Nghĩa của từ epidote bằng Tiếng Việt

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(khoáng chất) epidot

Đặt câu có từ "epidote"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "epidote", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ epidote, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ epidote trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt

1. Allanitic epidote, chloritoid, garnet and kyanite

2. Lovely Bastite (Epidote and Piemontite) from South Africa

3. Epidote–amphibolite facies include the critical assemblage calcic pyroxene + calcic amphibole (magnesiohornblende and pargasite) + muscovite + garnet + plagioclase + epidote ± quartz, whereas greenschist facies is defined by the assemblage actinolite + albitic plagioclase + epidote + chlorite.

4. Greenschist facies minerals are mostly albite, epidote, chlorite, calcite, and quartz, whereas amphibolite facies minerals are predominantly hornblende, plagioclase (andesine), and epidote.

5. Subcalcic amphiboles become the major phases during stage 5, accompanied by albite, epidote and sphene.

6. Two significant alteration assemblages are amphibole (actinolite) + epidote + chlorite + quartz ± albite ± K-feldspar ± calcite adjacent to Cu-rich veins in the Deep Copper Zone of Strathcona mine and the nearby Barnet property, and amphibole (actinolite to ferro-actinolite) + epidote + titanite + pentlandite + pyrite ±quartz ± magnetite in the Fraser mine Epidote Zone.

7. The dominant mafic mineral is biotite, and accessory epidote, allanite, and titanite are abundant.

8. Garnet amphibolites of this zone have andesine plus zoisite or epidote, and some contain diopside.

9. 3c, d), and some epidote crystals contain BSE-bright Allanitic cores (e.g., Fig

10. Patches are mainly epidote, quartz, hornblende, with minor albite, chlorite, apatite, and sphene.

11. Corundum Hexagonal Corundum Pinkish red Corundum (ruby) with black hornblende in the epidote-family mineral zoisite

12. TAnzanite, a variety of Zoisite and member of the Epidote Family, forms in masses and prismatic crystals

13. Sams Creek Metabasalt - Altered basaltic flows, some Amygdaloidal; green, schistose, containing hornblende, epidote, chlorite, and quartz

14. The main rock types include granulitite, mica schist, epidote-plagioclase amphibolite,[] itabirite and marble.

15. It is named for the two minerals albite and epidote, though they are also stable in other facies.

16. Contact metamorphism of the hornblende hornfels and albite–epidote hornfels facies has been induced by the granitic intrusions.

17. The mineral assemblages of rocks correspond to medium-pressure metamorphism in the greenschist, albite-epidote-amphibolite and the amphibolite facies.

18. Lodged within a fine-grained matrix of chlorite, white mica, quartz and albite are millimeter-sized clasts of quartz, plagioclase (albite or oligoclase) and epidote.

19. Coexisting minerals with beryl are quartz, plagioclase, K-feldspar, biotite, muscovite, margarite, chlorite, talc, amphibole, epidote, garnet, phenakite, calcite, fluorite (+accessory phases).

20. This basalt-driven geothermal system circulates evaporite-derived low total S brines that precipitate hematite–chalcopyrite–cobaltian pyrite–Allanitic epidote veins

21. Two types of alteration are developed in vicinity of quartz veins; i.e., sericite-quartz-pyrite and chlorite-epidote-pyrite-sericite alteration.

22. With increasing metamorphic grade the retrograde process of saussuritization is initiated. The reactants are Fe (III) Al2-epidote, muscovite, quartz, hematite, and albite/ oligoclase.

23. A cluster of very dark red Almandines with light green epidote-included quartz from the Marmoraton Iron Mine in Marmora Township, Hastings County, Ontario, Canada

24. A study of remnant clinopyroxene grains from these formations has indicated general increases in δ18O of whole rocks during epidote–actinolite facies metamorphism of 0.4–2.0‰.

25. UnAkite, sometimes known as unAkite jasper, is a form of granite that includes pieces of pink orthoclase feldspar, green epidote, and quartz crystals

26. The irregular shape of the REE-rich patches, coupled with their concentration within certain domains, suggests that they represent pre-metamorphic relics of Allanitic epidote (see below)

27. The garnets occur intergrown with secondary prehnite, pumpellyite, epidote and chlorite along biotite cleavage planes and formed through retrogradation of nearby plagioclase, almandine-rich garnet and hornblende.

28. Stage 1 minerals include iron-rich barroisite, epidote, chlorite, paragonite, phengite, albite, quartz, ilmenite, magnetite, pyrite and occur only as inclusions in the core of eclogite garnets.

29. It is composed chiefly of edenitic to pargasitic amphibole, pyrope- and grossular-rich almandine, salite, and epidote, with small amounts of quartz, plagioclase, and accessory minerals.

