Nghĩa của từ Pelagic bằng Tiếng Việt

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Đặt câu có từ "Pelagic"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "Pelagic", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ Pelagic, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ Pelagic trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt

1. Large-scale pelagic drift-net fishing

2. Theme: Pelagic habitats (relating to Descriptor 1)

3. Small pelagic species (Anchovy and Sardine)

4. List of deep-sea, pelagic and demersal fish species

5. Bedded Ichnofossils and ichnofabrics in rhythmically Bedded pelagic/hemi-pelagic carbonates: recognition and evaluation of benthic redox and scour cycles

6. Pelagic fish (NS) | PEL | Alewife | Alosa pseudoharengus | ALE |

7. Seemingly misnamed, pelagic Cormorants are rarely seen far from land

8. Bathyal sediments are terrestrial, pelagic, or authigenic (formed in place)

9. Marine sampling field manual for pelagic Bruvs (Baited Remote Underwater Videos)

10. • Table 11 Summary of risk quotients for freshwater pelagic biota

11. Dolphins are vulnerable to drift nets and towed pelagic gears.

12. Pelagic Cormorants nest in colonies, which are smaller than those of other Cormorants

13. They are well developed in Octopus and Eledone and especially so in the pelagic Argonautids

14. The Pelagic Cormorant and the Brandt's Cormorant can be seen along North American coastlines

15. Bluefish are a pelagic schooling species that primarily travel in groups of like-sized fish

16. No threshold shall apply to large pelagic species and anadromous and catadromous species.

17. Amphipods are both pelagic (free-swimming), and benthic (bottom-dwelling) creatures, but are primarily bottom dwellers

18. The STECF review indicates a low utilisation for all fleets apart from the 24-40m pelagic trawlers.

19. The argonauts ( genus Argonauta, the only extant genus in the family Argonautidae) are a group of pelagic octopuses

20. The smallest Cormorant in Washington, the Pelagic Cormorant is slender, with an especially slender neck and beak

21. Cobia is a pelagic species and is found over shallow coral reef and especially along coasts with submerged rocks

22. The abyssal zone or abyssopelagic zone is a layer of the pelagic zone of the ocean.

23. Acoustic surveys of the pelagic fish community of Lake Memphremagog, Quebec, were conducted when fish were aggregated and dispersed.

24. Butterfish are actually a fast-growing, short-lived, pelagic fishes that form loose schools, often near the surface

25. (1942) Pelagic larval stages of the sand crabs Emerita Analoga (Stimpson), Blepharipoda occidentalis Randall, and Lepidopa myops Stimpson

26. This model is also used to compare global river discharges with metal accumulations in nearshore and pelagic sediments.

27. Hydrological transport model Pelagic zone Munson, B.H., Axler, R., Hagley C., Host G., Merrick G., Richards C. (2004).

Mô hình vận chuyển nước ^ Munson, B.H., Axler, R., Hagley C., Host G., Merrick G., Richards C. (2004).

28. Burrows by birds are usually made in soft soils; some penguins and other pelagic seabirds are noted for such Burrows

29. The mackerel sharks, a family of pelagic, predacious galeoids distinguished by a heavy body, nearly symmetrical tail, and sharp, Awllike teeth.

30. Rhinoceros Auklets are mostly pelagic, which means they live on the open ocean and return to shore only for breeding

31. They are pelagic fishes, found in every ocean, mostly at depths of 300–600 m but sometimes as deep as 4000 m.

Chúng là cá biển khơi, tìm thấy trong tất cả các đại dương, chủ yếu ở độ sâu 300–600 m; nhưng đôi khi tới độ sâu 4.000 m.

32. For abyssal depths, the benthic realm is sufficiently decoupled from the pelagic realm to justify separate assessments of representativity

33. The brains of many exceptionally unique Cephalopods, such as the deep-sea coleoids and the pelagic argonauts, have not been well studied.

34. The Upper Cretaceous, sexually mature ancestral Argonautid females, which had to carry out the pelagic mode of breeding, occupied empty, floating ammonites

35. The larval Bigmouths are pelagic and sometimes benthic feeders of copepods and cladocerans mostly, but also eat phytoplankton and chironomids

36. The smalleye pygmy shark (Squaliolus Aliae) is a dwarf pelagic shark from the Dalatiidae family that harbours thousands of tiny photophores

37. Capelin (Mallotus villosus) is a classic “r” adapted pelagic species that inhabits the northern boreal oceans at the margins of cold Arctic waters

38. Backscatterings from pelagic fishes were distinguished from others based on the shapes and other auxiliary acoustic characteristics [7, 14, 20] by experienced researchers

39. Altimetry data will help you find fish offshore and is one of the most important conditions to consider when looking for pelagic activity

40. ‘Usually you can expect to see great numbers of pelagic birds - gannets, shearwaters, jaegers, storm-petrels, Alcids - that live mainly at sea.’

41. Marine habitats and ecosystems are also extremely diverse, ranging from pelagic ecosystems to deep seabed features, such as hydrothermal vents and abyssal plains

42. Marine habitats and ecosystems are also extremely diverse, ranging from pelagic ecosystems to deep seabed features, such as hydrothermal vents and abyssal plains.

43. The mako, which feeds on fast pelagic fish, such as tuna, can speed through the water at 60 miles per hour [100 kph] for short bursts!

Cá nhám thu ăn những loài cá biển phóng nhanh, như cá ngừ chẳng hạn; trong những quãng phóng ngắn, vận tốc của cá nhám thu có thể đạt tới 100 kilômét giờ!

44. Albacore, like other tunas, have a number of physiological and morphological specializations that adapt them to a fast, continuous swimming lifestyle in the pelagic open ocean environment

45. Billfishes are targeted in several small-scale artisanal fisheries, recreational fisheries, and represent a significant bycatch of pelagic longline fisheries for tunas and swordfish

46. The Albatrosses are the largest pelagic seabirds in the world, with some having wingspans over 10', as is the case with the Wandering Albatross

47. An abundance of large predators such as cetaceans are also attracted to these localities, which may be regarded as pelagic and benthic hot spots.

48. Catchability coefficients for tropical pelagic Billfishes and tunas in the equatorial Atlantic Ocean may increase as a result of expanding OMZs (Prince and Goodyear 2006, Prince et al

49. Albacore definition is - a large pelagic tuna (Thunnus alalunga) with long pectoral fins that is a source of canned tuna; broadly : any of various tunas (such as a bonito).

50. A pelagic bird, usually seen only from boats, the Black-footed Albatross is solid brownish-gray, with a pale face and a lighter patch at the base of its tail.