Nghĩa của từ glacier bằng Tiếng Việt

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Đặt câu có từ "glacier"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "glacier", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ glacier, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ glacier trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt

1. The name of the glacier these caves are formed in is the Sandy Glacier.

Tên của loại sông băng mà bên trong nó các hang động được tạo ra được gọi là Sông Băng Cát.

2. So what is a glacier?

Vậy thì mảng sông băng là gì?

3. And the same glacier today.

Và cũng con sông băng đó ngày nay.

4. The landforms produced by the Wenkchemna Glacier include rock glacier features, such as arcuate ridges of debris, as well as hummocky ablation moraines typical of glacier stagnation.

5. Soon after this point, the glacier joins the adjacent Kautz Glacier at 8,600 feet (2,600 m).

6. Kvitøya is 99.3% covered by glacier.

Kvitøya bị sông băng bao phủ 99,3% diện tích.

7. Aconcagua Polish Glacier Direct with Traverse

8. Keywords: largest valley glacier of the Alps, medial moraines, ice avalanches from a hanging glacier on the Mönch.

9. Winter recreation in Glacier is limited.

Mùa đông, các hoạt động vui chơi giải trí tại Glacier bị hạn chế.

10. IRONWOOD Glacier™ Library Study Carrel

11. Glacier Bargello Bruxelles, Regione di Bruxelles-Capitale

12. But the Kangshung glacier, too, was deserted.

13. Our goal was to get as close as possible to LeConte Glacier, the southernmost active tidewater glacier in the Northern Hemisphere.

14. Stereo anaglyph image of Thomson Glacier (centre) and White Glacier (left, red-blue or red-cyan glasses needed), photos taken in August 1977 from points about 1km SSW of the summit of White Glacier Hill.

15. Crevasses on the Upper Price Glacier of Mt

16. Aerial view of Baby Glacier, August 8th, 1977.

17. 10 Our goal was to get as close as possible to LeConte Glacier, the southernmost active tidewater glacier in the Northern Hemisphere.

18. The best bit was walking along the glacier.

19. 22 Our goal was to get as close as possible to LeConte Glacier, the southernmost active tidewater glacier in the Northern Hemisphere.

20. The mountain itself is covered by a glacier.

Ngọn núi lửa được bao phủ bởi một lớp băng.

21. Crevasses are cracks or fractures that open in the surface of a moving glacier in response to stress variations caused by glacier flow

22. Crevasses are cracks that form in glacier ice when the glacier is put under too much stress for it to deform by flowing

23. Aerial view of the tongue and terminal moraine of White Glacier (left and centre; July 2th, 2008) and Thompson Glacier (behind and on the right).

24. Glacier Sorbet, Ecuador.Locals who live near the Chimborazo volcano trudge up to the summit regularly to cut off 50 kg blocks of glacier ice.

25. Transverse Crevasses occur where the grade of the glacier bed becomes suddenly steeper; longitudinal Crevasses, where the glacier spreads over a wider valley or plain

26. The Calving margin of Perito Moreno Glacier in Argentinean Patagonia.

27. Behind Crusoe Peak is the accumulation area of Crusoe Glacier.

28. Lateral moraines are formed on the sides of the glacier.

Băng tích mặt bên được hình thành ở các mặt bên của sông băng.

29. The Stubai glacier is another good bet for summer skiing.

30. Huge glacier table on a middle moraine of Vadret Pers.

31. Andermatt has spring-like conditions, skiing on the glacier only.

32. A=Bas d’Arolla O=Otemma Bas D’Arolla Glacier is one of the glaciers where the terminus is monitored annually by the Swiss Glacier Monitoring Network (SCNAT)

33. The trail traverses several glacier moraines and many river crossings.

34. The rock broke from a cliff southeast of Glacier Point.

35. View towards the accumulation area of Crusoe Glacier (top right).

36. Glacier Bursts in India, Leaving More Than 100 Missing in Floods

37. Climates were warm, with no evidence of a glacier having appeared.

Khí hậu khi đó ấm áp, do không có chứng cứ cho thấy có sự tồn tại của sự đóng băng.

38. They made their assault on the south face of the glacier.

39. Taylor Glacier, its snout reddened by iron, drains into Lake Bonney.

40. Official archaeology views it as the chance remains of a glacier.

41. Bas d’Arolla Glacier in Landsat images from 1990, 2001 and 2017

42. The Aletsch Glacier resulted from the accumulation and compaction of snow.

43. New!!: Mittelaletsch Glacier and Aletschhorn · See more » Bernese Alps

44. Other minor ice caps on the island include the Mal'yutka Glacier.

Các chỏm băng nhỏ khác trên đảo gồm có sông băng Mal'yutka.

45. Calving is most common when a glacier flows into water (i.e

46. Crevasses form because the glacier is flowing over a rough uneven surface.

47. The four youngest glacier stages (IV-I) are of a Historical age.

48. Crevasses form because the glacier is flowing over a rough uneven surface

49. Here is what's been happening year by year to the Columbia Glacier.

Đây là những gì diễn ra hằng năm với Sông Băng Columbia.

50. This compression is seen when the glacier calves, creating a blue iceberg.

Sự nén này được thấy khi sông băng đó vỡ ra, tạo thành những khối băng nổi màu xanh da trời.