Nghĩa của từ dorsal fin bằng Tiếng Việt

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Đặt câu có từ "dorsal fin"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "dorsal fin", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ dorsal fin, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ dorsal fin trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt


2. Archerfish or spinnerfish bodies are deep and laterally compressed, with the dorsal fin, and the profile a straight line from dorsal fin to mouth

3. H. wyckii bears a resemblance to H. wyckioides, however H. wyckioides lacks serrations on the dorsal fin spine, has a shorter dorsal fin base, and shorter maxillary barbels.

H. wyckii trông giống như H. wyckioides, tuy nhiên H. wyckioides thiếu khía răng cưa trên gai vây lưng, gốc vây lưng ngắn hơn và râu hàm trên ngắn hơn.

4. The Northern Madtom has an overall colour pattern that is mottled with three irregular dark saddles on the back located at the front of the dorsal fin, behind the dorsal fin and at the adipose fin.

5. They are silvery-colored fish that have a single dorsal fin, which is soft, without spines.

Chúng là những con cá có ánh bạc màu có một vây lưng duy nhất, và mềm mại, không có gai.

6. The Bigeye Ocean Perch has a large mouth, large eyes and a long-based dorsal fin

7. Archerfishes are elongated, with relatively deep bodies that are almost flat from the dorsal fin forward

8. The deepest part of the Albacore’s body is near the second dorsal fin, rather than near

9. Anglerfishes, in general, are named for the modified dorsal fin spine that they use to lure prey

10. Little of its back appears, and its dorsal fin is small compared with that of other dolphins.

11. The Bowfin is mottled green and brown and has a long dorsal fin and strong conical teeth

12. One large dorsal fin is located about halfway along the back and, behind that, a small adipose fin.

13. Bluegill have the deep-bodied look of "bream," with a long dorsal fin and slightly forked tail

14. Anglerfish culture bacteria in an esca, which is a fleshy growth at the end of a modified dorsal fin spine

15. Pirate perch is a stout, dark-colored fish, with a single dorsal fin and Ctenoid scales on the head and body.

16. Butterfishes are found in warm and temperate seas and are characterized by a small mouth, forked tail, and a single dorsal fin.

17. The Butterfish has a soft-rayed dorsal fin running along the length of its back and an anal fin almost as long.

18. Most Anchovies are usually classified as very thin fish with large chins, eyes on top of their heads, and lack a dorsal fin

19. The dorsal fin has eight to 21 spines and six to 21 soft rays, usually running most of the length of the back.

Vây lưng của chúng có 8–21 gai và 6–21 tia vây mềm, thường chạy dọc theo phần lớn chiều dài lưng.

20. Reaching 3.0 m (9.8 ft) in length, this heavy-bodied shark can be readily identified by its elongated, keel-like first dorsal fin.

Chiều dài đạt 3,0 m, loài cá mập này có thể dễ dàng xác định bởi vây lưng đầu tiên thon dài, giống xương lưỡi hái.

21. About 40–50 scales occur between the operculum and the anus, and 36–40 around the body before the origin of the dorsal fin.

Có 40-50 vảy giữa nắp mang và hậu môn và 36-40 xung quanh cơ thể trước gốc của vây lưng.

22. Bony Sentence Examples The first dorsal fin and the ventrals are transformed into pointed formidable spines, and joined to firm Bony plates of the endoskeleton

23. The Brindled madtom, like other Noturus species, has a caudally-fused adipose fin which extends from the caudal fin and runs nearly to the dorsal fin

24. Falcula Butterflyfish – You will find this aggressive fish in the deepwater of the ocean and its white body with yellow dorsal fin makes it a rare combination

25. This eel-like fish has three barbels on its head, with the second dorsal fin and the anal fin running the length of most of its body.

Loài cá giống cá chình này có 3 râu trên đầu của nó, với vây lưng thứ 2 và vây hậu môn chạy dài cơ thể của nó.

26. The Bluegill is a deep bodied, slab-sided fish with a small mouth and has a black spot on soft dorsal fin and flexible black ear flap

27. Cobia are dark brown with a single dorsal fin. Young Cobia have distinct coloring, with alternating black and white horizontal stripes and splotches of bronze, orange, and green

28. Bowfin are so named because of their dorsal fin, which looks like it runs from the back of their head all the way around their tail halfway up the belly

29. A dark brownish to purplish-black Basketwork eel with the dorsal fin originating well behind the anus which is position forward on the body, and prominent falcate or curved pectoral fins

30. Cetaceans are completely aquatic, have lost their hind limbs during evolution and have fin-like forelimbs, often a dorsal fin and, in marked comparison with fishes, a blowhole and transverse tail fin.

