Nghĩa của từ take note bằng Tiếng Hà Lan

take note [teiknout] bevinden, constateren, vaststelle

Đặt câu có từ "take note"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "take note", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Hà Lan. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ take note, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ take note trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Hà Lan

1. Take note of the context.

2. Take note of what he says.

3. Take note of the weather conditions.

4. (Laughter) Take note of those clock ends.

5. If adverse conditions are forecast - take note.

6. Good to take note of first impressions.

7. Charles must take note of her hair.

8. But pitchers had best take note as well.

9. Take note what color the traffic signal is.

10. Have the kindness to take note of my signature.

11. Sometimes the Council might simply take note of the advice.

12. If so, please take note of it for future reference.

13. Take note of what I say and don't forget it.

14. Why does he not take note of that widespread feeling?

15. 4 Few today take note of what makes God impressive.

16. The outside world slowly began to take note of the island.

17. Get out your pilfered napkins and Bic pens and take note.

18. We need now only take note of the most salient features.

19. Brunettes, take note—because it’s an exciting year to be you

20. Take note of difficult words, and say these aloud several times.

21. The United States has every reason to take note of this.

22. I hope that part-time workers will take note of that.

23. Christians would do well to take note of what God labels Abominations

24. The Executive Board may wish to take note of the above reports.

25. The Executive Board may wish to take note of the above report.

26. It may also discuss and take note of update reports from Members.

27. His first album made the music world stand up and take note .

28. People were beginning to take note of her talents as a writer.

29. Take note that suddenly being Clingy or aggressive isn’t a behavioral problem

30. Take note of how much water goes through your meter in 60 seconds.

31. Under the new rules the penalty for illegal play is increased. Players take note.

32. Take note of the filter pressure after the last time you Backwashed the filter

33. 11 Before answering that question, we need to take note of three basic facts.

34. Jehovah will ‘bend down’ to take note of us and listen to our prayers.

35. Why should we take note of what Elihu said on the matter of justice?

36. I also take note of the Group's concern regarding the time allotted to this session

37. Additions to take note of some recent scholarship have been introduced, though these are few.

38. Family heads should, therefore, take note of what their family members are planning to wear.

39. If you had that sort of phenomenon occur you have to take note of it.

40. We hope that manufacturers will take note of the findings and improve their products accordingly.

41. I also take note of the Group’s concern regarding the time allotted to this session.

42. Why did Jehovah take note of Abel’s sacrifice, and of what does this assure us?

43. Please take note of our order, and kindly advise us when you can despatch the goods.

44. By examining the cookie, Web sites can take note of what other sites you have visited.

45. They take note not only of their names and addresses but also of their interests and needs.

46. Men take note: If you want women to remember, speak to them in a low pitch voice.

47. Take note of the report of the Administrator on internal audit and oversight services (DP/2000/21);

48. (2 Peter 2:9) Take note of the context of that statement, at 2 Peter 2:4-10:

49. How has all this change occurred and why is the world standing up to take note of India?

50. It will be published in Autumn once the Committee of Ministers will take note of it. Abridged report