Nghĩa của từ evaporate bằng Tiếng Việt

Ngoại Động từ
1. làm bay hơi
2. làm khô (hoa quả, sữa)

Nội Động từ
1. bay hơi
2. (thông tục) tan biến, biến mất; chết

Đặt câu có từ "evaporate"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "evaporate", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ evaporate, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ evaporate trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt

1. They expect them to evaporate.

2. The sun will evaporate the mist.

3. ASPHALT Cutbacks Solvents of lower volatility evaporate more slowly

4. The completely captivating moment when all worldly concerns evaporate.

5. Should that myth evaporate, so goes his worth.

Chuyện thần thoại đó nên tan biến đi, giá trị của hắn cũng vậy

6. Liquids poured into the area evaporate into nothingness.

7. Second, the Austrian steam box "evaporate box" advantage:

8. Hopes of achieving peace are beginning to evaporate.

9. So CERN's superfluid quark holes won't evaporate, either.

10. 16 The completely captivating moment when all worldly concerns evaporate.

11. It could get so hot that the water'll evaporate.

12. It was as if he had begun to evaporate somehow.

13. I want to dissect one, but they evaporate when they die.

nhưng chúng bay hơi khi chết.

14. Evaporate to a thin syrup, Acidify strongly with phosphoric acid

15. When sea water is allowed to evaporate, salt crystals are deposited.

16. You will learn how to enter a combat zone and evaporate into shadow

17. Remove the plate from the tank and evaporate the elution solvent in air.

18. When the decision is made and implemented the foreseen obstacles tend to evaporate.

19. Also they have low melting points and evaporate readily to give dimers.

Ngoài ra chúng có điểm nóng chảy thấp và bốc hơi dễ dàng để cung cấp cho dimer.

20. The affection and gratitude he had felt at first began to evaporate.

21. Lower-mass black holes are expected to evaporate even faster; for example, a black hole of mass 1 TeV/c2 would take less than 10−88 seconds to evaporate completely.

Lỗ đen nhỏ hơn có thời gian bốc hơi ngắn hơn nữa; lỗ đen khối lượng 1 TeV/c2 chỉ cần ít hơn 10−88 giây để biến mất.

22. So to answer our question -- will all of the water evaporate at 25 degrees Celsius?

23. The Salton Sea would slowly evaporate and life would return to normal, for a while.

24. When you evaporate seawater, the first thing to crystallize out is calcium carbonate.

Khi bạn làm nước biển bay hơi, thứ đầu tiên kết tinh là canxi cacbonat.

25. The heat energy when the person is moving should evaporate through perspiring come abreaction.

26. And if they say it's solid, it will not be solid, it will evaporate.

27. The object grows as drops of water continue to evaporate slowly and leave their deposits.

28. All those claims and goals will evaporate soon, since this world is nearing its finish.

Tất cả các lời hô hào và mục tiêu đó sắp tan thành mây khói, vì thế gian này gần bị hủy diệt.

29. Evaporate all the remaining ethyl acetate from the acid solution using a rotary film evaporator (2.4).

30. In fact, his life’s moisture seemed to evaporate, and he may have become physically sick.

31. 30 The heat energy when the person is moving should evaporate through perspiring come abreaction.

32. Fast can the darling of 7 months eat pear with water of rock candy evaporate?

33. Cresols evaporate slowly from soil and water surfaces, but can be quickly degraded by bacteria

34. If meteoric water does not evaporate or run overland, it may seep directly into the ground.

35. They recorded singers at a pace that suggested the market was going to evaporate the next day.

36. I challenge you not to let your resolve dribble out and your commitment to follow the Savior evaporate.

Tôi yêu cầu các em giữ vững quyết tâm và sự cam kết của mình để tuân theo Đấng Cứu Rỗi.

37. Evaporate all the remaining ethyl acetate from the acid solution using a rotary film evaporator (4.2).

38. The tropical sun and the wind evaporate about 170 gallons [650 L] of water every second!

39. Without the Redeemer, the inherent hope and joy evaporate, and repentance becomes simply miserable behavior modification.

40. Then the various groups, still muttering anxiously to each other, began to evaporate in various directions.

41. Once the church lost its dominant feature, the case for saving the church would evaporate altogether.

42. The day was full of hard sunlight, meager clouds looking like white foam just beginning to evaporate.

43. Evaporate to dryness an aliquot part of the solution under vacuum and on the water bath at # oC

44. Since pesticides and PAHs are semivolatile, they evaporate, drift about, and then resettle on carpets or other surfaces.

Vì thuốc trừ sâu và PAH là chất tương đối dễ bay hơi, các chất này bốc hơi, bay khắp nơi, rồi rơi lại xuống thảm hoặc trên mặt những đồ vật khác.

45. Droplets – Droplets are dental Aerosol smaller than 50 microns that can be airborne and evaporate to form droplet nuclei.

46. If liquid water appeared on the surface of a world that was in a vacuum, it would evaporate instantly.

47. So this is 1 atmosphere, so propane will actually evaporate, will actually boil at 20 degrees Celsius.

48. In a clothes dryer, hot air is blown through the clothes, allowing water to evaporate very rapidly.

Trong máy sấy quần áo, không khí nóng thổi qua quần áo, cho phép nước bốc hơi rất nhanh.

49. Airting if necessary, dilute the solution considerably, precipitate silver with , niter, evaporate solution nearly to " 3

50. The lithium chloride absorbs moisture but an ingenious heater elevates the temperature causing this moisture to evaporate.