31. The Bowfin is easily recognized by its flattened head; long, stout body; large mouth full of small sharp teeth; long dorsal fin that extends along most of the back; and rounded tail

32. Cetaceans are completely aquatic, have lost their hind limbs during evolution and have fin-like forelimbs, often a dorsal fin and, in marked comparison with fishes, a blowhole and transverse tail fin

33. And like all the dolphins in our community, we photographed Mugsy and tracked her little spots and nicks in her dorsal fin, and also the unique spot patterns as she matured over time.

Và cũng như tất cả con cá heo trong đàn được theo dõi, chúng tôi chụp hình Mugsy và quan sát mấy cái đốm nhỏ và cắt khía vây lưng của nó, cũng như vân da đặc biệt của chúng khi chúng trưởng thành theo thời gian.

34. The presence of a second Adipous dorsal fin, and the form of the teeth, covered by lips distant from each other, and largest in the lower jaw, place the caribe among the serra-salmes

35. The dorsal fin, which has 22 to 26 soft rays, acts as a suction cup, creating a vacuum to allow it to attach to larger marine animals, such as whales, dolphins, sharks, and sea turtles.

Vây lưng của nó đó có 22 - 26 vây tia mềm, có vai trò như một cốc hút, tạo ra một chân không để cho phép nó để bám vào các động vật biển lớn hơn, chẳng hạn như cá voi, cá heo, cá mập và rùa biển.

36. T. kimberleyensis can be identified from its fins, with five spines and 11–13 soft rays on the dorsal fin, three spines and 14–16 rays on the anal fin, and 12–13 pectoral rays.

T. kimberleyensis có thể được xác định từ những cái vây của nó như năm cái gai và 11 đến 13 tia vây ở vây lưng, ba cái gai và 14 đến 16 tia vây của vây hậu môn và 12 đến 13 tia vây của vây ngực.

37. Commonly referred to as Anglerfishes, the group is characterized most strikingly by the structure of the first dorsal-fin spine, typically placed out on the tip of the snout and modified to serve as a luring apparatus

38. If one were to observe a Beluga, initial remarks would feature their pure white color, extra blubber, absence of a dorsal fin, motion of lateral flippers, range of head motion, and morphology of their large and bulbous melon

39. The common Carp is a heavy-bodied minnow with a long dorsal fin containing 17–21 rays, a stout, saw-toothed spine at the front of both dorsal and anal fins, and two barbels on each side of upper jaw

40. Triggerfish or trig·ger·fish·es Any of various brightly colored fishes of the family Balistidae of warm coastal waters, having a roundish body and an erectile spine on the anterior dorsal fin that locks upright when the fish is threatened

41. ‘During Courtship, males sing to defend their territories and attract mates.’ ‘Male Courtship display includes extending the dorsal fin, pursuing, and eventually biting the female.’ ‘During the breeding season, groups of males do their Courtship display together, puffing out air sacs in their chest and spreading their tails.’

42. ‘During Courtship, males sing to defend their territories and attract mates.’ ‘Male Courtship display includes extending the dorsal fin, pursuing, and eventually biting the female.’ ‘During the breeding season, groups of males do their Courtship display together, puffing out air sacs in their chest and spreading their tails.’

43. Bonefishes are small to medium sized (to 80 cm), with elongate, fusiform, slightly compressed bodies; head conical, snout overhanging mouth; mouth small, not reaching past eye; very small teeth in bands at front of jaws, patches of small molariform teeth on the roof and floor of the mouth; fins without spines; one short dorsal fin, (16-21 rays), at midbody; pectoral fins low on the body

44. Branchi-Standard Dorsal-fin Anal-fin Pectoral ostegal length (mm) spines elements -fin rays rays 12.2 5 12.8 5 13.4 5 14.6 5 15.0 5 17.0 5 19.2 XC I 15 5 21.2 XCI I 15 5 23.5 XCI I 15 5 30.1 XCII I, 39 14 5 33.2 XCI I, 41 15 5 42.3 XCI I, 40 15 5 Neural spines Standard Haemal length (mm) abdominal caudal total spines 12.2 50 43 93 44 12.8 50 42 92 43 13.4 51 45 96 44 14.6 52 43 95 42 15.0 51

45. Carmine shiners are slender, elongate minnows that can be distinguished from other minnows in Manitoba by the following features: 1) the origin of the dorsal fin is located behind a line drawn vertically from the insertion of the pelvic fins, 2) absence of a fleshy keel on the abdomen and of a strongly decurved lateral line, 3) a narrowly conical snout that is equal in length, or nearly so, to their eye diameter, 4) 5-7 short gill rakers on the lower limb of the first gill arch, the longest being about as long as the width of its base, and 5) 4 slender, hooked, main row pharyngeal teeth (Stewart and Watkinson 2004; K.W. Stewart, Univ. of Manitoba, Winnipeg, pers. comm. 2005) (Figure 2).