Nghĩa của từ air raids bằng Tiếng Việt

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cuộc oanh tạc bằng máy bay

Đặt câu có từ "air raids"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "air raids", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ air raids, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ air raids trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt

1. Regarding Israeli Air Raids on Gaza Strip

2. During World War II, Bangkok experienced air raids.

3. We can annoy the enemy by air raids.

4. Air raids, shelling of military locations and important centres

5. In Jizan, the Saudi fighter jets launched three air raids, while in Asir border, the Coition waged four air raids on Magaza district

6. Resistance to the air raids decreased sharply from April 1945.

7. 9 The air raids were becoming heavier and more frequent.

8. Air raids and bombardment of military outposts and important centres

9. The city's bomb shelters were being prepared for possible air raids.

10. The modified aircraft were destroyed on the ground during air raids.

11. During the frequent air-raids, people took refuge in their cellars.

12. For months at a time, air raids were a nightly occurrence.

13. But even then the station was not spared from air raids.

14. At high school, during air raids, classes continued in the basement.

15. The buildings of the mine were destroyed by American air raids.

16. Allied air raids significantly influenced the Japanese government's decision to surrender.

17. 18: Air raids on Malta are increasing in focus and intensity.

18: Các cuộc không kích tại Malta được tăng cường cả về mức độ tập trung và cường độ.

18. The air raids were planned to knock out communications on the ground.

19. 24 For months at a time, air raids were a nightly occurrence.

20. Where there were alleged air raids, land attacks invariably followed shortly thereafter.

21. The Japanese air raids were assisted by radio transmissions made by Heenan.

22. 12 During the frequent air-raids,[] people took refuge in their cellars.

23. From August 1942 the bridge was the target of several air raids.

24. 29: Large German air-raids on London; St Paul's Cathedral is damaged.

29: Không quân Đức oanh tạc dữ dội London; Nhà thờ chính tòa Thánh Paul bị hư hại.

25. Repeated air raids with incendiary bombs caused raging infernos in the housing areas.

Các cuộc oanh tạc nhiều lần với bom cháy gây hỏa hoạn khốc liệt trong các khu dân cư.

26. During the air raids, the surgical pavilion and all operating rooms were destroyed.

27. Much of the oil industry in both countries was damaged in air raids.

Đa phần ngành công nghiệp dầu mỏ của cả hai nước đã bị phá huỷ trong các cuộc không kích.

28. She then joined Task Force 38 for the final smashing air raids on Japan.

Nó lại gia nhập Lực lượng Đặc nhiệm 38 cho những đợt không kích sau cùng xuống chính quốc Nhật Bản.

29. Owing to the danger of air raids, all civilians must vacate from the city.

30. During the Second World War, Backnang was the target of several air raids.

31. Between 1940 and 1945 the city was the target of dozens of air raids.

32. In the same year, the bridge across the Rhine was destroyed in air raids.

33. The Flak battery in Mittelstrimmig was meant to defend Koblenz against Allied air-raids.

34. The airdrome had no defenses against air raids other than the regional antiaircraft artillery.

35. Pastor Braun worked on the books constantly, even with a flashlight during air raids.

36. Last month alone brought 106 civilian deaths, mainly in air raids and naval artillery shelling.

37. The World War II ended in Mühlacker with destruction by air raids and artillery shelling.

38. Our studies would continue even though there were air raids, bombs dropping not far away.

39. Heavy air raids in October 1944 destroyed the railway tracks, stopping train operations run through Altenessen.

40. A large part of the population fled their homes and sought shelter from the air raids.

41. The steel frame of the skylight of the old building had also survived the air raids.

42. Allied air raids destroyed some of the buildings, including the east wing and the gymnasium.

43. U-boats remaining in port were subjected to USAAF air raids from newly constructed airfields.

44. Most of the base was destroyed by American air raids on Japan on June 28, 1945.

Hầu hết căn cứ đã bị phá hủy bởi các cuộc không kích của Mỹ vào ngày 28 tháng 6 năm 1945.

45. The United States reacted to the air raids by ordering an aircraft carrier to the gulf.

46. Blitzkrieg starts with air raids, followed bylong range artillery, which is closely followed by mobilzed armour divisions

47. During World War II, train traffic was severely restricted, and after some air raids stopped running altogether.

48. In the period between 6 and 31 December 1944, several air raids were made on the station.

49. Air raids, artillery shelling, shelling of military positions and important posts, attacks on and killing of civilians

50. Because of air raids, no light at all was allowed to be seen through the windows of buildings.