Nghĩa của từ acrocentric bằng Tiếng Việt

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Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "acrocentric", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ acrocentric, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ acrocentric trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt

1. Key words: chromatid segregation, BrdU, mitosis, acrocentric.

2. Key words: acrotrisomic, barley, acrocentric, trisomic, telotrisomic.

3. The cladogram shows twelve metacentric, two submetacentric and two acrocentric chromosomes.

4. The Ag-NOR sites were on the short arms of some acrocentric pairs and at the telomeres of other acrocentric pairs and one or two metacentric pairs.

5. The heterogeneous results were correlated with the cytogenetic characteristics of the acrocentric chromosomes.

6. Y chromosome has two types of polymorphism : metacentric ( or submetacentric ) and acrocentric chromosomes.

7. The muskox (Ovibos moschatus), a member of the family Bovidae, has 48 chromosomes consisting of 12 biarmed and 34 acrocentric autosomes, an acrocentric X chromosome, and a small metacentric Y chromosome.

8. The association of human acrocentric chromosomes was found to be nonrandom using fluorescence technic.

9. These results prove acrocentric chromosomes play the most important role in nucleolar organisation.

10. As meiosis progressed, trivalents became fully paired, with acrocentric axes in a cis configuration.

11. The six largest pairs of Autosomes and Autosome 20 were biarmed, and the rest were acrocentric.

12. As in the spermatocyte of the pachytene stage, the majority of nucleolar chromosomes, in the oöcyte, are acrocentric.

13. The genus Spalax includes larger species, possessing karyotypes with higher diploid chromosome numbers (2n = 60 or 62) and usually no acrocentric Autosomes.The species of the genus Nannospalax are smaller, their karyotypes are extremely variable (2n = 36-62) and include acrocentric Autosomes (Topachevskii 1969, Lyapunova et al.

14. The association of acrocentric chromosomes in blood diseases (chronic granulocytic leukaemia, polycythemia vera, myelomonocytic leukaemia in children) was quantitatively studied.

15. Except for Mendesius albosignatus Piza, all have 2n (♀) = 31 acrocentric chromosomes with a XO (♀), XX (♂) sex determining mechanism.

16. We compared the number of nucleoli in cells of meningioma cultures which have lost none, one, two or more acrocentric chromosomes.

17. The small acrocentric chromosomes had a typical G-group fluorescence pattern whilst the C-group chromosomes revealed no brightly fluorescent material.

18. Differences between the frequencies of association of pairs of acrocentric chromosomes result from widely differing contributions of their respective homologues.

19. In this paper it has been proved that the nucleoli area remains constant independent of the loss or gain of acrocentric chromosomes.

20. Coregonus clupeaformis had a karyotype (2n = 80, NF = 98) indistinguishable from that described for C. laveretus from Europe, with one pair of nuclear organizer regions (NORs) on the short arms of a small acrocentric chromosome pair and a second NOR on the short arms of another acrocentric chromosome pair.

21. Of 1200 test persons, 127 were observed to have a polymorphism of the short arm or satellite region of an acrocentric chromosome.

22. C-banding revealed prominent centromeric bands on all acrocentric chromosomes and very faint staining of the centromeric regions of the biarmed chromosomes.

23. Acrocentric chromosomes showed a random participation in associations both in normal and in mongol populations, where the additional 21 chromosome significantly alters expected frequencies.

24. In particular, acrocentric chromosomes are prone to be affected by malsegregation events possibly resulting in UPD: these chromosomes are involved in Robertsonian translocation (RT) formation.

25. No tendency for non-random association of homologous or non-homologous chromosomes could be demonstrated except for the well-known association of acrocentric chromosomes.

26. This study shows that the tendancy to association of acrocentric chromosomes is not different in normal cells from normal subjects and from patients with blood disease.

27. The ideogram analysis has revealed that the 59 (or 60) chromosomes consist of 16 metacentric chromosomes and 43 (or 44 in 60 cells) acrocentric ones.

28. In the north, the genome was fixed for metacentric chromosomes whereas at the southern limit, the genome was homozygous for acrocentric and telocentric chromosomes.

