Nghĩa của từ graduate student bằng Tiếng Việt

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Đặt câu có từ "graduate student"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "graduate student", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ graduate student, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ graduate student trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt

1. Family and Graduate Student Apartments

2. Before submitting your work, note that The Crambo is a graduate student literary journal that exclusively features graduate student work.

3. Borith Long, Hokkaido University, Civil Engineering Department, Graduate Student

4. Ambier Williams, Grand Canyon University, Professional Counseling Department, Graduate Student

5. This is a graph from one of my graduate students, former graduate student.

Đây là một đồ thị của một cựu sinh viên sau đại học của tôi.

6. The UM Graduate Student Colloquium in Applied Linguistics and TESOL The Colloquium / GSCALT

7. The Crambo is a graduate-student run publication at Kennesaw State University in Georgia

8. Aggry Faldo, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Yogyakarta, Fakultas Teknologi Mineral Department, Graduate Student

9. Ari Blaff is a freelance journalist and a graduate student at the University of Toronto

10. This is actuated with a method that we call in my lab "graduate student with tweezers."

11. 12 Dual personality: untamed nature, meek, the art college China painting research direction graduate student graduates.

12. The Graduate School is currently seeking a graduate student for an Assistantship in recruitment and communication

13. The Curtailment does not apply to academic employees, including graduate student researchers and postdocs, and student employees

14. Curriculum Vitae - Jan 2019 Alese Wooditch CV Wooditch 2 PEER-REVIEWED JOURNAL ARTICLES * Graduate student coauthor 27

15. Many ACSD research scientists are graduate student supervisors, adjunct professors, or have other teaching responsibilities with universities.

16. Baggie nyande, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Graduate Student

17. However, as with all Assignments, this assignment reflects the language policies of my circumstances as a graduate student

18. IPEDS includes 2nd Baccalaureates in undergraduate student enrollment, whereas the campus includes 2nd Baccalaureates in postbaccalaureate (graduate) student enrollment

19. IPEDS includes 2nd Baccalaureates in undergraduate student enrollment, whereas the campus includes 2nd Baccalaureates in postbaccalaureate (graduate) student enrollment

20. A graduate student from Coquitlam, British Columbia, Bowering is also 14th on Drexel's career scoring list with 156 points

21. Graduate Assistantships offer a professional, productive, and rewarding component of the total academic program and experience of a graduate student

22. A research Assistantship (RA) is an appointment in which a graduate student is engaged in research under a faculty member’s supervision

23. Aimed at the research scientist, graduate student, medical reseacher and other professionals, these books are highly recommended for all Bacteriology libraries.

24. "The Ruination of the Athenian Acropoleis." Thinking about Things, graduate student conference, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, May 2010

25. Ellen Page as Ariadne, a graduate student of architecture who is recruited to construct the various dreamscapes, which are described as mazes.

Ellen Page vai Ariadne, một sinh viên kiến trúc được tuyển mộ để thiết kế khung cảnh trong giấc mơ, được mô tả như các mê cung.

26. In 1952, while still a graduate student at Harvard, he served as a consultant to the director of the Psychological Strategy Board.

Năm 1952, khi còn là sinh viên tốt nghiệp tại Harvard, ông làm cố vấn cho giám đốc của Ban chiến lược tâm lý.

27. Such interdisciplinary co-operation in teaching and supervision is particularly valuable, as indeed is the international composition of the graduate student body.

28. Assistantship definition is - a paid appointment awarded annually to a qualified graduate student that requires part-time teaching, research, or residence hall duties.

29. Tyler Gwozdz, a psychology graduate student from Boca Raton, Florida, who appeared on the most recent season of "The Bachelorette," has died, …

30. The post-graduate student responded that he had stolen the Afikoman and would not return it until the Rabbi would grant him a blessing.

31. An Assistantship is a financial award to a graduate student for part-time work in teaching or research while pursuing study toward an advanced degree

32. So this is Aaron, the graduate student in question, with the tweezers, and what you see is this four-millimeter-sized mechanism jumping almost 40 centimeters high.

Đây là Aaron, chàng sinh viên băn khoăn cùng những cái nhíp, và những gì bạn thấy là kết cấu kích thước bốn milimét nhảy cao khoảng 40 centimét.

