Nghĩa của từ disarray bằng Tiếng Việt

Danh từ
sự lộn xộn, sự xáo trộn
Ngoại Động từ
1. làm lộn xộn, làm xáo trộn
2. (thơ ca) cởi quần áo (của ai)

Đặt câu có từ "disarray"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "disarray", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ disarray, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ disarray trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt

1. The company's files were in disarray.

2. The defeated army retreated in disarray.

3. 27 The troops fled in disarray.

4. The disarray is Apparent at all levels.

5. The chairman's resignation threw the organization into disarray.

6. They were in total disarray from the start.

7. 12 The delay threw the entire timetable into disarray.

8. 9 This left the Liberal Party in total disarray .

9. The session was suspended in disarray for two hours.

10. The social life of the island was in disarray.

11. By early September, Azerbaijani forces were nearly in complete disarray.

Tới đầu tháng 9, quân Azeri đã hoàn toàn bị rối loạn.

12. The smaller vessels outside the harbor entrance were in apparent disarray.

Các tàu nhỏ ở ngoài đường vào cảng lộn xộn thấy rõ.

13. The Covenant fleet was in disarray, slowed and paused to regroup.

14. The Democrats were in complete disarray after last year's disastrous elections.

15. The game's objectives are to create disarray, increase ratings, and win awards.

Mục tiêu của trò chơi là tạo ra sự lộn xộn, tăng tỉ lệ người xem, và giành huy chương.

16. 6 Washington has been abuzz with stories about disarray inside the White House.

17. The Democratic Party was in disarray as a brutal primary season approached its end.

18. During the National Civil Virtues Month, all the cities must and banish disarray and discourtesy.

19. During the National Civic Virtues Month, all the cities should and banish disarray and discourtesy.

20. When the military junta came to power, the IAe 33 project was thrown into disarray.

Khi chính quyền quân sự lên nắm quyền, đề án IAe 33 đã rơi vào tình trạng hỗn loạn.

21. In addition to carrying value is not high inconvenience, and disarray robbery who have time to study ah?

22. Equally disturbing is the conflicting signals from Delhi which have thrown the entire decision - making process into disarray .

23. 24 There will be no outcry from the corporate sector about the disarray in the accountancy profession.

24. The Italian Army fled in disarray and seemed on the verge of total collapse; 275,000 soldiers were captured.

Quân đội Ý sau thảm bại này gần như đứng trên bờ vực sụp đổ: 275.000 lính đầu hàng.

25. Perhaps in people with a genetic predisposition, the trigger sends the immune system into permanent overdrive and disarray.

26. In the midday sun the flooded paddies formed a mirrored mosaic across which tropical clouds scudded in fragmented disarray.

27. The haggling among scientists continued, and seeing the project in disarray, Congress eventually cut off financing for the Mohole Project.

28. ‘In a landscape of disarray, disassembly, dissociation, disclamation, the attraction of Bigness is its potential to reconstruct the Whole, resurrect the Real, …

29. Unpleasant or unkind remarks made about a person who is not present: There’s a lot of Backbiting and disarray among key officials

30. When Nicholas first arrived at the meetinghouse, he saw that things had been scattered around, with papers, books, and furniture in disarray.

Thoạt đầu, khi Nicholas đến nhà hội, anh thấy có nhiều đồ vật nằm rải rác khắp nơi, giấy tờ, sách vở, và đồ nội thất nằm lộn xộn.

31. 4 A sit-in at Bristol Polytechnic has ended in disarray after a court injunction forced the Union President to clear the building.

32. Taking advantage of this domestic disarray, Yang Gil in the northwest and Gyeon Hwon in the southwest rebelled and founded their own kingdoms.

Lợi dụng tình trạng lộn xộn này, Lương Cát (Yang Gil) ở phía tây bắc và Chân Huyên (Gyeon Hwon) ở phía tây nam đã nổi dậy và thành lập nên các vương quốc của riêng họ.

33. The group has continued their campaign of random violence, moving across the countryside unfettered with the republic's military forces in disarray. ( labored breathing )

Phiến quân đã tiếp tục chiến dịch bạo lực ngẫu nhiên của chúng, khi chuyển qua khu nông thôn không được bảo vệ bởi quân lực Cộng hoà.

