Nghĩa của từ warlike bằng Tiếng Hà Lan

warlike [wɔːlaik] krijgshaftig, oorlogszuchtig

Đặt câu có từ "warlike"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "warlike", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Hà Lan. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ warlike, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ warlike trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Hà Lan

1. Any warlike tendencies disappear.

2. It has no warlike significance.

3. Object warlike raise one's hand.

4. They were warlike and imperialistic.

5. Are they a warlike people?

6. The Spartans were a warlike people.

7. I think Japan is a warlike nation.

8. Bellicose: Warlike in manner or temperament; pugnacious.

9. The Scythians were a fiercely warlike people.Sentence dictionary

10. Bellicose: Warlike or hostile in manner or temperament

11. The descendants of Benjamin were a warlike race.

12. Bellicosity: Bellicose tendency or disposition; warlike intention or desire

13. I can't bring myself to support a warlike government.

14. They were armed with spears and other warlike implements.

15. Of warlike character; aggressively hostile; bellicose: a Belligerent tone

16. I cannot bring myself to support a warlike government.

17. Macron Criticises Turkey's "warlike" rhetoric on Nagorno-Karabakh

18. Some people used to regard China as a warlike country.

19. They originated from the nomadic, warlike tribes known as the Qiang.

20. As Theate Marrucinorum, Chieti was the chief town of the warlike Marrucini.

21. According to these blessings, Gad’s descendants were to be a warlike race.

22. Belligerent Warlike; given to waging war; characterized by a tendency to wage or carry on war.; Belligerent Of warlike character; constituting or tending to an infraction of peace: as, a Belligerent

23. 1590, Edmund Spenser, The Faerie Queene, III.2: I have been trained up in warlike stowre, / To tossen speare and shield, and to Affrap / The warlike ryder to his most mishap

24. Belligerence is a natural disposition to be hostile or aggressive, or a warlike attitude

25. The world is uneasy and some regions are warlike, but peace generally reigns.

26. He was being sought by their gestapo in retribution for his warlike acts.

27. The United States is the most peaceful, least warlike nation in modern history.

28. Traditional steps were incorporated into warlike foot movements surmounted by expressive hand gestures.

29. Constantine's position was not so surprising in an essentially pagan potentate of warlike disposition.

30. It has often been said, perhaps unfairly, that they are a warlike nation/people.

31. Humanity had to abandon its warlike ways, Wells said, or technology would decimate it.

32. In Gregory's narrative the Thuringians appear as dupes for the more sophisticated and warlike Franks.

33. Synonyms for Confrontational include aggressive, bellicose, combative, hostile, adversarial, antagonistic, gladiatorial, scrappy, truculent and warlike

34. Amazonian definition, (of a woman) characteristic of or like an Amazon; powerful and aggressive; warlike

35. [Latin belligerāns, Belligerant-, present participle of belligerāre, to wage war, from belliger, warlike : bellum, war + gerere, to

36. What does Belligerency mean? The state of being at war or being engaged in a warlike conflict

37. The warlike " thunder of figures " had abated and quite a number of people had left.

38. “Messengers of peace,” diplomats sent to negotiate peace with the warlike Assyrians, face mockery and humiliation.

39. His spirit was as warlike as ever, but he could no longer offer effective military leadership.

40. Corroboree (plural Corroborees) A nocturnal dance held by Australian Aborigines, for social, celebratory or warlike purposes

41. Corroboree definition: a native assembly of sacred , festive , or warlike character Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

42. According to the first European explorers, all the various peoples scattered across America had warlike traditions.

43. The Black Orcs were the most difficult to defeat, because they were so warlike and determined.

44. Belligerence definition: the act or quality of being belligerent or warlike ; aggressiveness Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

45. Later , many nomadic and warlike people came to the country and their admixture modified the national temperament considerably .

46. Bellicose [bel-i-kohs] is an english word that means: inclined or eager to fight; aggressively hostile; warlike

47. An Aboriginal assembly of sacred, festive, or warlike character: *it was the gathering of the tribes – for Corroboree

48. 10 According to the prophecy, “a great sword was given” to the warlike second horseman of the Apocalypse.

49. Men shouted, women screamed, cattle Bellowed, and sheep bleated; while a shot or so told that something warlike was afoot

50. Many women died in childbirth, but it was not so dangerous as the warlike pursuits of the men-folk.