Nghĩa của từ charge bằng Tiếng Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ

  1. yüklemek, tahmil etmek
  2. doldurmak (tüfek, top, ocak vb)
  3. doyurmak
  4. (havayı) gerginleştirmek
  5. (elek.) şarj etmek
  6. emretmek, vazifelendirmek, itham etmek, mesul tutmak
  7. mükellef addetmek
  8. fiyat talep etmek
  9. hücum etmek, hamle yapmak, saldırmak
  10. hesaba kaydetmek, geçirmek
  11. emir verilince yere yatmak (köpek) charge off gözden çıkarmak
  12. elden çıkarmak. charge with yüklemek
  13. itham etmek, suçlamak
  14. borçlandırmak.
  15. yük, hamule
  16. bir atışta kullanılan patlayıcı madde miktarı
  17. görev, vazife
  18. idare, nezaret, bakım
  19. emanet
  20. mesuliyet
  21. itham, yükümleme
  22. masraf, fiyat
  23. ücret
  24. vergi, rüsum, harç
  25. (emir), hücum, hamle, saldırı
  26. borç
  27. (elek.) şarj. charge account mağazada açık hesap. charge plate veresiye alışverişte gösterilen kağıt. in charge nezaret altında
  28. amir, buyuran kimse. in charse of ile yükümlü
  29. yönetici vasfında. take charge of mesuliyetini üzerine almak.

Đặt câu có từ "charge"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "charge", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ charge, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ charge trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ

1. 3 synonyms for Burster: bursting charge, explosive charge, charge

2. Charge!

3. If I signal you to charge, you charge.

4. If I signal you to charge, you charge

5. Question: why do Contingency recruiters charge what they charge?

6. Now, charge!

7. Charge paddles?

8. Ladies, charge!

9. Battery Charge

10. Charge, Google fee, Tax, Charge refund, Google fee refund, etc.

11. I'm in charge.

12. Accumulator charge circuit

13. Who's in charge?

14. - Advice of charge,

15. Common-mode charge control in a pipelined charge- domain signal- processing circuit

16. Contemn koji proklinje wystawa false charge, grievance, charge falsely usual for loading Nor

17. Coulombs to electron charge conversion calculator How to convert electron charge to Coulombs

18. 1 An electron has a negative charge, a proton has a positive charge.

19. Usually I charge admission.

20. You should charge admission.

21. It's free of charge.

22. In Charge of “Bakeries”

23. Autobots, we charge together!

24. On the gun charge.

25. Customs duty, inspection charge at unloading port, discharging charge to be borne by buyer.

26. Acknowledgement of charge debts (2.4) A person acknowledges a charge debt if the person

27. You are not in charge of the universe; you are in charge of yourself.

28. Bunker charge definition is - the charge for loading coal or oil into a ship's Bunker.

29. Charge domain block matching processor

30. We'll charge atyour whistle signal.

31. Acme’s Living Wage Service Charge

32. You charge in, spilling things!

33. All cancellations incur a charge.

34. FLEURY: You're not in charge.

35. I'm not in charge here.

36. The charge sheet included genocide.

37. Is there any extra charge?

38. No charge and no address

39. Accumulators, batteries, chargers, charge regulators

40. Or “have charge of; guard.”

41. No more, "Charge before use."

42. They're running on stored charge!


44. If I were in charge ...

45. Affirmations Have an Emotional Charge

46. VC Turbat University Assumes charge

47. Who's in charge here, Alex?

48. Units of charge, Coulomb's Law;

49. Amortisation charge for the year

50. I'm the man in charge!