Nghĩa của từ corruption bằng Tiếng Việt

Danh từ
1. sự tham nhũng; sự đồi trụy
2. sự mục nát, sự thối nát
3. sự sửa đổi làm sai lạc (bài văn, ngôn ngữ...)

Đặt câu có từ "corruption"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "corruption", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ corruption, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ corruption trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt

1. Public Corruption is the FBI’s top criminal investigative priority, that includes border Corruption, election crimes, international Corruption and prison Corruption.

2. Corruption, backslapping.

Tham nhũng, lá mặt lá trái.

3. Raised before corruption

Được sống lại trước khi thân thể bị hư nát

4. It is corruption that.

Thật là băng hoại mà.

5. Anti-Corruption Unit (ACU);

6. Corruption, bribery and Bribability

7. Corruption and nepotism are pervasive.

8. The causes of police Corruption

9. Corruption and bribery are mean.

10. Their actions reek of corruption.

11. Enhance fund mobilization for anti-corruption support, championing select areas of anti-corruption and accountability initiatives.

12. Regarding corruption, they said that they take pride in having zero tolerance for corruption across the board.

13. KABUL - The Ambassadorial Anti-Corruption Group* is deeply concerned about the slowdown in Afghanistan’s anti-corruption efforts, as documented by the recently published UNAMA annual anti-corruption report

14. This cardinal seems immune to corruption.

Tay giáo chủ này miễn nhiễm với tham nhũng.

15. Corruption is endemic in the system.

16. While Corruption can exist in any human organization, it seems that Corruption in government is the worst

17. Corruption can include giving or accepting …

18. Corruption was rife before the election.

19. Ethical concerns: transparency, accountability, combating corruption;

20. Corruption in that sector, no surprise.

Bởi vấn nạn tham nhũng trong lĩnh vực này không còn là điều xa lạ nữa.

21. The old man reviled against corruption.

22. She accused the official of corruption.

23. The Poison of Government Corruption 3

Sự đồi bại của nạn tham nhũng 3

24. Toleration of dishonest officials encourages corruption.

25. VICE is moral depravity or corruption.

SỰ ĐỒI BẠI là tình trạng thối nát về luân lý.

26. The official corruption discontented the people.

27. but Ares is behind that corruption!

Đúng vậy, nhưng Ares đứng sau sự đồi bại đó!

28. A report will not end corruption.

Một báo cáo sẽ không làm tham nhũng biến mất.

29. He has resigned amid corruption allegations.

30. Combatting Corruption Capably: An assessment framework for parliament’s interaction with anti-corruption agencies November 09th, 2020 When the UK government published its Anti-Corruption Strategy 2017 to 2022, global corruption was recognised as having far-reaching effects, including prolonging extreme poverty, reducing economic activity

31. We are eliminating corruption at all levels.

32. God knows... unexpectedly is corruption company money.

Thiên Chúa biết... bất ngờ là tiền công ty tham nhũng.

33. He warns that corruption is corroding Russia.

34. Top scoring countries on the Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) like Denmark, Switzerland and Iceland are not immune to Corruption

35. Metaphorical Conceptualisations of corruption in different cultures

36. Transparency is the economy of waste and institutionalised corruption; DBT, through UID and bank accounts, combats corruption and controls inflation.

37. Political Corruption occurs when an office-holder

38. How to use Corruption in a sentence.

39. Corruption often affects dealings with public officials

Sự tham nhũng thường xảy ra khi giao dịch với những nhân viên chính phủ

40. Political corruption threatens to topple the regime.

41. 6 She accused the official of corruption.

42. The government determined to root out corruption.

43. She is Awaiting trial on corruption charges

44. She is awaiting trial on corruption charges.

45. Why did Paul refuse to condone corruption?

Tại sao sứ đồ Phao-lô từ chối dung túng tham nhũng?

46. He was guilty of nepotism and corruption.

47. Corruption certainly reflects greedy and selfish behavior

48. Here was corruption on a grand scale.

49. He was later indicted on corruption charges.

50. An odour of corruption hangs about him.