29. The paper analyses data, obtained from conventionally stained preparations, on the general pattern of acrocentric association in a large sample of parents of mongol children and controls.

30. These metacentrics were shown to be the product of Robertsonian fusion of acrocentric chromosomes identical to those in the standard karyotype defined by M.B. Rogatcheva et al.

31. Four males from several Spanish natural populations of Aiolopus strepens were found to carry B chromosomes. These are short and acrocentric and are identical in the different individuals.

32. Cytogenetic analysis disclosed a chromosome number of 77, with three metacentric chromosomes comprised of two X chromosomes and a Robertsonian translocation of two acrocentric autosomes, chromosomes 21 and 33.

33. Petrogale penicillata penicillata (2n = 22) and Petrogale penicillata herberti (2n = 22) both possess the synapomorphic acrocentric chromosome 3, which appears to differ from the plesiomorphic 3 by a small centromeric transposition.

34. In S. salar from North America the Q bands were found at the teleomeres of three to four chromosome pairs and at interstitial locations in the 10–13 large acrocentric chromosome pairs.

35. Since the normale somatic complement comprises 77 acrocentric chromosomes and a large metacentric one (X), the chromosomes of tumor cells differ grossly from the somatic elements both morphologically and numerically.

36. Four animals were examined from this population and all possessed an identical 2n = 21 karyotype characterized by homozygosity for a derived acrocentric chromosome 3 (3a) and heterozygosity for a 9–10 fusion.

37. During meiosis, long and short arms of acrocentric homoeologues pair and cross over in the centromere region in 95 (66.9%) of 142 hybrids of differing parentage in the monocotyledon family Aloeaceae.

38. The sequence of possible events for interpreting the child's complement as the result of a disturbance at the nucleolus organizer of chromosome 15 short arm is presented, and comparison is made with other published cases of bisatellited acrocentric chromosomes.

39. In S. trutta the entire short arm of the acrocentric chromosome containing the nucleolar organizer region always stained with chromomycin A3 while in S. gairdneri and S. salar the staining properties of the NOR and adjacent heterochromatin were polymorphic.

40. The remaining cells contained one or more metacentric or submetacentric chromosomes, mainly in higher passages, and were partially hypodiploid. 77% of the epithelial-like calf cornea cells had a set of 36 chromosomes of which 11 were acrocentric.

41. C-band patterns of Mormoops megalophylla showed that most heterochromatic regions were centromeric, and silver-nitrate staining in this species and two species of Pteronotus showed that all possessed three pairs of nucleolar organizer regions on the centromeric ends of acrocentric chromosomes.

42. B's are of two types: metacentric and acrocentric and are associated with three types of abnormalities: (i) failure of the A chromosomes to move to the poles at anaphase I; (ii) nondisjunction of some A chromosomes at anaphase II; and (iii) the occurrence of tetraploid sporocytes.

43. The correlation existing between the biochemical and the cytogenetic findings shows that the amount of rDNA in the human genome is not primarily a function of the number of acrocentric chromosomes, but depends on the individual combination of the variant NORs occurring in the human genome.

44. The chromosomal investigation of a series of 40 short term cultured human meningiomas revealed as main finding the loss of a short acrocentric chromosome of the 21–22 group in 32 tumors. 6 tumors had an apparantly normal chromosome complement, 2 tumors had a numerical chromosome aberration without G-chromosome loss involved.

45. Whilst the strongly fluorescent chromosome segments on the acrocentric chromosomes can be demonstrated in the interphase nucleus of hair-root cells (hair-root cell nuclei), this is different in respect of chromosomes 3 and 4; when strong fluorescences occur in the centromer region, no particles which fluoresce more intensively are present in the interphase cell nucleus.

46. Two species evidenced special hybridization sites with the telomeric probe: (i) interstitial heterochromatic blocks in particular long chromosomes in S. salar, this observation supports tandem fusions as the karyotypic evolutionary mechanism leading to the formation of the long acrocentric and submetacentric chromosomes in the karyotype of S. salar; (ii) the whole NOR region in O. mykiss; this observation suggests that the (TTAGGG)n sequence is scattered all along this chromosome region.