Nghĩa của từ inherent bằng Tiếng Việt

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Đặt câu có từ "inherent"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "inherent", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ inherent, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ inherent trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt

1. The inherent Ambiguity of language

2. This girl's imperfections were inherent.

Những khuyết điểm của nó là do di truyền.

3. Polarity is inherent in a magnet.

4. The Devil Exploits Man’s Inherent Need

Ma-quỉ lợi dụng nhu cầu tự nhiên của con người

5. There are inherent benefits to this.

Điều này có những lợi ích cố hữu.

6. Violence is inherent in our society.

7. Every business has its own inherent risks.

8. There is inherent persuasiveness in some voices.

9. I have an inherent distrust of lawyers.

10. There are inherent dangers in the system.

11. Camber is inherent in all prestressed precast products

12. Speckle is an inherent noise in ultrasound images.

13. See the violence inherent in the system!

Hãy nhìn bản chất bạo lực cố hữu của chế độ!

14. The danger inherent in such groups is obvious.

Chúng ta dễ thấy mối nguy hiểm vốn gắn liền với những nhóm như thế.

15. 13 I have an inherent distrust of lawyers.

16. 15 Vagueness is an inherent feature of language.

17. We recognise the inherent limitations of our study.

18. An Adscititious habit rather than an inherent taste

19. That compassion is actually an inherent human quality.

Lòng trắc ẩn thực sự là một phẩm chất mang tính di truyền của con người.

20. Money is unfortunately an inherent part of politics.

21. Dance is also an inherent part of the culture.

22. Biocentrism considers all living beings have inherent value

23. Surgical procedures have many risks inherent in them.

24. There are considerable risks inherent in the policy.

25. There's an inherent problem with low probability events.

Có một vấn đề cố hữu với các sự kiện xác suất thấp.

26. This, too, trite, but its inherent truth is undeniable.

27. There is always an inherent risk in doing this.

28. The desire for freedom is inherent in us all.

29. There are dangers/risks inherent in almost every sport.

30. The signs of inherent lunacy have always been there.

31. A love of music is inherent in human nature.

32. The propensity to hooliganism is inherent in every society.

33. We have discussed the inherent difficulty of Southern blotting above.

34. You invoke the basic, primeval instincts inherent in all animals.

35. 5 WARNING!!! Bouldering is an activity with inherent risks

36. I think racism is unconsciously inherent in practically everyone.

37. All of us struggle with inherent weakness and imperfection.

Mỗi người trong chúng ta phải chống cự lại sự yếu đuối và sự bất toàn cố hữu.

38. 26 I think racism is unconsciously inherent in practically everyone.

39. 7 The propensity to hooliganism is inherent in every society.

40. They discussed the risks inherent in starting a small business.

41. I think racism is unconsciously inherent in practically everyone.

42. Commercialism and materialism are major flaws inherent within modern society

43. The users accepted the limitations inherent to analog security systems.

44. The most productive change-oriented goals contain an inherent opposition.

45. The inherent value of the product is still the same.

Giá trị vốn có của sản phẩm vẫn như cũ.

46. It is inherent in the nature of capital acquisition transactions.

47. Such joy is one of the inherent results of repentance.

Niềm vui như thế là một trong những kết quả tự nhiên của sự hối cải.

48. Course content will desalinate inherent concept, carry out modular teaching.

49. … a streak of inherent Cussedness keeps most men from acknowledging defeat

50. Knee injuries can either be inherent or physically obtained during Bursitises