30. The following age sequence of metamorphic facies of alpine age is reported: (1) glaucophane-schist facies; (2) albite-epidote-amphibolite facies; (S) almandine-amphibolite facies.

31. Geologic unit mapped in Maryland: Thick-bedded metabasalt with Amygdaloidal layers and secondary veins of quartz, calcite, and epidote; interbedded green tuffaceous phyllite and blue Amygdaloidal …

32. Cale-silicate mica schists of higher-medium grade carry mutually stable calcic scapolite, andesine and zoisite, associated with calcite, quartz, local epidote, biotite, muscovite, and garnet.

33. Pumpellyite is developed best in the metabasalts of the south-eastern part and towards the northwestern part of the terrain it gives way to actinolite and/or epidote bearing assemblages.

34. The crystals occur in the disequilibrium assemblage calcite – phengite (2M1) – margarite – quartz – kaolinite – epidote –apatite found in Badshot marble from the almandine garnet zone of regional metamorphism.

35. The first metamorphic event produced three calcite-free sub-greenschist facies assemblages that contain ubiquitous quartz+albite+titanite+chlorite+epidote along with pumpellyite or prehnite or actinolite.

36. They contain combinations of magnetite, clinopyroxene, blue–green hornblende, titanite, apatite, fluorite, quartz, biotite, andradite, epidote, albite, hematite, sulfides (chalcopyrite, pyrite, pyrrhotite, molybdenite, sphalerite), ilmenite, allanite, and other REE-bearing minerals.

37. Two grades of metamorphism, both subfacies of the greenschist facies of regional metamorphism, were mapped on the Araya Peninsula: 1. the quartzalbite-epidote-almandine subfacies, consisting mainly of a sequence of garnet and kyanite quartz-mica schists, interlayered with quartzites; and 2. the quartzalbite-muscovite-chlorite subfacies, which consists of chloritic phyllites, quartzmica schists and phyllites, metaconglomerates, calcareous quartz-mica schists, limestones and marbles, and calcareous epidote schists of volcanic origin.

38. Indeed, epidote, chlorite, and quartz (related to the hydrothermal alteration) fill veins up to 10 mm wide, which crosscut the dolerite, developed contemporaneously to the Brecciation because they crosscut the breccia or are fragmented into the breccia

39. The copper sulphides (chalcocite, bornite with accessory chalcopyrite and pyrite) and associated minerals (chlorites, sericite, albite, epidote, quartz) crystallized during the cooling of the ignimbrite and were included in pyromeride textures.

40. Bulk-compositional modification was accompanied by the formation of almandine-rich garnet and (or) relatively ferruginous hornblende in medium-grade (epidote–amphibolite to lower amphibolite facies) mylonites derived from both mafic and quartzo-feldspathic rocks.

41. Type I epidote occurs as euhedral phenocrysts, up to 8 mm long, with low content of allanite component (<0.02 total REE cations per 12.5 oxygen formula unit); many have Allanitic cores upon which they nucleated epitaxially.

42. ‘Some consist of pear-shaped segregation vesicles with Amygdales at their upper margin.’ ‘If, after the lava has cooled and set, the vesicles are filled with minerals, they are known as Amygdales.’ ‘Flow margins are often altered, containing abundant epidote and Amygdales …

43. Augite is an important rock-forming mineral, and large crystals are fairly common. It is the most widespread member of the pyroxene group, and it frequently alter s to many other minerals, including Hornblende, Chlorite, and Epidote

44. ‘Some consist of pear-shaped segregation vesicles with Amygdales at their upper margin.’ ‘If, after the lava has cooled and set, the vesicles are filled with minerals, they are known as Amygdales.’ ‘Flow margins are often altered, containing abundant epidote and Amygdales …

45. In rock samples of a Middle Devonian spilitized basaltic sill near Langelsheim (Northwestern Harz Mountains) the following mineral assemblage: pumpellyite + prehnite + epidote + actinolite grown in a groundmass of albite, chlorite, calcite and quartz has been studied by use of a microprobe.

46. Magmatic epidote from the anatexitic melt occurs (1) in small crystals (0.1–0.6 mm long) in embayed contacts with K-feldspar, plagioclase, and quartz; (2) in vermicular to myrmekitic intergrowths with quartz, and (3) in euhedral to subhedral crystals with Allanitic cores in …

47. In continuation of a former paper (Chatterjee, 1962), further data pertaining to vesuvianite-bearing mineral parageneses from the greenschist fades of the western Alps, albite-epidote-hornfels facies of eastern Harz Mountains as well as from the hornblende hornfels facies of the Oslo region are reported.