Nghĩa của từ idiots bằng Tiếng Việt

danh từ
thằng ngốc

Đặt câu có từ "idiots"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "idiots", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ idiots, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ idiots trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt

1. Ah, you soot-covered idiots...

A, cái đồ bồ hóng ngu ngốc...

2. Grinning like village idiots.

Tôi đồng ý. Có gì mà buồn cười ha!

3. Sorry, you babbling idiots.

Xin lỗi, các cô nói lảm nhảm gì thế?

4. These two idiots behaved outrageously

Hai thằng ngu này dám hỗn xược.

5. Tell these idiots to lower their guns.

Bảo hai tên ngốc này hạ súng xuống.

6. 'May the Devil carry away these idiots!

7. Are you a bunch of idiots?

Các ngươi là lũ ngu dốt hả?

8. Why are there so many idiots in the world?

Trên thế giới sao lại có nhiều người ngốc như vậy chứ?

9. You have destroyed my ability to tolerate idiots.

10. I'm gonna die surrounded by the biggest idiots in the galaxy.

Mình sẽ chết giữa những kẻ đần độn nhất thiên hà này mất thôi.

11. The dozen idiots who tore ass up the tube.

Có hơn chục thằng ngốc xông vào trong cái ống đằng kia.

12. So you two idiots are gonna go in there blind?

Hai thằng đầu đất các cậu định mò mẫm vào đó à?

13. All because 3 idiots refuse to give up 50 yards of land.

Tất cả chỉ vì 3 thằng ngốc không chịu bán 50 thước đất.

14. Those two idiots nearly killed people, and you're getting mad at me?

2 tên ngốc đó mém giết người và ông lại đi nổi giận với tôi ư?

15. Not that we're idiots, we're just very comfortable in being very blissful.

16. 4 I wish politicians wouldn't talk down to us as if we were idiots.

17. Blithering idiots (also: lumps, poops, lubbers, schmucks, nincompoops, ninnies, stumblebums, lummoxes, klutzes) volume_up

18. Nothing comes to anything, and yet there's no shortage of idiots to babble.

Cũng không thiếu những kẻ ngốc cùng với vài câu chuyện tầm phào

19. They have people hanging about outside on the pavement trying to entice gullible idiots in.

20. Getting Clowned by these idiots actually makes me feel better about the deal, haha

21. There are too many radio shows featuring idiots who call in and talk trash all day.

22. Synonyms for Buffoons include blockheads, dolts, dunces, fools, idiots, nincompoops, chumps, donkeys, dope and dullards

23. The cops are going through all of the maps and documents you idiots left behind.

Bọn cớm đang soi bản đồ và tài liệu mà lũ ngu chúng mày bỏ lại.

24. And as for the gawping idiots - haven't you thought how useful a little judicious publicity could be?

25. 14 Our boyfriend's clothes make us look elfin & gorgeous. Guys look like complete idiots in ours.

26. In the way someone moves or speaks: The players look like Bumbling idiots on the field

27. Why was I cursed in my old age... with a nutty daughter and slack-twisted idiots?

Tại sao tuổi già của tôi lại bị nguyền rủa bởi một đứa con gái gàn bướng và mấy thằng ngu ngốc bạc nhược?

28. 🔊 Because the police department is comprised of idiots, it will probably Bungle the simple case

29. And that ass Madero wanted to give the government and our land to idiots like this.

Và tên khốn Madero đó muốn chúng ta giao chính quyền và đất đai cho một lũ ngốc như vậy.

30. Many, many years ago, one of my teachers delighted in calling his less intellectually gifted pupils “Chuckleheaded idiots

31. The idea that anyone can use drugs and escape a horrible fate is anathema to these idiots

32. If you get incensed and act like an idiot, now there are too many idiots on the road.

33. Balkanizers = Enemies of the United States or Useful Idiots The agenda of Balkanization is therefore to transform a unified country into …

34. 28 He says that every business move is a calculated risk, but gambling is for idiots who believe in luck.

35. Some people – idiots – claim that Meghan is lying about her passport being Confiscated because derp, she traveled internationally as a duchess.

36. 8 While the foreign 3 Idiots was a box-office monster, 19 a China-backed war docudrama starring hometown celebrity Jackie Chan,( bombed.

37. They believe that Astrologers are frauds and they ‘make it all up.’ Alternatively they believe Astrologers are well-meaning idiots, along with astrology believers.

38. And while I agree that Trump and Giuliani may be useful to Russia, they aren't idiots on this front -- no one is duping

39. I always figured they got into their parents'wagon and went cruising up their main drag playing loud banjo music and acting like idiots.

Tôi cứ nghĩ là họ nhảy lên chiếc xe ngựa của cha mẹ và chạy nhong nhong trên đường cái chơi nhạc banjo ầm ĩ và quậy như những tên ngốc.

40. Balkanizers, who include white nationalists on one side and purveyors of Critical Race Theory on the other, are useful idiots for foreign and domestic …

41. But, because so many ignorant idiots have used "Conversate," a non-word, recently, to placate the Idiots that cannot speak American English properly, even though it is their only language, due to a lack of education, plain stupidity, or some idea that they can just change words anytime they want, and make up some

42. Anarchist First of all you all are the idiots. Anarchists are not people who blow up bombs or pretend to be hardcore just for attention or to make people pissed

43. Bitcoin Is a Good Idea but Almost All Bitcoiners Are Idiots, Says Nassim Taleb Jun 22 2020 · 17:45 UTC Updated Jun 22 2020 · 19:49 by Christopher Hamman · …

44. The “Brilliant Idiots” podcast co-host stated that he “never had an issue with him” but Cuttingly noted, “I do feel like he was born to play this role though.” “Wow.

45. Balkanizers = Enemies of the United States or Useful Idiots The agenda of Balkanization is therefore to transform a unified country into a squabbling aggregation of different racial, religious, and ethnic groups.

46. "The phenomenal success of 3 Idiots in upcoming markets like Korea, Hong Kong is truly a testimony of the fact that good content is universally acceptable," says VidhuVinod Chopra, producer of the film.

47. Copies of 3 Idiots are available at every street corner DVD retailer worth his Hollywood films, for the movie has not only caught eyeballs but also the hearts of millions across China.

48. Bitcoin Is a Good Idea but Almost All BitCoiners Are Idiots, Says Nassim Taleb Jun 22 2020 · 17:45 UTC Updated Jun 22 2020 · 19:49 by Christopher Hamman · …

49. Balkanizers, who include white nationalists on one side and purveyors of Critical Race Theory on the other, are useful idiots for foreign and domestic enemies of the United States who would like: 6

50. He was aware that this was a view that conflicted with that of many of the higher-ranking IceWings that actually lived in the kingdom, but if you asked Brumal, it didn't matter- those dragons are pompous, self-absorbed sheltered idiots