Nghĩa của từ innocents bằng Tiếng Việt

tính từ
1. vô tội; không có tội
2. (Mỹ) còn trong trắng; còn trinh
3. ngây thơ
4. không có hại, không hại

danh từ
1. người vô tội; người không có tội
2. đứa bé ngây thơ
3. thằng ngốc, thằng bé ngớ ngẩ

Đặt câu có từ "innocents"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "innocents", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ innocents, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ innocents trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt

1. Slaughter of the innocents.

Giết hại những người vô tội,

2. Innocents were brutally liquidated by thousands.

3. They're attacking innocents at random, creating mayhem and chaos.

Chúng đang tấn công người vô tội tạo ra tình trạng lộn xộn và hỗn loạn.

4. Moral patients are, for the most part, innocents.

5. Every day, villages are destroyed, crops ruined, innocents slaughtered.

Ngày lại ngày, làng mạc bị phá hủy, cây trồng tàn lụi, người vô tội chết oan.

6. Peach-faced innocents, With peeking eyes, Through dark fringed lashes, Watch, expecting.

7. You're not a man who slaughters innocents for gain or glory.

Bệ hạ không phải là kẻ giết hại sinh linh vì lợi ích hay vì sự huy hoàng.

8. Have you ever seen a war where innocents didn't die by the thousands?

Đã bao giờ ông thấy một cuộc chiến mà người vô tội không chết đến hàng vạn chưa?

9. Both are prepared to kill or maim innocents in pursuit of a cause.

10. You said you were gonna use it to protect the innocents of the city.

Cô bảo sẽ dùng nó để bảo vệ người vô tội trong thành phố này.

11. You taught me that there are no innocents when you abandoned me to the Culebras.

Anh đã dạy tôi rằng không có người vô tội khi anh bỏ tôi với băng Culebras.

12. You butcher innocents and use that to get the rest to go along with your savage shit.

Tụi mày giết người vô tội và lấy cái cớ đó để bao biện cho tội ác của tụi mày sao?

13. " They cavalierly sacrifice the unborn innocents and beckon, arms akimbo the reaper, the horsemen, the apocalyptic end. "

14. Adeptness boosts confidence and enables the calm cop to come out of shootout alive with the innocents

15. Aelfric’s imagination is better seen in the tender and pathetic passages describing the slaughter of the Innocents or the solitary sojourn of St

16. You are Sam Fisher, and you've been given the ultimate freedom to protect innocents against a series of global terror attacks known as Blacklist - the …

17. In a twist of fate that would spell disaster for innocents around the world, the Carnage symbiote encountered and bonded with Cletus Kasady, an unstable and dangerous criminal

18. Callas used it to advantage for quite a few young innocents: Gilda, for instance, and Puccini's tubercular Mimì, in La Bohème, whose delight is to embroider flowers.

19. Despite this pleasant symmetry, the Contentiousness of the health debate continues, pitting intrusive political forces against special-interest fiefdoms, while innocents caught in the crossfire are powerless to shape the outcome

20. The Beasties were innocents but the humans are killing them, they cut the trees down which is their shelter & the humans removed the fungus which is food for them, they are giant ants & their queen died

21. What his research reveals is that there has been a policy and practice of counter-terrorism, setting up, through Agents Provocateurs, terrorist events by recruited terrorists, but under Nato guidance, that have involved the bombing and killing of innocents IN ORDER to blame and Anathematise communist cells and programmes – a

22. In the roof of the church, directly above the high altar, is engraved, 'Regina Coeli laetare Alleluia. THE INNOCENTS ABROAD, PART 3 OF 6 MARK TWAIN (SAMUEL CLEMENS) Yet it seems quite natural to them that a piece of jazz should be called Alleluia. AN AUTOBIOGRAPHY IGOR STRAVINSKY

23. ‘To praise the emperor who burned the Confucian books and buried Confucian scholars alive was the equivalent in China of praising King Herod who massacred the innocents.’ ‘These are designed to rebalance the cosmos in much the same way as the Emperor rebalanced the cosmos in the strange mixture of Shamanic and Confucian rituals at the

24. ‘It is an Appalling and chilling chronicle of arrogance, complacency and collusion.’ ‘The killing of innocents is deplorable and Appalling in any part of the world.’ ‘The consequences for the world's poor have been Appalling.’ ‘The story is part love story, part comedy of self-justification, and part a chronicle of an Appalling

25. ‘To praise the emperor who burned the Confucian books and buried Confucian scholars alive was the equivalent in China of praising King Herod who massacred the innocents.’ ‘These are designed to rebalance the cosmos in much the same way as the Emperor rebalanced the cosmos in the strange mixture of Shamanic and Confucian rituals at the