Nghĩa của từ break out bằng Tiếng Việt

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Đặt câu có từ "break out"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "break out", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ break out, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ break out trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt

1. Break out the champagne!

Khui sâm banh nào!

2. Break out the emergency gear.

Điều khiển thiết bị khẩn cấp phòng có trường hợp xảy ra.

3. Break out in cheers, O Israel!

Hỡi Y-sơ-ra-ên, hãy kêu-la!

4. War doesn't break out that easily.

Chiến tranh không xảy ra dễ dàng vậy đâu.

5. Violence could break out at any time.

Sự bạo động có thể bùng nổ bất cứ lúc nào.

6. He predicted when war would break out.

7. How To Break Out Of a Nested Loop

8. That's wonderful news! Let's break out the champagne!

9. A quibble arose concerning the phrase break out.

10. When did the battle of Trafalgar break out?

11. He was going to break out of here.

12. 24 He predicted when war would break out.

13. 3 He predicted when war would break out.

14. The great day —chicks break out of their shells!

Ngày trọng đại—những chú đà điểu con phá vỏ trứng chui ra!

15. Their Attempt to break out of prison was foiled

16. Every morning I would break out in a sweat.

17. Gage began planning to break out of the city.

18. They were caught trying to break out of jail.

19. Their attempt to break out of prison was foiled.

20. There was still time to break out life rafts.

21. She longed to break out of the daily routine.

22. When I'm stressed I break out in a rash.

23. Martin paused from his rhapsody, only to break out afresh.

24. 3 When I'm stressed I break out in a rash.

25. Inevitably, fights break out between the members of Contending groups

26. A chick knows how to break out of its egg.

27. Martha was planning to break out of the ghetto of poetry.

28. He'll break out his box cutter on his sorry gimp ass.

Cho mấy xiên dao rọc giấy ngay.

29. The word eczema means, literally, to boil over or break out.

30. (Revelation 19:20) Panic will break out as governmental authority crumbles!

Dù còn “đương sống” tức hãy còn hoạt động, các tổ chức chính trị sẽ bị hủy diệt (Khải-huyền 19:20).

31. She felt the need to break out of her daily routine.

32. Inevitably[], fights break out between the members of contending groups.

33. The armies encircled at Stalingrad were not able to break out.

34. For example, following code will Break out the second done statement:

35. Helping you break out of a pirate's brig aboard your own timeship.

Giúp đỡ cô trốn thoát khỏi buồng gian bọn không tặc trên chính chiếc tàu của mình.

36. Well here we're going to have to break out a little trigonometry.

37. It didn't take much exercise to make him break out in sweat.

38. A group of prisoners rushed an officer and managed to break out.

39. He may break out in a rash when he eats these nuts.

40. Disagreement reached such a pitch that we thought a fight would break out.

41. She needed to break out of her daily routine and do something exciting.

42. 6 Then they break out of this immobility into a frenzy of activity.

43. For a rustic outfit, it is time to break out the cowboy Boots

44. And the night we break out, we'll just smash through with a sledgehammer.

Và khi cần chui ra, chúng ta có thể xuyên thủng nó chỉ bằng một cái búa tạ.

45. But at least they have started to break out of their old insularity.

46. To break out of the poverty trap they need help from the government.

47. The break-out groups are usually chaired by a senior IISS staff member.

Các nhóm break-out thường được chủ trì bởi một nhân viên cao cấp của IISS.

48. It's taken a long time to break out of my own conventional training.

49. To break out of the poverty trap the need help from the government.

50. Silence, silence. if not break out in silence, just will perdition in it.