Nghĩa của từ disconcerting bằng Tiếng Việt

Tính từ
làm rối, làm hỏng, làm đảo lộn
làm bối rối, làm lúng túng, làm luống cuống; làm chưng hửng

Đặt câu có từ "disconcerting"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "disconcerting", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ disconcerting, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ disconcerting trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt

1. Brabblingly Gin was quite disconcerting

2. There was a disconcerting silence.

3. Waters asked a few disconcerting questions.

4. Even more disconcerting were the personality changes.

5. His hard, shifty little eyes were disconcerting.

6. I found all that noise rather disconcerting.

7. I found some of his personal habits rather disconcerting.

8. This man had an aloofness, too, that was Curiously disconcerting.

9. Problems on the home front might be a little disconcerting.

10. It's a bit disconcerting to be minding your own business.

11. The consistency and pervasiveness of this effect is startling, perhaps even disconcerting.

12. She had the disconcerting habit of saying exactly what she thought.

13. He held her eyes for a split second, and she found his gaze disconcerting.

14. Usurpingly prodding goog fathom disconcerting mazily, agravic bum Clarance Berryings misleadingly trussed meltingness

15. Economists said the bad news was most pronounced, and most disconcerting, in manufacturing.

16. It was disconcerting how the desire not to appear a fool followed one into captivity.

17. Guests should not enter during speeches, distracting the audience and disconcerting the speakers.

18. It's a bit disconcerting to be minding your own business. Just getting on with things.

19. Synonyms for Compromising include awkward, embarrassing, uncomfortable, sensitive, delicate, disconcerting, unpleasant, flustering, humiliating and perplexing

20. Disconcerting, therefore, to hear that the pub is being floated on the property market.

21. Synonyms for Abashing include confounding, confusing, discomfiting, disconcerting, discountenancing, embarrassing, fazing, flustering, mortifying and nonplussing

22. It would not be so disconcerting if they were all eaten, the poor wee souls.

23. However, it was still fairly disconcerting to receive some information yesterday from a Newcastle public relations company.

24. It was disconcerting weather, people yawned long and lazily, feeling languorous and happy at the same time.

25. And the headmaster had a disconcerting habit of offering jobs to people he met at dinner parties.

26. 3 Many speakers have the disconcerting mannerism of inserting such expressions as “and-uh” or similar “word whiskers.”

3 Nhiều diễn giả có cái thói quen xấu là hay chêm vào những tiếng “ờ! ờ!” hay những tiếng vô ích tương tợ.

27. Another retrogressive aspect of the modesty movement is its disconcerting message that women are responsible for men's behavior.

28. What is truly disconcerting about the story is the result of the fall, and the divine purpose behind it.

29. As he held her there, he began to breathe heavily and there was a disconcerting expression on his face.

30. The sheer efficiency of the drivers, especially at high volumes, can be disconcerting, and the sound is exceptionally bright.

31. It is extremely disconcerting, and the Madness debate provided a salutary lesson for Morrissey, as well as ourselves.

32. Clunking or knocking noises can be very disconcerting for any driver to hear while they are going down the road

33. Meeting a group of complete strangers from backgrounds very different to my own, in such an alien environment, was disconcerting.

34. John was also extremely fast and nimble, and he possessed a remarkable body-swerve which could prove most disconcerting to opposing defenders.

35. But there was more to Jeanson than his bad faith, excesses, cruel humour and disconcerting habit of changing his mind.

36. When designer Rei Kawakubo tucks pillows under blouses and shows her collection in utter silence, simple clothes become disconcerting theater.

37. Browbeating (noun) the act of bearing down, abashing, or disconcerting, with stern looks, supercilious manners, or confident assertions How to pronounce Browbeating?

38. THE TRAGIC MUSE HENRY JAMES Mammy continued to smile upon him Benignly, and her smile proved as disconcerting as she meant it should

39. Ambivalence While Grieving Simultaneous Contradictory Thoughts and Feelings Ambivalence, which is holding simultaneous contradictory thoughts or feelings, is a disconcerting experience even under normal circumstances

40. It's very disconcerting to discover the person with whom you share your home your bed and your heart, has been lying to you so convincingly.

Thật sự rất rối trí khi phát hiện ra người mà mình ở chia sẻ mái ấm, giường chiếu và cả trái tim đã luôn nói dối với mình một cách quá thuyết phục, và anh sẽ là một tên ngốc khi không cân nhắc lại

41. Physicist Isidor Rabi noticed Oppenheimer's disconcerting triumphalism: "I'll never forget his walk; I'll never forget the way he stepped out of the car ... his walk was like High Noon ... this kind of strut.

Isidor Rabi ghi nhận vẻ hân hoan chiến thắng khó ưa của Oppenheimer: "Tôi sẽ không bao giờ quên được lối đi của ông ta; tôi sẽ không bao giờ quên được cách ông ta bước ra khỏi xe ô tô... ông ta bước đi như thể trong High Noon... kiểu đi khệnh khạng như thế đó.

42. The campers, stuck indoors as arctic rain pelts down, gaze Balefully out at a choppy Med and snarl at their dear ones He had had a disconcerting way of hanging his head and Balefully looking up at you from beneath girlishly thick lashes