Nghĩa của từ incredulous bằng Tiếng Việt

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Đặt câu có từ "incredulous"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "incredulous", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ incredulous, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ incredulous trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt

1. She shot him an incredulous look.

2. 'Here?' said Kate, incredulous.

3. There was a brief, incredulous silence.

4. She gave me an incredulous glance.

5. They are incredulous of hearsay.

6. 'You sold the car?' she asked, incredulous.

7. Who stare at us with incredulous scorn.

8. Synonyms: gullible antonyms: inCredulous, skeptical similar words:

9. Inspector Kelsey looked still more incredulous.

10. Incredulous, the attendant alerted the senior flight attendant.

11. He was incredulous. " Like hell he is!

12. The announcement was met by incredulous laughter.

13. Note: The term inCredulous means disinclined to believe, skeptical

14. Slightly incredulous the attendant alerts the senior flight attendant.

15. "He made you do it?" Her voice was incredulous.

16. I came to sensible awareness; to incredulous understanding.

17. "You don't have a car?" asked one incredulous woman.

18. Though some were incredulous... Man 1: The phone company!

Dù vẫn có người nghi ngờ -- như công ty điện thoại í!

19. The judges were so incredulous they twice remeasured the length of the course.

20. I am wholly incredulous of the truth of his story.

21. After I told her the story, Jane gave me an incredulous smile.

22. Everyone looked incredulous when I said I used to drive a taxi.

23. In view of the latter's steady, incredulous gaze, I could not blame him.

24. Antonym: inCredulously (in an incredulous manner) Pertainym: credulous (disposed to believe on little evidence)

25. Incredulous survivors spoke of his " Cheeriness " as he encouraged his men forward

26. A sob rose in his throat, blending with an incredulous, nervous giggle framed by his lips.

27. Hence the Browze real time communication – built by sweat, blood and incredulous feats of engineering.

28. National media Buries two violent hate crimes against white men in the same day; AP makes incredulous claim

29. His voice was whispered, incredulous; something about the curious paths of his own life caused him endless surprise.

30. But supposing ... the thought of another man made her give an incredulous little shake of the head.

31. Also, Jacob’s ladder, Brideweed, rabbit flower, and a couple of rather incredulous names — impudent lawyer and deadmen’s bones

32. If we are truthful we may admit that we find the ideas of the virgin birth or the resurrection incredulous.

33. With a flourish he removed the cover and revealed to the incredulous eyes of the staff a feast of sausages and bacon.

34. Credulously: 1 adv in a credulous manner “the children followed the teacher Credulously ” Synonyms: believingly Antonyms: disbelievingly , inCredulously , unbelievingly in an incredulous manner

35. InCredulously: 1 adv in an incredulous manner “the woman looked up at her inCredulously ” Synonyms: disbelievingly , unbelievingly Antonyms: believingly , Credulously in a credulous manner

36. Kasuga-hime is accosted by Beppu Tarō, but incredulous of Yuriwaka's demise, releases the hawk Midori-maru with a letter tied to its leg.

37. Before the performance actually took place, one incredulous critic snorted, "We hear that Serafin has agreed to conduct I puritani with a dramatic soprano ...

Trước buổi diễn chính thức, một nhà phê bình khịt mũi hoài nghi "Tôi nghe rằng Serafin đã quyết định giao I Puritani cho một soprano kịch tính...

38. "But as for our more cherished activities," Olcott wrote, "the discovery and spread of ancient views on the existence of Siddhas and of the siddhis in man, he was utterly incredulous."

"Nhưng đối với các hoạt động ấp ủ của chúng tôi," Olcott viết, "sự khám phá và truyền bá các quan điểm cổ xưa về sự tồn tại của Siddhas và của siddhis trong mọi người, anh ấy đã hoàn toàn hoài nghi việc này."

39. SCATTERGOOD BAINES CLARENCE BUDINGTON KELLAND At first, I was Brashly incredulous, as anyone would be who was mixing and mingling with the colonel in the daily amenities.

40. They were totally ignorant of the most elementary scientific knowledge and whilk they believed blindly and abjectly in every kind of religious hocus - pocus they were incredulous of the real miracles of science .

41. Norwegian police thriller Borderliner is the perfect example of how to take an interesting premise and squander any ambition with a questionable ending, clumsy pacing and incredulous character logic

42. Agnostic noun sceptic, cynic, scoffer, doubter, disbeliever, unbeliever, doubting Thomas, Pyrrhonist He was, if not an atheist, an Agnostic. adjective sceptical, questioning, doubting, cynical, doubtful, scoffing, unconvinced, disbelieving, incredulous, quizzical, mistrustful, unbelieving She grew up in an Agnostic …

43. Credulous adj 1: disposed to believe on little evidence; "the gimmick would convince none but the most Credulous" [ant: inCredulous] 2: showing a lack of judgment or experience; "so Credulous he believes everything he reads"

44. So forgive me if I feel a bit incredulous towards the nationalistic adulation showered on Ahmad Abughaush, particularly when it comes from the same people that who make fun of Gulf Olympic teams from the Gulf for “buying” athletes from other countries to compete for them.

45. The sombering tones give the incredulous imagery and Abstractionistic logic (this guy's a hard read, as it says in the preface) and language that makes him something like a Sylvia Plath in tuxedo, but with a much wider-spanning genius that gives his poetry a greater variety of elements and vocabulary, and with better breaks and sense of poetic

46. Credulity is the name of the phenomenon where some people just seem to be champing at the bit to believe anything with only a small amount of questionable evidence.In day to day experience, it is what allows a person to accept the premise of a fictional movie including space flight, time travel, or other naturally incredulous experience.

47. The sombering tones give the incredulous imagery and Abstractionistic logic (this guy's a hard read, as it says in the preface) and language that makes him something like a Sylvia Plath in tuxedo, but with a much wider-spanning genius that gives his poetry a greater variety of elements and vocabulary, and with better breaks and sense of poetic

48. The words, along with their corresponding nouns credibility and credulity, are easily mixed up due to their shared first syllable.Just remember that credible is the antonym of incredible, a word that all English speakers should be comfortable with.The antonym of Credulous, inCredulous, is not as common, and it is similarly often confused with incredible, but if you can manage to keep credible