Nghĩa của từ cerebellum bằng Tiếng Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ

  1. (çoğ.)-lums, -la) (anat.) beyincik, küçük beyin.

Đặt câu có từ "cerebellum"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "cerebellum", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ cerebellum, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ cerebellum trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ

1. Role of the cerebellum in language computations.

2. The Cortex also covers the cerebellum.

3. It Accommodates the brainstem and cerebellum

4. Culmen cerebel´li (Culmen of cerebellum) the portion of the rostral lobe of the cerebellum that lies medially between the central lobule and the primary fissure.

5. The vertebroBasilar arteries supply the cerebellum, medulla, midbrain, and occipital cortex

6. The cerebellum coordinates the muscle movements ordered by the motor cortex .

7. Conclusion NPY immunoreactive neurons are located in cerebellum Purkinje cell layer.

8. The Purkinje layer allows communication between the granular and molecular cortical layers in the cerebellum.

9. Culmen cerebel´li (Culmen of cerebellum) the portion of the rostral lobe of the cerebellum that lies medially between the central lobule and the primary fissure.

10. The Brain stem sits beneath your cerebrum in front of your cerebellum

11. The Culmenis the portion of the anterior vermisadjacent to the primary fissure of cerebellum

12. Clippers predominantly affects the cerebellum, spinal cord, and brainstem - the part of the brain

13. Accumulations of closely packed tubules occur within the larger myelinated nerve fibres which traverse the granular layer of the cerebellum.

14. What the cerebellum does to sensorimotor and vestibular control, it also does to Cognition, emotion, and autonomic function

15. The Basilar supplies the pons, vertebral arteries, and provides branches to the cerebrum and cerebellum.

16. The Cerebrum accounts for 85% of the brain’s weight, whereas the cerebellum only accounts for 10%

17. Arborization in Purkinje cells is an important step in the formation of extensive dendritic trees, which are essential for cerebellum functions

18. AIM: To observe the crossed cerebellum diaschisis after focal cerebral ischemia and the interventional effects of ligustrazine.

19. Green fluorescent protein expression was observed in the tissues of cerebrum, hippocampus, thalamencephalon, cerebellum and brain stem.

20. Multivariate pattern analysis (MVPA) was used to decode Articulatory gestures in M1, cerebellum and basal ganglia

21. Cerebrum and cerebellum are both parts of the human brain playing an integral role in our everyday life

22. The cerebellum can be found just below your Cerebrum and behind the upper portion of your brain stem

23. 24 The cerebellum, atop the brain stem, has many more, thanks to so many little granule cell neurons.

24. Ataxia is not one condition but a group of conditions that affect the cerebellum region of the brain

25. Ataxia usually develops as a result of damage to a part of the brain that coordinates movement (cerebellum).

26. Like the Cerebrum, the cerebellum is divided into two lateral hemispheres, which are connected by a medial part called the vermis

27. The Cerebrum resembles walnut in shape and the cerebellum looks like a little brain located under the Cerebrum

28. 17 Green fluorescent protein expression was observed in the tissues of cerebrum, hippocampus, thalamencephalon, cerebellum and brain stem.

29. The macroscopic anatomy of the cerebellum and the brain stem of the Chinese buffalo was studied in detail.

30. In case of anencephaly or Anencephalic baby, the brain of the child does not possess skull, cranium, meninges, brain hemisphere and cerebellum

31. Sparse numbers of labeled fibers appeared to descend into the reticular formation and enter the cerebellum via the Brachium pontis.

32. Tectal Beaking refers to the fusion of the midbrain colliculi into a single beak pointing posteriorly and invaginating into the cerebellum

33. When the gene was deleted from stem cells, most of them went on to form normal cell types within the cerebellum.

34. Medical definition of Culmen: a lobe of the cerebellum lying in the superior vermis just in front of the primary fissure.

35. These sections or Brain lobes are called the Frontal Lobe, Temporal Lobe, Parietal Lobe, Occipital Lobe, the Cerebellum, and the Brain Stem

36. Amygdalae definition: an almond-shaped part, such as a tonsil or a lobe of the cerebellum Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

37. In the control group, signal increases areas were demonstrated in superior temporal gyri , precentral gyri , cingulate gyri , thalamus, insula and cerebellum.

38. Three- dimensional play fires up the cerebellum, puts a lot of impulses into the frontal lobe -- the executive portion -- helps contextual memory be developed, and -- and, and, and.

39. The pontocerebellar pathway in the Brachium pontis (BP), is known to convey signals from various cortical and subcortical visual structures to the cerebellum

40. Atonic cerebral palsy develops after an infant experiences damages to the cerebellum, which is the part of the brain that controls balance and coordination

41. The Brainstem connects the cerebrum on top and it connects the spinal cord below, and it connects the cerebellum, which is behind the Brainstem

42. Specific regions of the cerebellum are key to implicit memory and play an important role in acquiring Automatized skills that someone can perform without conscious awareness or …

43. The angioreticulomas of the cerebellum showed a peak incidence in the third and forth decade. 3 morphologically different types of angioreticulomas can be distinguished.

44. This neuronal pathway is referred to as the cerebellum to Purkinje cell climbing fiber pathway and it is implicated in the coordination of movements.

45. Cortex definition is - the outer or superficial part of an organ or bodily structure (such as the kidney, adrenal gland, or cerebellum or a bone); especially : cerebral Cortex.

46. Three-dimensional play fires up the cerebellum, puts a lot of impulses into the frontal lobe -- the executive portion -- helps contextual memory be developed, and -- and, and, and.

47. He could not button up his shirt and had difficulty with other ordinary motor skills, presumably due to his damaged cerebellum, which normally coordinates motor activities.

48. Ataxia can be the chief complaint or part of the presenting symptoms, and it is usually caused by cerebellar dysfunction, impaired vestibular or proprioceptive afferent input to the cerebellum.

49. Ataxia usually results from damage to a part of the brain called the cerebellum, but it can also be caused by damage to other parts of the nervous system

50. Results: Following short-term abstinence, greater activation was found in response to heroin cues compared to neutral cues in bilateral temporal, occipital, posterior cingulate, anterior cingulate, thalamus, cerebellum, and left hippocampus.