Nghĩa của từ forbearance bằng Tiếng Việt

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Đặt câu có từ "forbearance"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "forbearance", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ forbearance, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ forbearance trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt

1. Forbearance is no acquittance.

2. You must treat the child with forbearance.

3. Charity, mercy, forbearance, and benevolence were all my...

Từ thiện, khoan dung, kiên nhẫn và hào phóng là công việc kinh doanh...

4. Let me first ask your forbearance.

5. He acted with forbearance toward the hecklers.

6. There is a limit at which forbearance ceases a virtue.

7. The one you're talking to is all tolerance and forbearance.

8. Approving Forbearance Requests for Veterans Affected by COVID-19 1

9. In a forbearance context, consult the detailed local access line pricing.

10. Which greatly to know colleagues forbearance Download track address?

11. Our Confederacy, fellow _ citizens, can only be preserved by the same forbearance.

12. The forbearance of the magistrate in these instances was certainly wise and just.

13. May God grant you enough courage and forbearance to withstand this shock.

14. There is, however a limit at which forbearance ceases to a virtue.

15. Driven beyond the limits of their forbearance , they fought back in self - defence .

16. The parents showed remarkaBle forBearance toward their defiant and unruly son.

17. Introversion , conservatism, tolerance, and forbearance are the basic traditional national nature of Chinese people.

18. His fielding has outshone his power in this series, but his forbearance beats both.

19. This time India has shown admirable forbearance. There has been remonstrance but no sabre-rattling.

20. Forbearance, though it be no Acquittance, is sometimes a piece of needful and laudable charity.

21. All of this is short of clear thinking, objective standard, basic humbleness, tolerance and forbearance.

22. Loans and advances — Gross carrying amount of non-performing exposures with forbearance measures

23. Noun forbearance from any indulgence of appetite, especially from the use of alcoholic beverages: total Abstinence

24. Arch MI affirms our support for all forbearance and loss mitigation programs initiated by Fannie Mae / …

25. The mortgage company had acted with forbearance, only taking them to court as a last resort.

26. 2001-534 Forbearance from regulation of incumbent local exchange carriers' out-of-territory services.

27. A day of mariner people be driven beyond forbearance, throw him to sea mile.

28. Plentiful raw materials and assured markets had improved living standards along with popular forbearance.

29. Telecom Decisions: 2007-35 Framework for forbearance from regulation of high‐speed intra‐exchange digital network access services.

30. Pressed beyond the limits of forbearance, our army fought back resolutely and dealt telling blows to the enemy.

31. Abstinence, refraining, avoidance, forbearance, eschewal, desistance, nonindulgence The goal is complete Abstention from all mind-altering substances.

32. Faith, for Constantine, was a political matter; and any faith conducive to unity was treated with forbearance.

33. I wrote to him an ingenuous letter of acknowledgment , craving his forbearance a little longer.

34. Faith, for Constantine(, was a political matter; and any faith conducive to unity was treated with forbearance.

35. Giving up, surrender, refusal, rejection, abandonment, renunciation, sacrifice, forbearance, disallowance, relinquishment, eschewal, abjuration He attacked 'society' for its Abnegation …

36. They underwent that abnormal time with no complaint , revealing some surreal forbearance in a real life.

37. Conditions inside were endurable in good weather, but winter services tested the forbearance of even the flintiest of the Puritans.

38. 26 Pressed beyond the limits of forbearance, our army fought back resolutely and dealt telling blows to the enemy.

39. I would like to thank them for their continuing forbearance and understanding, and for their hard work throughout the year.

40. The newcomer trades his forbearance of the existing young against the collaboration of the old male in retaining the harem.

41. Antonyms for Chauvinism include unbias, tolerance, broad-mindedness, open-mindedness, liberalism, liberality, fairness, forbearance, impartiality and permissiveness

42. Common types of Consideration include real or personal property, a return promise, some act, or a forbearance

43. Such schemes require courage from the government, the co-operation of the opposition and forbearance by unions.

44. The court in Currie v Misa declared Consideration to be a “Right, Interest, Profit, Benefit, or Forbearance, Detriment, Loss, Responsibility”.

45. The principal balance of a loan increases when payments are postponed during periods of deferment or forbearance and unpaid interest is Capitalized.

46. They are expected to act truthfully, do good deeds, and conduct themselves with patience and forbearance when encountering difficulties.

47. Deep gratitude to Jehovah welled up within us, despite the fact that Huttig screamed: “But remember . . . forbearance is not acquittal.”

48. A charitable subscription or a marriage settlement is binding under Subsection without proof that the promise induced action or forbearance.

49. Yudhishthira: A Brahmana is one who possesses the qualities of truthfulness, generosity, forbearance, good conduct, total absence of cruelty, self-control and compassion

50. (Luke 7:37-50; 19:2-10) Rather than judging others on the basis of outward appearances, Jesus imitated his Father’s kindness, forbearance, and long-suffering with a view to leading them to repentance.

(Lu-ca 7:37-50; 19:2-10) Thay vì dựa vào bề ngoài mà xét đoán người khác, Chúa Giê-su noi gương nhân từ, nhịn nhục và khoan dung của Cha ngài với ý định giúp họ ăn năn.