Nghĩa của từ dentate-ciliate bằng Tiếng Việt

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Đặt câu có từ "dentate-ciliate"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "dentate-ciliate", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ dentate-ciliate, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ dentate-ciliate trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt

1. 3 synonyms for Ciliary: cilial, ciliate, ciliate

2. The termen is often Crenulate or dentate, i.e

3. Superfancy disjune metalsmith lampless unfulminated dentate quintad chutes Anolympiad smashery

4. Adult-born hippocampal neurons Bidirectionally modulate entorhinal inputs into the dentate gyrus

5. Mostly one pursestring suture was carried out 3–5 cm above the dentate line.

6. When the tree is not in flower, it is characterised by glossy, ringed bark and long, dentate stipules.

Khi cây không có hoa, nó được đặc trưng bởi vỏ cây bóng và lá kèm có răng dài.

7. The margin may be entire, but when dentate, a vein ends at the tip of each tooth (malvoid teeth).

Mép lá có thể nguyên, nhưng khi có răng cưa thì một gân kết thúc tại đỉnh mỗi răng (răng cẩm quỳ).

8. CT scans showed bilateral symmetrical hypodensity foci in lenticular (5/, head of caudate nucleus (4/ , thalamus (2/ and dentate nucleus (1/.

9. Intramural anastomoses between these regions exist only between the superior and inferior rectal arteries at the level of the dentate line in the submucosa.

10. A new criterion to decide whether the carboxy group coordinating to the metallic ion in mono or bi dentate-fashion in an ambiguous situation, base on coordination bond distances and angles.

11. This page includes the following topics and synonyms: Anorectal Exam, Anorectal Anatomy, Rectal Anatomy, Dentate Line, Pectinate Line, Rectum, Rectum Anatomy, Anal Anatomy, Anorectal Condition, Anorectal Disorder.

12. 22 The moderate density IL 2R ir neurons were distributed in the pyramidal cell layer of the hippocampal gyrus, the granular cell layer and polymorphous cell layer of dentate gyrus.

13. Brief blocking of the dentate nucleus caused a delayed termination of contraction of the agonistic muscles (hypermetria) near the mechanical stop for very rapid, ballistic, alternating arm movements and, consequently, delayed initiation of the antagonistic return movement.

14. To clarify the physiologic significance of NO in the IAS of HD (aganglionosis), we investigated the enteric nerve responses on lesional (aganglionic) and normal IAS muscle Strips above the dentate line.

15. Stem leaves present; base sessile but not auriculate or Amplexicaul, or auriculate, Amplexicaul, or sagittate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid)

16. The anal canal begins at the anal verge and ends at the Anorectal junction (pectinate line, mucocutaneous junction, dentate line), where there are 8 to 12 anal crypts and 5 to 8 papillae

17. Chelates A chelate is a type of ligand. A multidentate (dentate is Latin for tooth) ligand that uses more than one atom to bind to a metal in a coordination complex, see Figure 2

18. Examples of this ending include Bryozoon (Greek bruon, moss), a group of sedentary aquatic invertebrates that comprises the moss animals; protozoon (Greek prōtos, first), a single-celled microscopic animal, such as an amoeba, ciliate, or sporozoan; spermatozoon (Greek sperma, spermat‑, seed), the mature

19. Apex truncate and notched, ciliate, margin entire, Aciliate, the smaller 2 wings oblong to triangular, 4–9 × 1.5–2.6, margin entire, Aciliate; placentae axile, bilamellate, ovuliferous all over; styles 3, deciduous in fruit, 5–6 mm long, irregularly multifid 1 mm from base, branches spreading, spirally twisted.

20. Noun A minute or microscopic animal, nearly or quite invisible to the naked eye, as an infusorian or rotifer; an animalculum: as, the bell- animalcule, a ciliate infusorian of the family Vorticellidæ; wheel- animalcule, a rotifer; bear- animalcule, a minute arachnidan of the order Arctisca

21. Vorticella, genus of the ciliate protozoan order Peritrichida, a bell-shaped or cylindrical organism with a conspicuous ring of cilia (hairlike processes) on the oral end and a contractile unbranched stalk on the Aboral end; cilia usually are not found between the oral and Aboral ends

22. The addition of T. thermophila to a culture containing a low density of p-nitrophenol-degrading Pseudomonas sp. did not affect the acclimation period prior to mineralization of the substrate, but the ciliate increased the acclimation period in the presence of high densities of Enterobacter aerogenes added as an alternative prey species.

23. N Animalcule Any little animal, as a mouse, insect, etc.; n Animalcule A minute or microscopic animal, nearly or quite invisible to the naked eye, as an infusorian or rotifer; an animalculum: as, the bell-Animalcule, a ciliate infusorian of the family Vorticellidæ; wheel-Animalcule, a rotifer; bear-Animalcule, a minute arachnidan of the order Arctisca

24. N animalcule Any little animal, as a mouse, insect, etc.; n animalcule A minute or microscopic animal, nearly or quite invisible to the naked eye, as an infusorian or rotifer; an animalculum: as, the bell-animalcule, a ciliate infusorian of the family Vorticellidæ; wheel-animalcule, a rotifer; bear-animalcule, a minute arachnidan of the order Arctisca

25. Abutilon palmeri (Indian Mallow) A tough dense, rounded fast growing semi-evergreen shrub that reaches to 4 to 5 feet tall by as wide with silvery soft velvety heart-shaped leaves with dentate margins and 1 inch wide slightly cup shaped gold to apricot colored flowers nearly year round with peak bloom in spring and summer.