Nghĩa của từ hellenistic bằng Tiếng Việt

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Đặt câu có từ "hellenistic"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "hellenistic", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ hellenistic, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ hellenistic trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt

1. Immorality was rife in the Hellenistic world.

Luân lý đồi bại lan tràn khắp xã hội Hy Lạp cổ xưa.

2. Depicted here is an ancient Hellenistic alabaster flask from Egypt.

3. In Hellenistic cities, public Basilicas appeared in the 2nd century BC.

4. Merely to breathe in the Hellenistic period involved absorption of Greek culture!”

Chỉ cần sống trong thời kỳ văn hóa Hy Lạp là hấp thụ nền văn hóa Hy Lạp!”

5. A very popular size, at least in the Hellenistic age, was 130 tons.

6. A few hundred years after Democritus, the Hellenistic era revived the Atomist philosophy

7. The use of Official Aramaic continued during the Hellenistic period (323-30 B.C.E.).

8. The Athens committee had split right down the middle.half Apollonistic, half Hellenistic

9. Attalids: name of the Hellenistic dynasty that ruled Pergamon between 283 and 129 BCE

10. In the Hellenistic period the Achaean League used a Koina with a Doric base

11. The waters emanated from Greece, and Judaism emerged from them with a Hellenistic garment.

12. Anacreontics, poems in the style of Anacreon, were written from Hellenistic to late Byzantine

13. The decorations on the walls of the Adytum bear the characteristics of the Early Hellenistic period.

14. From Hellenistic Greek ἄχρονος without time (from ancient Greek ἀ- + χρόνος time) + -ism, originally punningly after anAchronism.

15. 14 Seen in comparison with the preceding axial age,[] the Hellenistic age is tame and conservative.

16. The primary accounts, coming from Hellenistic writers, also heavily influenced the places included in the wonders list.

17. Antiochus IV Epiphanes was a king from the Seleucid dynasty, which ruled the Hellenistic Syrian Empire

18. Definition of Attalid : a member of a Hellenistic dynasty that ruled Pergamum from about 283 to 133 b.c.

19. The Achaean League was a Hellenistic-era confederation of city states in Achaea, founded in 280/281 BC

20. This is a comprehensive political and cultural history of the Hellenistic Attalid dynasty established in 282 B.C

21. In this way, we point out the transition of Platonism theological concept during the Hellenistic and early Christian period.

22. Video summary:The Siege of Bactra was a siege of the Hellenistic period that lasted from 208 to 206 BC

23. Baalbek This Phoenician city, where a triad of deities was worshipped, was known as Heliopolis during the Hellenistic period

24. 15 The Essenes were not only greatly inclined to apocalyptic views and legalism, but they were frantically anti-Hellenistic.

25. These documents attest to what was a widespread practice from the Sumerian period down to the late Hellenistic period in Egypt.

Những văn tự này chứng thật đã từng có một thực hành phổ thông ở Ai Cập từ thời kỳ Sumer mãi cho đến giai đoạn chót của thời kỳ Hy Lạp.

26. Discussions, Aggadot are far more likely to include Greek loan words, and are more likely to evidence other forms of hellenistic influence14)

27. - Herods' love of Hellenistic culture and his desire to introduce it to the Jewish nation is illustrated clearly by the theater at Caesarea

28. Derived from the work of Hellenistic craftsmen working in Asia Minor, the Arabesque originally included birds in a highly naturalistic setting

29. Abstract: In this paper, I explore the literary aesthetics of Attalid Pergamon, one of the Ptolemies’ fiercest cultural rivals in the Hellenistic period.

30. It explains that the creation of cities in Bactria is represented by Ai Khanum for the Hellenistic period and Termez for the Great Kushans

31. Attalid a member of a Hellenistic dynasty named after Attalus I (reigned 241–197 bc), which flourished in the 3rd and 2nd centuries bc

32. : In the third century BC, the Attalid dynasts of Pergamon in north-western Asia Minor were relatively minor players in Hellenistic great-power politics

33. In the third century BC, the Attalid dynasts of Pergamon in north-western Asia Minor were relatively minor players in Hellenistic great-power politics

34. From post-classical Latin Acronyctus or its etymon Hellenistic Greek ἀκρόνυκτος rising at sunset, in opposition (from ancient Greek ἀκρο- + νυκτ-, νύξ see nycti-) + -ous.

