Nghĩa của từ formosan rhesus monkey bằng Tiếng Việt

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Đặt câu có từ "formosan rhesus monkey"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "formosan rhesus monkey", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ formosan rhesus monkey, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ formosan rhesus monkey trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt

1. The more common monkey that lives in that part of the world is a rhesus monkey.

2. Conclusion The seasonal biological variations influence the reproductive functions of male rhesus monkey.

3. To study tissue distribution of TTV in experimentally infected Rhesus monkey andTT virus is hepatotropic.

4. Objective To establish a bioassay of follicle stimulating hormone ( FSH ) in serum of rhesus monkey.

5. Chen Yuanlin, Zeng Zhongxing and Bai Shouchang 1985 The Rhesus Monkey . Science Press, Beijing[Sentencedict], China.

6. Rhesus monkey, baboon and green monkey, oral quinic acid was extensively Aromatized (20-60%) and excreted in the urine as hippuric acid, which was deter …

7. To study tissue distribution of TTV in experimentally infected Rhesus monkey and if the TT virus is hepatotropic.

8. The original protein and sequence is highly conserved in evolution, and is found in humans, chimpanzee, rhesus monkey, and the bush baby.

Protein và trình tự ban đầu được bảo tồn cao trong quá trình tiến hóa, và được tìm thấy ở người, tinh tinh, khỉ rhesus, và em bé bụi.

9. Five lots (100 ml or more) of heterologous Antiserums specific for human T lymphocytes were prepared using human or Rhesus monkey thymocytes as immunogens

10. The vascular disturbances of chorioidea and retina, if there is a hole in the retina, were examined in animal tests (rhesus monkey, albino rabbits) by vessel colouring.

11. 10 Objective To establish an animal model of spinal cord injury by lateral hemisection of cervical spinal cord in rhesus monkey for studying regeneration of spinal cord.

12. Title Spore morphology of Formosan Pteridaceae.

13. Each of the 4 Blood groups can be classified as either Rhesus positive or Rhesus negative

14. Monkey see, monkey do.

15. Well, monkey see, monkey do.

16. Monkey Buccaneers are operated by a monkey

17. In addition to Malayo-Polynesian, thirteen Formosan families are broadly accepted.

Ngoài Malayo-Polynesia, mười ba nhóm ngôn ngữ Formosa được chấp thuận rộng rãi.

18. Capuchins Monkey belongs to the New World Monkey organization

19. Bad monkey.

Con khỉ hư quá!

20. Helper monkey?

Đười ươi giúp việc?

21. Tough monkey.

Đồ khỉ già.

22. Affenpinscher, monkey dog or monkey terrier is a true terrier

23. If 3 Cymbals are combined with a Monkey (by talking to the Toy Monkey in the Monkey Fairground), it can be used to transform a normal Monkey into a Toy Monkey, which is ultra-rare

24. Giraffe Lion Monkey

Hươu cao cổ Sư tử Khỉ

25. 16 To investigate MRI characteristics of normal rhesus uterus.