Nghĩa của từ blood sugar bằng Tiếng Việt

Đường huyết.

Đặt câu có từ "blood sugar"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "blood sugar", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ blood sugar, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ blood sugar trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt

1. I'm just a guy with low blood sugar.

Tôi chỉ là người đang bị hạ đường huyết đây này.

2. At the same time, the measurement device activates an alarm and directs complementary measures for abnormal blood sugar levels if the blood sugar is at an abnormal level or the device predicts an abnormal blood sugar level.

3. Blood-sugar levels go up as you digest food.

4. Carbohydrates (Carbs) have the greatest effect on your blood sugar

5. Banaba leaf and blood sugar control go hand in hand

6. Alanine supplements may help diabetics maintain healthy blood sugar levels

7. Tricyclic Antidepressants cause hyperglycemia (high blood sugar levels) in humans

8. Adrenal fatigue and stress both have a significant impact on healthy blood sugar balance.* The Adrenal glands play an important role in blood sugar metabolism and energy production

9. Blueberries may have benefits for your heart, brain, and blood sugar

10. When blood sugar level is corrected coma or Comatose is reversible

11. Its characteristics are: high blood sugar, thirst, polyuria , systemic vascular disease.

12. Your blood sugar levels may either rise or fall if you drink alcohol

13. Initial treatments may include medications to manage blood pressure, blood sugar, and lower cholesterol.

Điều trị ban đầu có thể bao gồm thuốc để kiểm soát huyết áp, lượng đường trong máu và cholesterol thấp.

14. There may be other causes as well, like a thyroid or blood-sugar problem.

15. Protect your gums by keeping blood sugar levels as close to normal as possible .

Bạn nên bảo vệ nướu bằng cách giữ cho đường huyết càng gần với mức bình thường càng tốt .

16. It has to do with . . . how your blood sugar varies with changes in routine.

17. If blood sugar levels are not adequately lowered, the medication metformin is typically recommended.

Nếu lượng đường trong máu không được hạ thấp về mức bình thường, thuốc thường được khuyến cáo sử dụng là metformin.

18. It is used to treat low blood sugar or water loss without electrolyte loss.

Chúng được sử dụng để điều trị đường huyết thấp hoặc mất nước mà không mất chất điện giải.

19. Carbohydrates can give you quick energy, and cause a rise in blood sugar levels

20. When taken orally, Berberine has a hypoglycemic effect in that it lowers blood sugar

21. Bryony may lower blood sugar levels; caution is advised in people with diabetes or hypoglycemia.

22. Have your level of blood sugar tested if you are in a high-risk group.

Đo đường huyết nếu bạn thuộc nhóm có nguy cơ cao.

23. Diabetes leads to inadequate blood sugar control , which can damage the kidneys and cause blindness .

Tiểu đường dẫn đến việc kiểm soát đường huyết không phù hợp , có thể gây thiệt hại cho thận và gây ra mù loà .

24. Factors that lead to an increased risk of an Amputation include: High blood sugar levels

25. A Blood sugar chart identifies ideal levels throughout the day, especially before and after meals

26. Low blood sugar, or low glucose levels, causes shakiness, anxiety, Clammy skin, irritability, hunger, and more

27. Amethysts are sometimes used to treat blood-sugar level disorders and lapses in the immune system

28. What 's more , gum disease can make it harder to keep blood sugar levels in check .

Hơn nữa , bệnh nướu răng có thể làm cho việc kiểm soát đường huyết khó khăn hơn .

29. Altai Balance Blood Sugar Support supplement is an advanced natural formula made available only at

30. Banaba Leaf extract contains a compound known as corosolic acid, which can safely lower blood sugar levels

31. Low blood sugar may occur in otherwise healthy babies who have not eaten for a few hours.

Bên cạnh đó, đường huyết thấp có thể xảy ra ở trẻ sơ sinh khoẻ mạnh không được ăn trong vài giờ.

32. In particular, Capers have been shown to reduce inflammation, enhance liver health, stabilize blood sugar levels and more

33. Extracts from P. citrinopileatus have been studied for their antihyperglycemic properties, decreasing blood sugar levels in diabetic rats.

Chất chiết xuất từ P. citrinopileatus đã được nghiên cứu cho tính chất chống tăng đường huyết, làm giảm lượng đường huyết ở những con chuột bị tiểu đường.

34. 3 Objective : To investigate the effect Aleppo avens in decreasing blood sugar level in diabetes mellitus mice ( DM ).

35. Diabetics, in particular, need to pay attention to the Carbohydrates they eat to help manage their blood sugar

36. Studies have shown Berberine can help lower blood sugar and cholesterol, and it even makes weight loss easier

37. Conclusion The blood fat and blood sugar abnormal relevance ratio of the incumbency staff increases with the age.

38. Berberine is extracted from the Berberis vulgaris plant and is used to help promote healthy blood sugar levels

39. Berberine may lower cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood sugar levels, but other interventions like lifestyle changes are also needed

40. Altai Balance is one of the best supplements invented to benefit people suffering from high blood sugar levels

41. KAZ L-Arabinose contains 99% pure L-Arabinose and supports your healthy blood sugar level and weight management.

42. Dosage should be adapted to patients individually, on the basis of periodic tests of glycosuria and blood sugar.

43. My blood sugar dropped so low during the meeting that I Blacked out and woke up on the floor

44. If diet, exercise, and abstention from sweets do not lower blood-sugar levels enough, then pills may be prescribed.

45. The test strips boxes also contain a control solution for verifying the accuracy of the blood sugar measurement device.

46. Banaba leaf extract has actions in stimulating glucose transport into cells and can help maintain healthy blood sugar levels.

47. Black Currants have high levels of manganese, which is an important mineral for helping to control blood sugar level

48. My blood sugar dropped so low during the meeting that I Blacked out and woke up on the floor

49. A meal high in protein and fat can change how quickly the body absorbs Carbs, which impacts blood sugar levels.

50. It is a major factor destroying Appestat control of appetite control with blood sugar, and endorphin related hypothalamic pituitary axis