Nghĩa của từ achromatopsia bằng Tiếng Việt

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Đặt câu có từ "achromatopsia"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "achromatopsia", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ achromatopsia, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ achromatopsia trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt

1. & Achromatopsia

2. Achromatopsia, an inability to distinguish different colors.

3. Electroretinographic responses obtained from carriers of achromatopsia revealed a selective a-wave abnormality.

4. A 66 year old man is presented, who is complaining of achromatopsia congenita.

5. This is the first report of functional studies in the carrier state of X-linked recessive achromatopsia.

6. In extremely rare cases, some Color blind people are unable to see any color at all (achromatopsia)

7. Now, this caused a condition called cerebral achromatopsia, which... is a type of color blindness.

8. The people of this region have termed achromatopsia "maskun", which literally means "not see" in Pingelapese.

9. Cone function and day vision have been restored for at least 33 months in two young dogs with achromatopsia.

10. The nystagmus was acquired in one case of multiple sclerosis, and congenital in the other patient who had achromatopsia.

11. The maximum brightness is shifted to the shortwave part of the spectrum. This indicates a hereditary achromatopsia.

12. In addition to a thorough ophthalmic examination, color vision tests and electrophysiology are prerequisites to establish a diagnosis of achromatopsia.

13. All individuals with achromatopsia (Achromats) have impaired color discrimination along all three axes of color vision corresponding to the three

14. Among the stationary cone disorders autosomal recessive achromatopsia occurs most frequently and begins within the first months of life with nystagmus and photophobia.

15. Higher visual disorders as discussed in this paper comprise visual hallucinations, palinopsy, hemineglect, Balint Holmes syndrome, prosopagnosia, visual objectagnosia, alexia without agraphia and cerebral achromatopsia.

16. Harbisson was born with a visual condition known as achromatopsia, making it impossible for him to distinguish colours apart from black and white.

17. Agnosias affecting the “what?” pathway include object agnosia, cerebral achromatopsia, prosopagnosia, topographagnosia, and pure alexia, whereas those affecting the “where?” pathway include akinetopsia, astereognosis, and simultanagnosia

18. Literature and database search and summary of our own molecular genetic analyses in patients affected by achromatopsia, blue cone monochromatism, and cone and cone-rod dystrophy.

19. A genetic examination is very helpful to distinguish achromatopsia from other stationary cone disorders like X-linked recessive blue cone monochromatism and from progressive cone and cone-rod dystrophies.

20. To regard reducing the achromatopsia and counting the proportion as the goal, it designs two kinds of eugenic schemes, and finds out its eugenic law.

21. A'asia abasia abasia-astasia ablepsia abrosia acampsia acanthaesthesia acanthesthesia acatalasia acatamathesia acataphasia acathisia acenesthesia achalasia achondroplasia achromasia achromatopsia acinesia aclasia Acmaesthesia acmesthesia acoenesthesia acolasia acousmatamnesia acrasia acrisia acroaesthesia acroanaesthesia acrocinesia

22. A total of 88 children with different causes of visual impairment e.g. albinism, retinal scars, retinopathy of prematurity (ROP), achromatopsia and optic atrophy etc., were included in this longitudinal study.

23. Electroretinographic responses obtained from carriers of achromatopsia revealed a selective a-wave abnormality. Low a-wave amplitudes were found throughout the course of thirty minutes of dark adaptation.

24. Achondroplasia achondroplastic Achorion achroacyte achroma achromacyte achromasia achromat achromatic achromatically achromatic figure achromatic lens achromatin achromatise achromatised achromatising achromatism achromatize achromatized achromatizing achromatocyte achromatolyses achromatolysis achromatope achromatopsia achromia achromic

25. In a 15th case, a boy now 13 years of age, the clinical symptomatology and the scotopic ERG had led to the diagnosis of an incomplete form of achromatopsia 5 years earlier.

26. Complementation; Complementation (genetics) Complementation group; Complementation test; complement-fixation reaction; complement-fixation test; complement-fixing antibody; complete; complete abortion; complete achromatopsia; complete androgen insensitivity syndrome; complete antigen; complete ascertainment; complete atrioventricular block

27. In three patients with clinically typical total congenital achromatopsia, spectral sensitivity was investigated using a large stimulus area (120°) and chromatic adaptation, by modifying the methods of Stiles, Wald, Marré and Zrenner.

28. It can also refer to: Achromatic colors, “greys” or “neutral colors”, also black or white Achromatic lens, a lens designed to minimize chromatic aberration; Achromatic vision: Monochromacy (total color blindness); Achromatopsia; Monochrome; Achromatic

29. Applying chromatic adaptation, which usually provides isolation of different photopigments, to total achromatopsia at first glance does not seem very promising, because there should be only one photopigment in the retina of those patients, namely rhodopsin.

30. Well, I was born with a rare visual condition called achromatopsia, which is total color blindness, so I've never seen color, and I don't know what color looks like, because I come from a grayscale world.

31. The method and the system can adjust the focal length and the display data according to nearsightedness, farsightedness, achromatopsia, hypochromatopsia or other conditions of the user, and enable users with different eyesight to obtain optimal display effect when watching with naked eyes or with glasses.

32. Normal Trichromats Congenital Red-Green-Defects Protanopia Deuteranopia Protanomaly Deuteranomaly Acquired Tritan-defects (for instance infantile dominant optic atrophy) Acquired Tritanopia Acquired Tritanomaly Congenital Tritan-Defects Tritanopia Tritanomaly Congenital Achromatopsia with Scotopic Vλ-curve The conditions for illumination and for the examination-procedure are equal to those of the Nagel-Anomaloscope.

33. The cases with complete congenital achromatopsia presented a uniform picture: the subjects affected were not able to distinguish colours at all; the ERG showed subnormal amplitudes of a- and b-waves and a flicker fusion frequency with a maximum of 10 cps according to the lack of photopic components; the course of dark adaptation was monophasic within the normal range or near to it.