34. ECONOMIST: France’s right-wing disarray Gray Crisply tracks the lives of the six undergrads up and down (mostly down) the greased pole of literary life.

35. The snap election was called in the midst of the North Korea missile threat and with the largest opposition party, the Democratic Party, in disarray.

Cuộc bầu cử nhanh được kêu gọi gọi là giữa mối đe dọa tên lửa của CHDCND Triều Tiên và đảng đối lập lớn nhất của Đảng Dân chủ đang rối loạn.

36. Although the Fábrica Militar de Aviones was charged with bringing aviation projects to completion, constant political interference contributed to the delays and disarray in aviation programs.

Dù Fábrica Militar de Aviones chịu trách nhiệm đưa ra các đề án hàng không và hoàn thành chúng, nhưng những can thiệp chính trị liên tục đã khiến các chương trình hàng không bị trì hoãn và gây ra nhiều xáo trộn.

37. This is at least a partial explanation of the disarray of our times, which is expressed in gratuitous crime, vandalism, eroticism and the accelerated pace of life.

38. The Amorites (Old Babylonians) After the Sumerians last stand between 2125 and around 2000 BC, the land between the rivers fell into disarray for about a century

39. "Sir, I..." started Khadgar, smiling and half-rising from his chair. Then he saw that the master mage'shair was in disarray, and his lambent green eyes were wide and angry.

40. By the time that a second withdrawal was announced, in 1961, American credibility, US-Burmese relations, and the effort to contain communism in the region were in serious disarray.

Tính đến khi kế hoạch rút quân đợt 2 được công bố, năm 1961, uy tín của Mỹ, quan hệ Mỹ-Miến Điện, và nỗ lực ngăn chặn chủ nghĩa cộng sản trong khu vực đã bị phá hoại nghiêm trọng.

41. Apols if I'm being petulant, but I'm still cross with him for blocking me on Twitter.: Apols if this letter is a disarray, but my head is like a drum made

42. To consolidate and advance his own position in the NSDAP, Himmler took advantage of the disarray in the party following Hitler's arrest in the wake of the Beer Hall Putsch.

Để củng cố và nâng cao vị thế của mình, Himmler đã lợi dụng tình hình xáo trộn trong đảng sau khi Hitler bị bắt giữ bởi vụ đảo chính nhà hàng bia.

43. The resulting bifurcation of the party apparatus into industrial and agricultural sectors at the oblast (province) level and below contributed to the disarray and alienated many party officials at all levels.

Kết quả chia rẽ bộ máy của đảng thành các lĩnh vực công nghiệp và công nghiệp tại các vùng (tỉnh) mức và bên dưới đóng góp vào sự xáo trộn và xa lánh nhiều cán bộ đảng ở mọi cấp.

44. Although the testing had ended # years before, the effects of radiation exposure, including malformations, abnormal diseases and birth anomalies, were still being felt, as was the social disarray attendant upon evacuation

45. Definition of Bafflement a state of confusion or disarray Examples of Bafflement in a sentence The man was left in Bafflement when he witnessed something he couldn’t explain occur on the side of the road

46. But the more balanced economy would take time to emerge, and stock and bond markets, after their rip-roaring rallies, weren't priced for the disarray that could stem from a real sovereign shake-out.

47. His arrival, along with the signing of Ronald Darby to a three-year, $30 million deal, brings stability to the top of the Cornerback depth chart that’s been in disarray for Denver the past two

48. Calls THRILLER Told through a series of interconnected phone conversations, this groundbreaking series chronicles the mysterious story of a group of strangers whose lives are thrown into disarray in the lead-up to an apocalyptic event.

49. Recent Examples on the Web As the intraparty Democratic tensions Burbled to the surface in the final hours before the bill's passage, Andres took to Twitter to emphasis the Republicans' favored alliterative message - that the Democrats were disarray

50. Name, Bigness is a theoretical domain at this fin de sie-cle: in a landscape of disarray, disassembly, dissociation, disclamation, the attraction of Bigness is its potential to reconstruct the Whole, resurrect the Real, reinvent the collective, reclaim maximum possibility