Nghĩa của từ liberalisation bằng Tiếng Việt

Danh từ
như liberalizatio

Đặt câu có từ "liberalisation"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "liberalisation", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ liberalisation, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ liberalisation trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt

1. Australia has pursued the cause of international trade liberalisation.

Úc theo đuổi mục tiêu tự do hóa thương mại quốc tế.

2. Product market liberalisation is lagging behind many EU countries according to the OECD.

Tự do hóa thị trường sản phẩm tụt hậu so với nhiều quốc gia EU theo đánh giá của OECD.

3. Price liberalisation is advanced but administered prices continue to play a role.

4. CONFIRMING the Parties’ support and encouragement for the process of trade liberalisation

5. Competere seeks to decrease world poverty and increase prosperity through international trade liberalisation and competition policy.

6. The extra costs cannot be recuperated through the national basic tariff for electricity after liberalisation.

7. Or. pt Justification Adjustment of the directive with a view to full liberalisation by 2012.

8. Following the economic liberalisation, more jobs opened up, and created a demand for formal wear.

Sau khi tự do hóa kinh tế, nhiều việc làm đã mở ra, và tạo ra một nhu cầu mặc chính thức.

9. Arcadia came to life in 1995, right on the wave of a post-liberalisation market economy

10. The liberalisation of Russian banking, insurance, services and energy markets should be addressed open-mindedly.

11. Less favourable trade liberalisation outcomes for developing countries would inhibit the realization of these encouraging projections.

12. Less favourable trade liberalisation outcomes for developing countries would inhibit the realization of these encouraging projections

13. However, the low starting level of wages in the CEECs and their now well-advanced market liberalisation,

14. Equitable cost recovery systems are of major importance as full liberalisation of the road haulage market is achieved.

15. The EU-Jordan Association Agreement laid the foundation for reciprocal tariff liberalisation of trade in industry and agriculture.

16. The liberalisation of the telecommunication industry is well advanced and market competition has particularly increased in the mobile phone sector.

17. He is a serious, competent manager and runs charity schemes that help the poor. Egypt's successful economic liberalisation, too, bears his imprimatur.

18. In Ireland, for instance, unemployment did not rise, but actually fell following liberalisation of the free movement of labour.

19. It reaffirms its support, albeit it in moderate terms, for the liberalisation of world trade, while camouflaging its consequences.

20. From 1991, economic liberalisation took place in India, and the industry took full advantage of this and cheaper labour costs of production.

21. 19 Such palpable absurdities have continued for some 20 years, despite the partial and cautious liberalisation of the past three or four.

22. The main objective of the liberalisation of air transport undertaken on the Community's initiative was to improve access to that means of transport for EU citizens.

23. (FR) Mr President, on 5 December, Maurice Allais, the economist and Nobel prizewinner, said that the true origin of the crisis lay with the World Trade Organisation and that reform was required as a matter of urgency, his analysis being that current mass unemployment was due to the wholesale liberalisation of trade - a liberalisation which benefits only the rich.

24. When I left the Commission in 1980, we had issued Telecom Decision 79-11, which introduced interconnected private line voice competition and we had begun terminal attachment liberalisation.

25. Finally, Ascribing value to the constraints it advocates for the 'Economic Partnership Agreements', the report reaffirms the 'dogma' of trade liberalisation as a basis for development

26. The most recent recommended reserve price will be taken as the provisional price for liberalisation of administratively allocated spectrum where auction determined price is not available.

27. What we have here is an authentic primer laying out the road towards liberalisation of all services, including public services, which it dubs 'public and general interest needs'.

28. Sustained high growth since economic reforms and liberalisation introduced in the early 1990s has put India as the fourth largest economy in the world, behind the EU, US, China and Japan, on Purchasing Power Parity.

29. They agreed to expedite the liberalisation of the visa regime and the agreements on reducing the risk of accidents relating to nuclear weapons, speedy return of inadvertent line crossers and prevention of incidents at sea.

30. ‘Stupid, Brutish, inarticulate, prone to destroying things when enraged - this is not a hero.’ ‘Yet many argue that this liberalisation of drinking hours is now contributing to the Brutish behaviour on the streets.’

31. The two parties undertook to make progress in the negotiations for liberalisation under quota for tuna nets exported by Mexico, a product left in abeyance on the conclusion of the free trade agreement.

32. We would like to point out that the liberalisation of trade for agricultural produce promotes models of intensive production for export which favour big agribusiness at the expense of small and medium-sized farming, family farming, and supply for local and regional markets.

33. As Maurice Allais and clear-headed economists show, the total liberalisation of trade causes competition that pits everyone against everyone else as well as relocations, giving rise to pay restrictions, mass unemployment, and thus a crisis in our economies.

34. The report endorses and encourages the process of liberalisation/privatisation in various key sectors and abjectly glosses over the economic and social consequences, from quality and access to public services, to job losses in the targeted sectors.

35. Subsequent to the completion of the ensuing auction and with the availability of auction determined price, the provisional price already charged will be adjusted with the auction determined price with effect from the date of liberalisation on pro-rata basis.

36. In economic terms, understanding was reached on the need to define policies which will enable African countries to gain maximum benefit from the liberalisation of trade throughout the world, thus reversing the current trend of consistently and progressively marginalising Africa in world trade.

37. In 1971, the Party, which had already been completely purged of internal opposition (with the possible exception of Gheorghe Gaston Marin), approved the July Theses, expressing Ceaușescu's disdain of Western models as a whole, and the reevaluation of the recent liberalisation as bourgeois.

Năm 1971, Đảng, vốn đã hoàn toàn thanh trừng sự chống đối nội bộ (có lẽ ngoại trừ Gheorghe Gaston Marin), phê duyệt Luận cương tháng 7, thể hiện sự khinh bỉ của Ceaușescu với toàn bộ các mô hình phưpưng Tây, và tái đánh giá sự tự do hoá trước đó của ông là tư sản.

38. Thus, in return for help in offsetting temporary imbalances in the economy, recipient countries had to accept the IMF prescription, which involved: - the abolition or liberalisation of foreign exchange and import controls; - the devaluation of an official exchange rate; - a stringent domestic anti-inflation programme, controlling bank credit, government spending, wage increases and dismantling price controls; - greater hospitality to foreign investment and a general opening up of the economy to international commerce; 67.

39. Amendment by Jo Leinen Amendment 1 Recital B B. whereas the joint exercise of sovereignty in regional integration frameworks may lead to an enhanced capacity of governments to protect the interests of their citizens, rather than a loss of sovereignty, Or. de Amendment by Jo Leinen Amendment 2 Recital C C. whereas, in connection with regional integration, it must also be ensured that no loss of transparency and democratic accountability in decision-making takes place and that increased crime through the abolition of border controls and social repercussions through hasty liberalisation and wage competition are prevented, Or. de

40. Taking account of the volume of trade in agricultural and fishery products between the Parties, of their particular sensitivities, of the rules of the Community common policies and of the Albanian policies for agriculture and fisheries, of the role of agriculture and fisheries in Albania's economy and of the consequences of the multilateral trade negotiations under the WTO, the Community and Albania shall examine in the Stabilisation and Association Council, no later than six years after the date of entry into force of this Agreement, product by product and on an orderly and appropriate reciprocal basis, the opportunities for granting each other further concessions with a view to implementing greater liberalisation of the trade in agricultural and fishery products