35. English: The Attalid dynasty was a Hellenistic dynasty that ruled the city of Pergamon after the death of Lysimachus, a general of Alexander the Great

36. The greatest number of inscription fragments was found in the area of the so-called Esplanade, identified as the older, Hellenistic agora of the city.

37. The first Clerestory appeared in the temples of ancient Egypt, then were used in the Hellenistic culture, from where it were taken by the ancient Romans

38. Maresha was first excavated in 1898-1900 by Bliss and Macalister, who uncovered a planned and fortified Hellenistic city encircled by a town wall with towers.

Maresha lần đầu tiên được khai quật vào năm 1898-1900 bởi Bliss và Macalister, người phát hiện ra bức tường bao quanh với tháp canh thời Kỳ Hellenistic.

39. Some of the Confiscated Greek Hellenistic and early Islamic coins that were seized in 2017 and transferred recently to the University of Washington Libraries Special Collections

40. (Matthew 14:6-10) The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia (1979 edition) provides this insight: “The pre-Hellenistic Greeks celebrated the birthdays of gods and prominent men.

Sách International Standard Bible Encyclopedia (Bách khoa tự điển Kinh-thánh tiêu chuẩn quốc tế, ấn bản 1979) cho chúng ta sự hiểu biết sâu sắc này: “Người Hy Lạp thời tiền cổ cử hành sinh nhật của các thần thánh và những người có thanh thế.

41. The Alexandria Center for Hellenistic Studies was established as a joint collaboration between the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, the Onassis Foundation, the Vardinoyannis Foundation, and the Alexandria University

42. Achaean League - The Achaean League (Greek: Κοινὸν τῶν Ἀχαιῶν, Koinon ton Akhaion 'League of Achaeans') was a Hellenistic-era confederation of Greek city states on the northern

43. The treatise is not a compendium of all that the Hellenistic mathematicians knew at the time about geometry; Euclid himself wrote eight more advanced books on geometry.

44. From post-classical Latin Acronyctus or its etymon Hellenistic Greek ἀκρόνυκτος rising at sunset, in opposition (from ancient Greek ἀκρο- + νυκτ-, νύξ see nycti-) + -ous.

45. The Achaean League or the League of Achaeans was a union of Greek city-states from the Central Peloponnese and Northern part of Greece during the Hellenistic era

46. The Sasanians saw themselves as successors of the Achaemenids, after the Hellenistic and Parthian interlude, and believed that it was their destiny to restore the greatness of Persia.

Nhà Sassanids tự coi mình là những người kế thừa của nhà Achaemenid, sau thời kì gián đoạn bởi người Hy Lạp và Parthia, và tin rằng số mệnh của họ là khôi phục lại sự vĩ đại của Ba Tư.

47. Aristarchian symbols are editorial marks developed during the Hellenistic period and the early Roman empire for annotating then-ancient Greek texts – mainly the works of Homer

48. The fountain on a side wall contains a grotto and a figure which follows a Hellenistic prototype most familiar in the Sleeping Ariadne of the Vatican.

Đài phun nước trên một bức tường có một hốc và một hình vẽ theo nguyên mẫu Hy Lạp quen thuộc Sleeping Ariadne tại Bảo tàng Vatican.

49. The cult-site wasestablished in the fourth century BCE and renovated twice in the Hellenistic period - by Philetairos (283-263 BCE), founder of the Attalid dynasty, and by Queen

50. Alexander the Great, king of Macedonia (336–323 BCE), who overthrew the Persian empire, carried Macedonian arms to India, and laid the foundations for the Hellenistic world of territorial kingdoms