Nghĩa của từ body size bằng Tiếng Việt

kích thước thâ

Đặt câu có từ "body size"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "body size", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ body size, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ body size trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt

1. Key words: modeling, bioaccumulation, ecological magnification, allometry, body size

2. Environmental drivers of body size evolution in crocodile-line Archosaurs

3. O. macedoniensis may have had a relatively large body size.

4. In many cases, body size is also a key difference.

Trong nhiều trường hợp, kích thước cơ thể cũng là một sự khác biệt quan trọng.

5. A boa Constrictor’s teeth are small compared to their large body size

6. Allometry is the study of the relationship of body size to shape

7. Shifting body size and content, super speed, flight, super strength, immortality, and invisibility.

Chuyển đổi kích thước cơ thể, siêu tốc, bay lượn, siêu mạnh, bất tử, và tàng hình.

8. Acoustic Allometry: Prediction of minf o from body size and VFL across species

9. The serval has the longest legs of any cat relative to its body size.

Linh miêu đồng cỏ có chân dài nhất so với bất kỳ loài mèo tương đồng kích thước cơ thể.

10. Larger body size also corresponds with a decreased ability to emit high frequency vocalizations.

Kích thước cơ thể lớn hơn cũng tương ứng với khả năng giảm phát ra tiếng kêu tần số cao.

11. Abody.AI is an AI-as-a-service business providing solutions to challenges around body size

12. This bird holds the world record for laying the largest eggs relative to its body size.

Loài chim này nắm giữ kỉ lục về kích thước trứng lớn nhất khi so với kích thước cơ thể.

13. Allometry, in a broad sense, describes how phenotypic traits change with changes in overall body size

14. No advantage can be seen in choosing doses according to weight or other measures of body size.

15. Compare Details Cradleboard School has the smallest elementary school student body size in the Whiteriver Unified District (4394)

16. Although there are a number of differences between Apes and monkeys (Apes have a longer lifespan, larger body size, larger brain-to-body size ratio, and higher intelligence); the main difference is that monkeys have tails and Apes do not have tails.

17. The scaling of Acceleratory aquatic locomotion: body size and tail-flip performance of the California spiny lobster Panulirus interruptus

18. Body size and disparity in crocodile-line Archosaurs show changes associated with major events in Earth’s history, notably mass extinctions

19. Great white sharks, like other mackerel sharks, have larger eyes than other shark species in proportion to their body size.

Cá mập trắng lớn, giống như các loài cá nhám thu khác, có đôi mắt to hơn các loài cá mập khác tương ứng với kích thước cơ thể của chúng.

20. The encephalization quotient (EQ) (the size of the brain relative to body size) of elephants ranges from 1.13 to 2.36.

21. The Christmas Island red crabs moult their shells regularly during their early growth phases to match their increasing body size.

22. The shark-like head is large in comparison to body size, given an almost swollen appearance when viewed from the side.

Đầu lớn khi so với kích thước cơ thể, gần như mang cảm giác bị phồng lên khi nhìn ngang.

23. Anthropometry involves the systematic measurement of the physical properties of the human body, primarily dimensional descriptors of body size and shape

24. Although there was significant phylogenetic signal, Anuran limb shape showed a relationship with microhabitat and to a lesser extent, body size

25. Because Brahmas have a large body size, they're considered to be a good dual purpose breed, too! Baby Chicks: Behind the Scenes

26. The older a pregrant woman is without having “signs of toxemia”, the higher is her weight in consideration of body size and parity.

27. Changelings are beings with the ability to shapeshift into other humanoids, as long as they're somewhat similar to their own body size and makeup

28. In addition, if your body size, if your BMI, your body mass index, is above 30 -- if you're clinically obese -- we also colored the dots yellow.

29. We studied relationships among body size, clutch size, and egg size and female reproductive characteristics in five species of oviparous colubrid snakes from Zhoushan islands, Zhejiang, China.

30. Incubation times vary from species to species and are correlated with body size, lasting 28 days in smaller species and up to 35 days in larger species.

