Nghĩa của từ antiplicate anterior commissure bằng Tiếng Việt

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Đặt câu có từ "antiplicate anterior commissure"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "antiplicate anterior commissure", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ antiplicate anterior commissure, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ antiplicate anterior commissure trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt

1. In mind, there are five Commissures, which are habenular commissure, anterior commissure, corpus callosum, posterior commissure, and commissure of fornix

2. The most common usage of the term refers to the brain's Commissures, of which there are five—the anterior commissure, posterior commissure, corpus callosum, hippocampal commissure (commissure of fornix), and habenular commissure—and which consist of fibre tracts that connect the two cerebral hemispheres and span the longitudinal fissure.

3. Supramammilary commissure, posterior commissure, supraoptic commissure and habenular commissure are diencephalic Commissures-unknown function, probably related to involuntary eye movements

4. The responses were localized in dysgranular and agranular insular cortex at levels caudal to the joining of the anterior commissure.

5. Rior commissure and Ancyroid bundle

6. The frontal part of the claustrum is directed towards the corpus amygdaloideum and is divided by fibrous bundles connected to the anterior commissure and Ancyroid bundle

7. What does Commissures mean? Plural form of commissure

8. Mobilization of the fixated Arytenoid in the stenotic posterior laryngeal commissure

9. The grey matter on the left and right side is connected by the grey commissure.

Các chất xám ở phía bên trái và bên phải được kết nối bởi mép nối chất xám.

10. Anatomy books refer to the Anterior lobe of the brain, the Anterior cerebral artery, the Anterior facial vein, etc

11. Anterior repair is used to tighten the front (Anterior) wall of the vagina

12. Anterior wedging: ring Apophyses

13. Anterior tibial stress fracture

14. Fractures of the femoral head, anterior column, anterior acetabular wall, and high transverse acetabular fractures.

15. Left anterior axillary line.

16. 22 In phenotypically abnormal brains, there was some disorganized differentiation of neurons caudal to the posterior commissure.

17. 17 In phenotypically abnormal brains, there was some disorganized differentiation of neurons caudal to the posterior commissure.

18. You have anterior white privilege.

19. The Anterior scalene, AKA scalenus Anterior (scalenus anticus; Latin: musculus scalenus Anterior) muscle is one of the lateral muscles of the neck, belonging to the scalene group

20. No adhesions to the anterior wall.

21. Cornea, External Disease and Anterior Segment

22. The occurrence of anastomotic leakage after low anterior resection was 11.7% and 4.1% after high anterior resection.

23. Anterior uveitis includes iridocyclitis and iritis

24. Embryology of the male anterior urethra.

25. AINs pass anterior to the ulna.