Nghĩa của từ amylum bằng Tiếng Việt

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Đặt câu có từ "amylum"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "amylum", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ amylum, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ amylum trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt

1. Again, in the Amylum judgment, (57) when dismissing the action, the Court pointed out that

2. And in Amylum the Court notes, regarding errors which rendered a Council regulation invalid, that :

3. The plaintiff states that it did not make a similar declaration to Amylum in respect of 1990.

4. In that connection the French Government referred to the judgment in Case 108/81 Amylum v Council. (10)

5. The method described is useful also for the amylum-tolerance test of the exocrine pancreas in comparison with an oral glucose-tolerance test.

6. (31) ° On the basis of the judgment in Amylum (Joined Cases 116/77 and 124/77 Amylum v Council and Commission [1979] ECR 3497, paragraph 19) the Council and the Commission argue that the Community may be held liable only if blame can be attributed to a Community institution and to arbitrary conduct.

7. Of 22 carbohydrates incubated, the midgut hydrolized the α-glucosides amylum, glycogen, maltose, sucrose, trehalose, turanose, the β-glucosides lichenin and cellobiose and the α-galactoside melibiose.

8. In the field of food additives, citric acid is produced by surface fermentation processes (Citrique Belge), while immobilized enzymes are used to produce glucose and fructose syrups (Amylum).

9. On this point I should like to refer to the Opinion expressed by Mr Advocate General Reischl in Amylum v Council, ( 8 ) in which he stated that a published proposal

10. The issue raised by the Court on its own motion in Amylum itself did not concern the admissibility of the action, nor indeed were the issues raised in the case-law on essential procedural requirements cited above restricted to the question of admissibility either.

11. Furthermore, the appointing authority was entitled to take a second decision identical to that set aside on grounds of formal defects, provided that it complied with the substantive forms which had originally been infringed (judgment of the Court of Justice in Case 108/81 Amylum v Council [1982] ECR 3107).

12. On the other hand, these cases do not show, as the Commission has claimed, that the Court can only examine new pleas in law where the breach of the obligation by the adopting institution is manifest; thus in France v High Authority, Italy v High Authority and Amylum, far from the alleged breach being manifest, none was in fact established.

13. They are not therefore entitled to claim that they had a legitimate expectation that the amount of the aid would be maintained ( see paragraph 6 of the judgment of 1 February 1978 in Case 78/77 Firma Johann Luehrs v Hauptzollamt Hamburg-Jonas (( 1978 )) ECR 169, and paragraph 13 of the judgment in Amylum, cited above ).

14. 26 – See Article 42(2) of the Rules of Procedure of the Court of Justice, and Case 108/81 Amylum v Council [1982] ECR 3107, paragraph 24 et seq.; also – with reference to proceedings for failure to fulfil obligations – my Opinion in Case C‐350/02 Commission v Netherlands [2004] ECR I‐6213, point 31 et seq.

15. Being silent in that respect, the judgment of 15 June 1994 should be interpreted as signifying that the matter was finally determined (Case 138/79 Roquette Frères v Council [1980] ECR 3333, paragraph 37; Case 108/81 Amylum v Council [1982] ECR 3107, paragraph 5; Opinion of Advocate General Reischl in the latter case, pp. 3139, 3151 and 3152).

16. According to settled case-law, however, it may exceptionally be otherwise where the purpose to be achieved so demands and where the legitimate expectations of those concerned are duly respected (Racke, 98/78, ECR, EU:C:1979:14, paragraph 20; Amylum v Council, 108/81, ECR, EU:C:1982:322, paragraph 4; and Fédesa and Others, paragraph 58 above, EU:C:1990:391, paragraph 45).

17. In those circumstances, I think that by purposely declining to observe the rules for the establishment and calculation of monetary compensatory amounts and thereby introducing, in full awareness of the situation, distortion into Community trade and discrimination between traders, the Commission indulged in conduct verging on the arbitrary, of the kind referred to in the Court' s judgment in Amylum . ( 48 )

18. 43 In the third and last place, and in any event, it is settled case-law that a submission or argument which may be regarded as amplifying a plea made previously, whether directly or by implication, and which is closely connected therewith, will be declared admissible (judgments of 30 September 1982 in Amylum v Council, 108/81, EU:C:1982:322, paragraph 25, and 14 March 2007 in Aluminium Silicon Mill Products v Council, T‐107/04, EU:T:2007:85, paragraph 60).

19. Furthermore, in order for the principle of proportionality to be infringed in a manifest and serious manner, in such a way as to involve the Community in non-contractual liability in circumstances such as those of the present cases, there must be an error so serious that the conduct of the institution may be said to verge on the arbitrary (see the judgment in Joined Cases 116/77 and 124/77 Amylum and Tunnel Refineries v Council and Commission [1979] ECR 3497, paragraph 19).

