Nghĩa của từ genetic material bằng Tiếng Việt

vật liệu di truyền, nguyên liệu di truyề

Đặt câu có từ "genetic material"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "genetic material", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ genetic material, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ genetic material trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt

1. Acknowledging presence of foreign genetic material.

Xác nhận được sự hiện diện mẫu gen chủng loại khác. Oh.

2. The genetic material has suffered a mutation.

3. Secondly, of course, fertilisation adds genetic material.

4. A Chimeric antibody is an antibody made by combining genetic material from a nonhuman source, like a mouse, with genetic material from a human being

5. "Genetic resources" means genetic material of actual or potential value.

6. The genetic material of a cell from a cystic fibrosis patient, for example, can be transferred into an unfertilised egg cell with its own genetic material removed.

7. Chromatin is a highly compressed and compactified form of genetic material

8. Examples of such genetic material include, but are not limited to: cell nuclei (for Cloning), oocyte nuclei, ooplasm, which contains mitochondria and genetic material contained in a genetic vector

9. Capsid: Capsid protects the genetic material of the virus inside the host

10. Chiasmata play an important role in the process of replicating genetic material

11. Genetic material which is capable of passing on traits to the Cell’s offspring.

12. The more violent the oscillations the greater the amount of parasitic genetic material.

13. A cApsid is the protein shell of a virus, enclosing its genetic material

14. The Cytoplasm is a mode of transport for genetic material inside the cell

15. Potassium Bromate also has the potential to disrupt the genetic material within cells

16. Metagenomics is the study of metagenomes, genetic material recovered directly from environmental samples.

Metagenomics là nghiên cứu về metagenomes, nhằm thu vật liệu di truyền trực tiếp từ các mẫu trong môi trường.

17. Bacteria that can take up free, extracellular genetic material are known as Competent cells.

18. This so-called parasitic genetic material turns out to serve a useful evolutionary function.

19. The Capsid is made up of proteins and it protects the genetic material of the

20. An RNA virus is a virus that has RNA (ribonucleic acid) as its genetic material.

Virus RNA là một loại virus có RNA (axit ribonucleic) làm chất liệu di truyền của nó.

21. However, there was considerable reluctance to accept the conclusion that DNA was the genetic material.

Tuy vậy, vẫn có sự miễn cưỡng khi phải chấp nhận kết luận DNA là vật liệu di truyền.

22. This experiment provided additional evidence that DNA, not protein, was the genetic material of life.

Thí nghiệm này đã cung cấp thêm bằng chứng là DNA - chứ không phải protein - là bộ gene.

23. This is to protect the genetic material of the cell from adverse conditions of environment .

24. I am bound to the unknown and neglected Stuart-Murrays by spiralling tapeworms of genetic material.

25. Chromatin: Chromatin allows the genetic material to be packed into the nucleus while regulating the gene

26. Variations occur within a population, explicable as genetic mutations or the results of mixing of genetic material.

27. Bacteria can conjugate sexually and exchange genetic material through a connecting tube that forms between two cells.

28. Fears of Biopiracy, loosely defined as any unauthorized acquisition or transport of genetic material or live flora …

29. During spore formation bacteria form an impermeable coat around the genetic material and some protoplasm ( Fig . 5 ) .

30. In Chromosomal_crossovers, non-sister (homologous) Chromatids form chiasmata to exchange genetic material during the prophase I of meiosis.

31. In such cases, the IGC would need to address issues of co-rights where genetic material was commingled.

32. What Is Chromatin? Chromatin is a genetic material or a macromolecule comprising of DNA, RNA, and associated proteins, which constitute chromosomes in the nucleus of an eukaryotic cell. Also Read: Genetic Material- DNA vs RNA This Chromatin is located within the cell nucleus.

33. It is believed that both cancer and aging are caused by alterations in the DNA molecule , the genetic material .

34. The patients are producing molecules called “ Autoantibodies ” that target genetic material from human cells, instead of from the virus

35. In vertebrates, polyploidy tends to be lethal, but plants can do just fine with all this extra genetic material.

36. The Antiparallel strands of DNA include the two strands, these strands of the genetic material run Antiparallel to one another

37. It is one one- hundredth of one percent of genetic material that makes the difference between any one of us.

Chỉ 0, 1% chất liệu gen tạo nên sự khác biệt giữa bất kỳ người nào trong chúng ta.

38. Wilmut fused the udder cell with an egg from another sheep, after first removing all genetic material from the egg.

39. What is Aneuploidy? Chromosomes contain large amounts of a baby's genetic material, which is what makes us who we are

40. It is one one-hundredth of one percent of genetic material that makes the difference between any one of us.

Chỉ 0,1% chất liệu gen tạo nên sự khác biệt giữa bất kỳ người nào trong chúng ta.

41. The most common mutation that causes Partington syndrome, a duplication of genetic material written as c.428_451dup, adds extra Alanines

42. Difference between Chromosome and Chromatid A chromosome is a genetic material that has all the features and characteristics of an organism.

43. Unsurprisingly, full Capsids are required for therapeutic efficacy; empty Capsids, which do not contain genetic material, or partial Capsids, which contain only a fragment of the genetic material, are simply by-products of AAV production and can negatively impact product efficacy and safety – potentially producing adverse reactions, such as

44. Centromeres, chromosomal regions that become physically linked to the spindle during cell division, ensure equal division of genetic material between daughter cells.

45. Centromeres, chromosomal regions that become physically linked to the spindle during cell division, ensure equal division of genetic material between daughter cells

46. Biopiracy, or the stealing of genetic material and knowledge from communities in the gene-rich developing countries, is an exploding issue in Asia

47. And it prevents them from forming those chains, those mitotic spindles, that are necessary to pull the genetic material into the daughter cells.

là cần thiết để kéo các yếu tố di truyền vào trong những tế bào con

48. Prokaryote (prokaryote) An organism whose genetic material (DNA) is not enclosed by membranes to form a nucleus but lies free in the cytoplasm.

49. Chiasmata are X-shaped points of attachment between two non-sister chromatids of a homologous pair Chiasmata form as a result of crossing over and hence non-sister chromatids should show an exchange of genetic material The exchange of genetic material is most easily shown if homologous chromosomes are differentially colour-coded

50. The genetic material in them is indeed a hotchpotch derived from avian, human and swine sources, but all eight segments come most recently from pigs.