Nghĩa của từ hospitalization bằng Tiếng Việt

(sự) điều trị tại bệnh việ

Đặt câu có từ "hospitalization"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "hospitalization", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ hospitalization, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ hospitalization trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt

1. The doctor advised hospitalization for the child.

2. This year hospitalization insurance policy how?

3. Hospitalization is necessary in severe cases.

4. Hospitalization has an advantage over home care.

5. Occa-sionally hospitalization is required to combat dehydration.

6. Method educate the patients during hospitalization and after discharge.

7. Unfortunately, she occasionally relapses, requiring short-term hospitalization.

8. Conclusion:The hospitalization fastigium of psychiatric correlated with season.

9. Further residential treatment after hospitalization may be indicated.

10. During the hospitalization, recurrent sepsis and candidiasis occurred.

11. Do you require medical, hospitalization and repatriation expenses cover?

12. *Active Cases include both community Cases and hospitalizations **Zone of current hospitalization and current ICU admission based on location of hospitalization, not zone of patient residence

13. Admission day got straight linear correlation with hospitalization expenditure.

14. Results Hospitalization expense standard of 10 diseases are developed.

15. Cases of major burns require medical treatment and hospitalization.

16. An amenable hospitalization should not result in untimely death.

17. Backache Causes of re-hospitalization were vomiting, headache and Backache

18. All patients were studied when acute Akinesia led to hospitalization.

19. In those with very high levels hospitalization may be required.

Ở những người có mức độ nhập viện rất cao có thể được yêu cầu.

20. Risk of COVID-19 hospitalization and death by Age group

21. Hospitalization for Adhf is independently associated with increased mortality risk

22. Would lawmakers mandate hospitalization for intractable nausea and vomiting during pregnancy?

23. 16 What are the causes of unexpected hospitalization following ambulatory surgery?

24. Cystitis is not a diagnosis that warrants hospitalization in and of itself

25. Our asthma hospitalization rate is seven times higher than the national average.

Tỉ lệ hen suyễn phải nhập viện của chúng tôi cao hơn gấp 7 lần trung bình cả nước.

26. The following day his chest got considerably worse and this led to his hospitalization.

27. His skull was seriously fractured with a brick, requiring emergency treatment and hospitalization.

Anh bị đập gạch vào đầu khiến sọ bị rạn, phải đi cấp cứu và nhập viện.

28. Suffering from gastroenteritis requiring hospitalization, he left the race a few days later.

Bị viêm dạ dày ruột đòi hỏi phải nhập viện, anh rời cuộc đua vài ngày sau đó.

29. The child, facing stress of hospitalization, used coping behaviors included regression and escapism.

30. The inpatient office inputs patient's related information on computer and offers hospitalization record.

31. Anticoagulant use, mainly heparin, reduced all-cause mortality in COVID-19 patients during hospitalization

32. An estimated 8,000 to 18,000 cases a year in the United States require hospitalization.

Ước tính có khoảng 8.000 đến 18.000 trường hợp mỗi năm tại Hoa Kỳ mà phải nhập viện.

33. After hospitalization and the collapse of Fascism, he joined the resistance against the German occupation.

Sau thời gian nhập viện và sự sụp đổ của chế độ phát xít, ông theo phe kháng chiến chống lại quân Đức chiếm đóng.

34. In addition all hospitalization /medical costs associated with an inpatient are met by National Insurance.

35. She went four more years without hospitalization, but the stress of academic life came crashing down once again.

36. The treatment of Bowel obstruction relies basically on the cause, but the patient mostly requires hospitalization.

37. * For some people outpatient treatment works, but when withdrawal symptoms are severe, hospitalization may be necessary.

* Việc điều trị ngoại trú thành công đối với một số người, nhưng khi những “hội chứng cai” trở nên dữ dội, có lẽ cần phải đưa người đó vào bệnh viện.

38. Government would bear expenses upto one lakh rupees for the poor, towards meeting the cost of hospitalization.

39. The total direct medical cost attributable to Adhf hospitalization in the United States is estimated to be

40. The results showed an extended time of surgery and a prolonged hospitalization of 5.4 days for the ALIF group.

41. And they just said that I was really defensive; that was a character flaw, so I needed more hospitalization.

42. The typical AIDS patient comes into his office at least once a month, needing tests, treatments, even hospitalization.

43. The cost of heart failure is 37 billion dollars a year, which is 80 percent related to hospitalization.

Chi phí chữa suy tim là 37 tỉ đô la một năm, chiếm 80% việc nằm viện.

44. The first three doses of acellular pertussis vaccine are the most critical in reducing infant mortality and hospitalization rates.

45. The aim of the contract is to decrease costs for surgical therapies by abolishing or at least minimizing hospitalization of patients.

46. Apparently, mental illness is one of the few diseases requiring hospitalization where those afflicted are released before they are cured.

47. Naturally, the psychiatrist will turn to solutions that he or she identifies with and knows best-diagnosis, drugs and hospitalization.

48. Up to 40 % of young children with their first RSV infection will develop noticeable wheezing , and up to 2 % will require hospitalization .

Đến 40% trẻ em bị nhiễm RSV lần đầu sẽ trở nên khò khè có thể nghe thấy được , và đến 2% cần phải nhập viện .

49. The Beachcomber is an addiction treatment center that offers residential, partial hospitalization program (PHP) and outpatient services for alcohol and drug addiction

50. Logistic regression identified the factors significantly associated with catheter-related Bacteriuria: hospitalization on the orthopedic (RR=51.0) or urologic (RR=4.0) service,