Thời gian ấp trứng không cố định mà thay đổi tùy từng loài, có liên quan tới kích thước cơ thể, kéo dài từ 28 ngày ở các loài nhỏ cho tới 35 ngày ở các loài to lớn hơn.

31. Allometry, also called biological scaling, in biology, the change in organisms in relation to proportional changes in body size. An example of Allometry can be seen in mammals.

32. The body size differs significantly between the castes in seven parts measured: Head width, width of mesonotum, alitrunk length, widths and lengths of first and second gastral tergites.

33. ‘The characteristics that best predicted Autotomy - smaller body size or female gender - also correlated with a lower escape rate by the alternative escape tactic, struggling and pinching the predator.’

34. ‘The characteristics that best predicted Autotomy - smaller body size or female gender - also correlated with a lower escape rate by the alternative escape tactic, struggling and pinching the predator.’

35. At the extreme upper end of mature body size is the Chianina, also a taurine breed, from Italy, with mature bulls sometimes exceeding 1800 kg and cows reaching 1100 kg

36. Blackbirds have large eyes, relative to their body size, and BTO research has revealed them to be the first species to arrive at garden feeding stations on dark winter mornings

37. The head is small compared to the body size, the beak is light to dark horn in colour; the comb is medium-sized, single and carried upright in both sexes.

Đầu nhỏ hơn so với kích thước cơ thể, mỏ có màu từ sáng đến tối màu; mào có kích thước trung bình, đơn và thẳng đứng ở cả hai giới.

38. However, rate constants for intercompartmental exchanges declined faster than weight−0.25, indicating that their turnover and flux declined much faster with increasing body size than would be expected from general allometry.

39. Allometry: The Study of Biological Scaling Allometry is the study of how these processes scale with body size and with each other, and the impact this has on ecology and evolution

40. These species of Bats, often called "flying foxes" because of their larger body size and big eyes, live in tropical and subtropical areas of the Old World (Africa, Asia and Australia)

41. A person’s body size also generally has its effect —the larger one is, the greater the quantity of blood and number of cells and hence the more diffused the alcohol is on absorption.

42. The mean ontogenetic Allometry is the main parameter that determines the static allometric slope, while the covariance between the ontogenetic allometric slope and body size generates most of the discrepancies between ontogenetic and static Allometry

43. ‘A massive Crocodilian creature began rising from the tip of the mountain.’ ‘The large body size and short legs suggest that these animals lived mostly in the water, where they adopted a Crocodilian life-style.’

44. Agamids typically have scaly bodies, well-developed legs, and a moderately long tail; average body size ranges from 10 to 15 cm (4 to 6 inches), and the tail is 20 to 30 cm (8 …

45. Even though quality of the available speed data is highly variable, both metatarsal/femur ratio—the traditional index of ‘Cursoriality’ in mammals—and hind limb length (corrected for body size) are significant predictors of maximal running speed.

46. Age At maturity is particularly important, as it strongly influences population model estimates of sustainable harvest rates (Clark 1991) and, along with mean body size, is an important predictor of the risk of overexploitation (Reynolds et al

47. An interspecific analysis of life history characteristics for 28 stocks of fish showed that age at maturity ( alpha ), natural mortality (M), and reproductive effort (gonadosomatic index, GSI) were weakly (r2 = 0.18-0.33) but significantly correlated with body size.

48. Allometric analysis suggests that total leg lengths (particularly middle and rear) increase at a much greater rate with body size in males than in females, therefore there is sexual dimorphism in allometries on the scale of that in the traits themselves.

49. The biggest penis-to-body-size ratio in the animal kingdom actually belongs to the meager beach barnacle, and this video is actually showing you what the human penis would look like if it were the same size as that of a barnacle.

50. Mandibular growth conforms to simple negative allometry in larvae, and the same appears to be true for adults, but the growth of the snout and head is complex, with significant departures from linearity when logarithmically transformed data are plotted against body size.