20. Furthermore, the concept of arbitrary conduct as mentioned only in the judgments in Joined Cases 116/77 and 124/77 Amylum v Council and Commission [1979] ECR 3497 and in Case 143/77 Koninklijke Scholten-Honig v Council and Commission [1979] ECR 3583, the latter of which is referred to by the Commission, does not provide a basis for holding that a finding of conduct verging on the arbitrary represents a necessary condition or formulation for the Community to be rendered liable within the framework of the EEC Treaty according to the abovementioned case-law of the Court of Justice.

21. In that regard it is important to distinguish Decision 85/257 as a budgetary law measure whose purpose is to define own resources allocated to the Union budget and taxes or duties established by the Community legislature in the exercise of powers based on the provisions of the EC Treaty on the common agricultural policy (see, to that effect, Amylum v Council, 108/81, EU:C:1982:322, paragraph 32; Zuckerfabrik Süderdithmarschen and Zuckerfabrik Soest, C‐143/88 and C‐92/89, EU:C:1991:65, paragraph 40; and the order in Isera & Scaldis Sugar and Others, C‐154/12, EU:C:2013:101, paragraph 31).

22. 40 It should in any event be stressed that, as the Court has already held in its judgment in Case 108/81 Amylum v Council [1982] ECR 3107 with regard to the Council Decision of 21 April 1970 on the replacement of financial contributions from Member States by the Communities' own resources (Official Journal, English Special Edition 1970 (I), p. 224), the Decision of 7 May 1985, as a measure of budgetary law, has as its purpose to define own resources allocated to the Community budget and not to specify the Community institutions which are competent to impose duties, taxes, charges, levies or other forms of revenue.

23. 89 It follows that, in so far as the Community institutions did not fail completely in the duty of care and proper administration which they owed to the applicant but simply failed properly to appreciate the extent of their obligations under that principle, the breach of the principle of care cannot in this case be regarded as a sufficiently serious breach or a manifest and grave breach, as defined in the case-law of the Court of Justice (see the judgments in HNL, cited above, Joined Cases 116/77 and 124/77 Amylum and Tunnel Refineries v Council and Commission [1979] ECR 3497, and in Case 143/77 Koninklijke Scholten-Honig v Council and Commission [1979] ECR 3583).

24. 15 Regarding the requests for leave to intervene of the Territorios Históricos of Vizcaya and Guipúzcoa, it must be remembered that an interest in the result of the case for the purposes of Article 40 of the Statute of the Court of Justice means a direct, present interest in the grant of the particular form of order sought that the application to intervene is designed to support, and not an interest in relation to the pleas or arguments raised (orders in Case 111/63 Lemmerz-Werke v High Authority [1965] ECR 716, at 717 and 718; Joined Cases 116/77, 124/77 and 143/77 Amylum and Others v Council and Commission [1978] ECR 893, paragraphs 7 and 9; and National Power and PowerGen, paragraph 53).

25. 31 The Commission further states that, even if it were found to be at fault, such fault could not be sufficiently serious for it to incur non-contractual liability, having regard to the content of Articles 38(4) and 43(2) of the Treaty and the case-law of the Court of Justice on the second paragraph of Article 215 of the Treaty (judgments of the Court of Justice in Case 5/71 Zuckerfabrik Schoeppenstedt v Council [1971] ECR 975, Joined Cases 83 and 94/76, 4, 15 and 40/77 Bayerische HNL and Others v Council and Commission [1978] ECR 1209, Joined Cases 116/77 and 124/77 Amylum v Council and Commission [1979] ECR 3497 and Joined Cases C-104/89 and C-37/90 Mulder and Others v Council and Commission [1992] ECR I-3061).

26. 15 It is true that the Court has consistently held that the statement of grounds required by Article 190 of the EEC Treaty must disclose in a clear and unequivocal fashion the reasoning followed by the Community authority which adopted the measure in question in such a way as to make the persons concerned aware of the reasons for the measure and thus enable them to defend their rights and the Court to exercise its supervisory jurisdiction ( see paragraph 19 of the judgment of 30 September 1982 in Case 108/81 Amylum v Council (( 1982 )) ECR 3107; paragraph 37 of the judgment of 8 November 1983 in Joined Cases 96 to 102, 104, 105, 108 and 110/82 IAZ and Others v Commission (( 1983 )) ECR 3369; and paragraph 38 of the judgment of 25 October 1984 in Case 185/83 University of Groningen v Inspecteur der Invoerrechten en Accijnzen, Groningen (( 1984 )) ECR 3623 ).