in sibling allopolyploid lineages) project has investigated the genetics of sibling Dactylorhiza allopolyploids.

39. They recognized Nurhaci as Khan, and in return leading lineages of those groups were titled by Nurhaci and married with his extended family.

Họ công nhận Nurhaci là Khan, và ngược lại các dòng họ hàng đầu của những nhóm này được Nurhaci đặt tên và kết hôn với gia đình mở rộng của mình.

40. The two clusters evolved by duplication of an ancestral gene cluster before the divergence of the human and great ape lineages.

41. Bhikkhuni orders there survived, and Mahayana lineages in the places where Chinese Buddhism spread, like Taiwan, Korea and Vietnam, have continued into the present

42. Each Cog consists of a group of proteins found to be orthologous across at least three lineages and likely corresponds to an ancient conserved domain.

43. Yet it appears that the typical fulvettas' and parrotbills' common ancestor evolved into at least two parrotbill lineages independently (Cibois 2003a) & (Yeung et al. 2006).

Còn nữa, dường như là tổ tiên chung của lách tách điển hình và khướu mỏ dẹt đã tiến hóa thành ít nhất là 2 dòng dõi khướu mỏ dẹt độc lập (Cibois 2003a) & (Yeung et al., 2006).

44. The Acari is a diverse group comprising the lineages Acariformes (includes disease-transmitting chigger mites) and Parasitiformes (includes ticks and other medically important mites)

45. Convergent amino acid replacements were observed in proteins related to heat production and the visual system in two endothermic teleost lineages, Billfishes …

46. For instance, the many lineages of cuckoo bees lay their eggs in the nest cells of other bees in the same family.

Có rất nhiều dòng ong cúc cu (Cuckoo bee) khác nhau đều đẻ trứng trong các ô của tổ ong của loài khác trong cùng họ.

47. Several military commanders of Karakhanid lineages such as the father of Osman of Khwarezm fled from Karakhanid lands in the wake of the Qara Khitai invasion.

Một số tướng lĩnh thuộc dòng dõi Kara-Khani như cha của Osman của Khwarezm, đã đào thoát khỏi vùng đất của Kara-Khanid trong cuộc xâm lược của Tây Liêu.

48. The most important Consanguined kin-group associated with unilinear rules of descent are- (a) lineages and clans (b) moieties and Phratries (c) clan (d) sections

49. Question: Part B: Analyzing Cladograms Cladograms Are Crucial In Biology, Because They Allow Us To Understand The Changes That Have Occurred In Lineages Over Time

50. Reference: “Angels in disguise: sympatric hybridization in the marine Angelfishes is widespread and occurs between deeply divergent lineages” by Yi-Kai Tea, Jean-Paul A