33. The Criminology Department sponsors several student organizations: Alpha Phi Sigma, the Criminology Association, the Criminology Graduate Student Organization and the IUP Chapter of the Pennsylvania Prison Society

34. Helgason's graduate student, Sigridur Sunna Ebenesersdottir, found that she could trace the matrilineal sequence to a date far earlier than when the first Asians began arriving in Iceland.

35. According to team member Samuel Belknap III, a graduate student at the University of Maine, Orono, it is the earliest incontrovertible evidence for domestic dogs in the New World.

36. Elio's father, a professor of archaeology, invites a 24-year-old Jewish-American graduate student, Oliver, to live with the family over the summer and help with his academic paperwork.

Cha cậu, một giáo sư khảo cổ học, mời một sinh viên người Mỹ Do Thái, Oliver, đến sống với gia đình mình vào mùa hè năm 1983 và hỗ trợ anh việc học hành.

37. Each graduate student in the program receives an annual teaching assistantship to work with faculty in the MA Visual and Critical Studies, MFA Fine Arts, and MA Curatorial Practice programs.

38. Research Assistantships link a graduate student with a faculty member on a meaningful research project, which may lead to a presentation at a conference, a joint publication or other significant professional

39. 23 Fang Kun, a third-year graduate student at Peking University, agreed with Xu. "I hope the college can give students more concrete instructions on how to lead a healthy sex life after graduation."

40. The Graduate Division is committed to expanding the diversity of Berkeley’s graduate student body and creating an inclusive environment where all graduate students have the tools, resources, and community of support they need to thrive.

41. Satish Dhawan Graduate Endowment Fellowship Programme” at the California Institute of Technology under which, one meritorious graduate student from the Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology will pursue a masters program in Aerospace Engineering at Caltech.

42. The Bruin Grad Pass is valid for each quarter that the graduate student is enrolled and paying fees (excluding summer quarter), and the current referendum sunsets in three academic years (includes AY 20-21, 21-22, and 22-23)

43. As a graduate student, your Culminating project, whether it is a thesis, starred paper, creative work, portfolio, or dissertation, is a demonstration of your ability to research, analyze, integrate, synthesize, and reflect your expertise in your chosen field of study.

44. The Bassoonist, who is a sought-after soloist and chamber musician, began his studies with LEiszlE Hara in Helsinki, continuing on as a post-graduate student at the Hanns Eisler Academy of Music in Berlin, where he studied with Klaus Thunemann

45. Angelical Martin enjoys the collaborative exchange of knowledge and ideas in the scientific field, but as a second-year Duke University graduate student studying cellular and molecular biology, the Detroit native is often left feeling isolated and unable to relate to her peers.

46. Graduate Jazz Arranging (MUJS 5760), however, is open to any graduate student at UNT who is able to submit a substantive writing portfolio or pass the Arranging Continuation Exam (ACE) whether or not the applicant has taken the junior level Arranging courses (3610-20)

47. The Auroral Oval Using data from the IGY All-Sky cameras, a Japanese graduate student, Shun-ichi Akasofu, was one of the first to understand that the global aurora in the North was an oval of light surrounding the north magnetic pole: the Auroral oval.

48. Brainy and the Greater NYC Chapter of the Society for Neuroscience invite young brain enthusiasts to join the Brainy Bunch! The Brainy Bunch is an open, virtual journal club (a meeting to discuss scientific papers) co-led by two students (high school and/or early college), coordinated and mentored by a graduate student, postdoc, or research staff.

49. ‘He Beguiles his friends and infuriates his enemies, to the point where they can hardly mention his name.’ ‘He was a typical graduate student in that he loved to deconstruct everything, and I was particularly beguiled by his amazing ability to take any issue and argue all points of view whether or not he agreed with any of it.’

50. Feminist Studies Issue 45:1 excerpt: "The latest issue of Feminist Studies opens with Stephanie Yingyi Wang's ethnographic study of Companionate same-gender partnerships that appear to fulfill traditional familial expectations but actually create new family structures." Stephanie Yingyi Wang is a graduate student in the Department of Gender, Women, & Sexuality Studies at the University of