Nghĩa của từ habitable bằng Tiếng Việt

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Đặt câu có từ "habitable"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "habitable", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ habitable, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ habitable trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt

1. Their damp drafty house was scarcely habitable.

2. The room was barely habitable.

3. About £000 buys a habitable house.

4. The houses were not considered habitable.

5. This area is no longer habitable.

6. This house is no longer habitable.

7. So how does earth’s biosphere remain healthy and habitable?

Vậy, làm thế nào bầu sinh quyển trái đất vẫn lành mạnh và thích hợp cho sự sống?

8. As soon as the new building's habitable.

9. Two habitable modules were built, named LM1 and LM2.

10. It's a backwater system, with two suns, one habitable planet.

Nó là hệ thiên hà với hai mặt trời, một hành tinh sống được.

11. Making the house habitable was a major undertaking.

12. If they melted, could Mars become a habitable place?

13. The house should be habitable by the new year.

14. They've done their best to make the house habitable.

15. Conditions on Titan could become far more habitable in the far future.

Các điều kiện trên Titan có thể trở nên thích hợp hơn cho sự sống trong tương lai.

16. Modular tenon and slot mortise building blocks for habitable shelters

17. There are so many planets out there, some of them habitable.

18. Inside was a habitable volume of just under six cubic metres.

19. It would cost a fortune to make the place habitable.

20. This process of constructing habitable environments on Mars can be begun at once.

21. Two rooms are habitable, with a battered fridge, bedding, sofa, and gas-stove.

22. 156 Betrumpeted and *Beshouted from end to end of the habitable globe

23. There are already plans to renovate the buildings and make them habitable.

24. Disrupting the pavement also allows sand dunes to drift into habitable areas.

25. Some areas of the country are just too cold to be habitable.

26. A lot of improvements would have to be made before the building was habitable.

27. Kepler-438b, Earth-sized habitable zone planet with a very active host star.

28. The Awoken were once of an organic race that inhabited unknown habitable world

29. Many inner cities that were once treated as war zones have become pleasant and habitable again.

30. Furthermore, the deliberate clearing of vegetation by Māori reduced the habitable range for kakapo.

31. They have washed up on a shingle strand beside a lonely and barely habitable estancia.

32. To be habitable by humans, a planet needs an atmosphere with a particular mix of gases.

33. The villas themselves looked better than before, deserted except for the few that were privately owned and still habitable.

34. 11 They have washed up on a shingle strand beside a lonely and barely habitable estancia.

35. Japan is mostly mountainous and has a only a relatively narrow strip of habitable land along the coasts.

36. Men from the Royal Engineers and local contractors have been working around the clock to make the barracks habitable.

37. His proclamation that the moon might be habitable was bound to attract criticism from Aristotelian diehards such as Alexander Ross.

38. As scientists look deeper into the universe for signs of other, potentially habitable worlds, Auroras are one clue they examine.

39. Colonize is a ship ability that starts a new colony on a habitable planet that has not been Colonized yet

40. Airlocks are used in spacecraft and space stations, to maintain the habitable environment when persons are exiting or entering the craft

41. So, we have a way of turning sand into sandstone, and then creating these habitable spaces inside of the desert dunes.

Vậy, chúng ta đã có 1 cách để biến cát thành sa thạch, và tạo ra những không gian sinh hoạt bên trong những cồn cát,

42. Published in the September Global Ecology and Biogeography, the maps show that in 1700, humans had already penetrated almost every habitable area.

43. Astrobiology encompasses the search for habitable environments in our Solar System and on planets around other stars; the search for evidence of prebiotic chemistry

44. Bonfires must be at least 100 feet away from habitable structures and a minimum of 50 feet away from vehicles, public roads, other structures, plants and vegetation

45. Up to $100 cash back  · It’s the responsibility of an Astert home architect to transform human needs and desires into visual concepts and habitable structures

46. More of these "Earth 0" candidates are likely to be confirmed in the near future, though a redefinition of the habitable zone's boundaries has brought that number down to

47. It is one among eight new potentially habitable planets, including some close to Earth in size and situation, which were announced at the recent meeting of meeting of the American Astronomical Society.

48. The Belgae system is located in the Spinward sector of the Deep Periphery close to the Dania and Thasos systems and was home to between one and three habitable planets.

49. Indeed, earlier this year, researchers at a meeting of the American Astronomical Society announced that they had discovered eight new potentially habitable planets, including some close to Earth in size and situation.

50. Ptolemy-Beta is the first habitable planet of the system; water rich and tropically hot this agri-world with its three growing seasons easily feeds the teeming hives of Alexandretta, or Ptolemy-Gamma.