Nghĩa của từ garden of eden bằng Tiếng Việt

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Đặt câu có từ "garden of eden"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "garden of eden", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ garden of eden, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ garden of eden trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt

1. In the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve were married by God.

Trong Vườn Ê Đen, A Đam và Ê Va đã được Thượng Đế làm lễ kết hôn.

2. After the earth was created, Adam was placed in the Garden of Eden.

3. “After the earth was created, Adam was placed in the Garden of Eden.

4. Consider: The events in the garden of Eden account unfolded some 6,000 years ago.

5. Flip his bitch over, fuck her in the ass right in the Garden of Eden.

Lật úp xuống, chơi ngay cửa sau, trong Vườn Địa Đàng

6. (See also Adam and Eve; Garden of Eden; Tree of Knowledge of Good and Bad)

7. Of course, the Genesis account does not say the garden of Eden covered all this area.

8. 5 In the paradisaic garden of Eden, Adam and Eve were the recipients of Jehovah’s benevolent rule.

9. The Deluge, an act of God, evidently wiped out all traces of the garden of Eden itself.

Đức Chúa Trời đã giáng Trận Nước Lụt, và rất có thể nó đã xóa sạch mọi dấu vết về vườn Ê-đen.

10. * When he went over to the river that flowed out of the garden of Eden, he saw fish.

* Khi đến dòng sông bắt nguồn từ vườn Ê-đen thì người thấy cá.

11. 17 Also, the Bible says that in the garden of Eden the diet of the animals was vegetation.

12. Sweat and toil would be required to eke out a living from the soil outside the garden of Eden.

Ở ngoài vườn, họ phải cày cấy cực nhọc, đổ mồ hôi mới có mà ăn.

13. But what is the basis for the doubts about the Genesis account of Adam, Eve, and the garden of Eden?

14. (Daniel 10:4, 5) Hiddekel was one of the four rivers that had their source in the garden of Eden.

(Đa-ni-ên 10:4, 5) Hi-đê-ke là một trong bốn con sông bắt nguồn từ vườn Ê-đen.

15. The children of Adam and Eve were all born after God put their parents out of the garden of Eden.

Tất cả các con của A-đam và Ê-va đều sinh ra sau khi Đức Chúa Trời đuổi cha mẹ chúng ra khỏi vườn Ê-đen.

16. In a way unseen to human eye and yet perceptible to the man Adam, God walked in that lovely Garden of Eden.

17. Well, since the rebellion of the first human pair in the garden of Eden, reproach has been heaped on the divine name.

Từ khi cặp vợ chồng đầu tiên phản nghịch trong vườn Ê-đen, danh Đức Chúa Trời bị bôi nhọ.

18. After Adam and Eve left the Garden of Eden, they began to till the earth and work at other tasks for their living.

Sau khi A Đam và Ê Va rời khỏi Vườn Ê Đen, họ bắt đầu cày cấy đất đai và làm những công việc khác để sinh sống.

19. They went from a lush estate with easy access to healthful vegetation and fruit to the difficult situation outside the garden of Eden.

20. Consider this fact: The original test in the garden of Eden was based on whether Adam and Eve would accept Jehovah’s right to set standards or not.

21. Regarding a certain tree in the garden of Eden, God told him: “You must not eat from it, for in the day you eat from it you will positively die.”

Nói về một cây trong vườn Ê-đen, Đức Chúa Trời phán với ông: “[Ngươi] chớ hề ăn đến; vì một mai ngươi ăn, chắc sẽ chết”.

22. This garden of Eden was a vast park, large enough to accommodate some of all the species of land animals that God created, for Adam named them all without leaving Eden.

23. When the marriage of Adam and Eve was performed in the garden of Eden, God declared: “A man will leave his father and his mother and he must stick to his wife.”

Khi hôn nhân của A-đam và Ê-va được thiết lập trong vườn Ê-đen, Đức Chúa Trời tuyên bố: “Người nam sẽ lìa cha mẹ mà dính-díu cùng vợ mình”.

24. 8-15 (God Announceth In The Garden Of Eden That The Seed Of Woman Shall Bruise The Serpent's Head) Carol: Ding, Dong, Ding: Carol: Flos De Radice Jesse: Second Lesson: Isaiah IX

25. (Read Isaiah 65:21-24; Revelation 11:18) As time passes, parts of the earth already subdued will expand until the whole globe is as beautiful and productive as the garden of Eden.

(Ê-sai 65:21-24; Khải-huyền 11:18) Với thời gian, những vùng đất đã được làm tươi tốt sẽ lan rộng ra cho đến chừng cả địa cầu trở nên xinh đẹp và màu mỡ như vườn Ê-đen.

26. On a human level, the Crookedness in the world began in the Garden of Eden, when Adam upset the order of things by heeding the voice of Eve rather than the voice of God

27. Question: "What is the biblical Creation story?" Answer: The basic Creation story is found in Genesis 1 and 2, with the account of what happened in the Garden of Eden in chapter 3

28. The issue that Satan will bring up is the same one that he raised in the Garden of Eden, namely, the rightfulness of Jehovah’s sovereignty, which requires absolute obedience of human creatures to God’s laws and prohibitions.

29. The first mention of Cherubs is found in Genesis 3:24: "He drove out the man, and at the east of the garden of Eden he placed the Cherubim and a flaming sword that turned every

30. In being let loose from the abyss Satan the Devil and his demons are allowed to invade the vicinity of the earth again and be in close contact with mankind on the Paradise earth now like the Garden of Eden.

31. The perfection and sinlessness that he had maintained as the Son of God in heaven continued with him when he was sent to earth to become the man absolutely equal to the perfect, sinless Adam at the day of his creation in the Garden of Eden.

32. After the Egyptian revolution of 2011, her work became strongly critical of President Mohamed Morsi. el-Adl created controversy in December 2012 when Al-Masry Al-Youm published her cartoon depicting an angel informing Adam and Eve that they could have stayed in the Garden of Eden if they had voted for the right candidate.

33. It may be called the Garden of Eden Room, for in every part and Appurtenance it speaks of sweet content and blessed repose.: Pale sunlight flooded the square, white room where, in all its dignified complexity of Appurtenance, the simple meal was laid out.: The two had a simultaneous birth, but it was an Appurtenance of the latter that marked the distinction and gave the names.