Nghĩa của từ fallible bằng Tiếng Việt

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Đặt câu có từ "fallible"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "fallible", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ fallible, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ fallible trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt

1. We are fallible beings.

2. All men are fallible.

3. Everyone is fallible to some degree.

4. Memory is selective and fallible.

5. Human beings are only fallible.

6. A fallible observation statement might be rejected and the fallible theory with which it clashes retained.

7. I'm only a fallible human.

8. Human reason is a fallible guide.

9. We're fallible , so we make mistakes.

10. No one is so fallible as your expert.

11. They are only human and all too fallible.

12. We place our trust in doctors, but even they are fallible.

13. " No one is infallible " is the obverse of " everyone is fallible. "

14. Steyer's murder trial showed that the justice system is fallible.

15. But his alternative, more flexible approach had proved fallible also.

16. Needless to say, all such anecdotes and surveys are fallible.

17. These surveys are often a rather fallible guide to public opinion.

18. Even this most basic of observation statements involves theory, and is fallible.

19. Except that in the past two weeks decision-making by committee has been proved fallible.

20. For neural nets and genetic algorithms, it is not so much fallible as crude.

21. The principals are shown not as grand legends but as fallible, unpredictable human beings.

22. Any computer user soon discovers that sometimes hardware, and more often software, is extremely fallible.

23. This method is more fallible than most because it depends on careful and accurate timing.

24. I am not urging that all observation statements should be discarded because they are fallible.

25. The Science of Why Your Friends Shot You From an Airlock The human brain is fallible

26. There is the fallible narrator, escaping his past, indulging his dandified sensibilities, inevitably sucked into danger beyond his understanding.

27. It does not belong to a mere fallible human being to question the ways of divine providence.

28. Or, like any fallible human sinner, was he desperately constructing an armour of simplicity about his devious shiftings?

29. 16 It does not belong to a mere fallible human being to question the ways of divine providence.

30. Keep a memory of me, not as a king or a hero, but as a man, fallible and flawed

Hãy nhớ về ta, không phải như một vị vua hay một người hùng, mà là một con người, dễ mắc sai lầm và đầy khuyết điểm

31. The technicians in scientific research institute and papermaking enterprise often face many calculations, which are various, anfractuous and fallible.

32. However, his elves are very like fallen angels, quite similar enough for confusion in the minds of fallible men.

33. 29 Or, like any fallible human sinner, was he desperately constructing an armour of simplicity about his devious shiftings?

34. The claims of the falsificationist are seriously undermined by the fact that observation statements are theory-dependent and fallible.

35. Nowhere is Freud more touchingly fallible than in his love letters to his fiancee Martha Bernays, which occupy half this book.

36. Professor Mahalanobis demonstrated that statistics is an essential tool for rational decision making based on fallible information in all activities related to sciences, industry, trade and administration.

37. Careful arms readers with the latest science on how our sometimes fallible minds work, with countless takeaways to incorporate at home, at work, and everywhere in between

38. As to the Galileo affair, it is quite enough to point out the fact that the condemnation of the heliocentric theory was the work of a fallible tribunal.

39. A robust moral community, be it an ethical republic or a kingdom of ends, requires members who can make generally reliable, albeit fallible and Corrigible, judgments about their own needs and interests

40. A crucial component of safety culture is an equitable and transparent process for recognizing and separating small, blameless errors that fallible humans make daily, from unsafe or reckless acts that are Blameworthy

41. There Breadthwise grungy that oriented gold-diggers wouldnt vans street clog medial a vans street clog 2 a-piece to modify chorally, so they fallible that, and got puberty of antipyretics imprecisely.They vans street clog birch aside loggerheaded, as there

42. Dewey's naturalism is no reductive scientism, but it is a form of fallible scientific realism, as Manicas explains in the opening chapter on "Pragmatic Philosophy of Science and the Charge of Scientism." Dewey Agnostically refrained from knowing whether the tiniest bits of matter really answer to our theoretical descriptions.

43. ‘But that wrecked show-trial wasn't the only media scheme that ganged Agley in November 2005.’ ‘I should have expected that plan to gang Agley.’ ‘The best laid plans of mice and men gang aft Agley.’ ‘Sometimes we fail simply because we are poor, dumb, fallible, feckless human beings whose best-laid schemes gang aft Agley.’