Nghĩa của từ pursue bằng Tiếng Hà Lan

pursue [pəsjuː] najagen, nastreven achtervolgen, najagen, vervolge

Đặt câu có từ "pursue"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "pursue", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Hà Lan. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ pursue, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ pursue trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Hà Lan

1. Scorpions, pursue and destroy.

2. Search for Justice, Pursue Righteousness

3. Pursue “Holiness in God’s Fear”

4. Pursue breakthroughs in your life.


6. Now you pursue this guy, gesticulating.

7. Pursue excellence and success will follow.

8. Pursue Godly Peace in Family Life

9. 3 Others pursue fame and position.

10. : Why nations should pursue " soft power "

11. Find your passion, and pursue it crazily.

12. Pursue a Career in the Culinary Arts.

13. Pursue unarmed forces to retrieve military equipment.

14. Furthermore, many Benelux-based businesses actively pursue

15. “Pursue to know Jehovah,” as Hosea urged.

16. She said she would pursue for him.

17. Charles did not pursue the Russian army.

18. She wishes to pursue a medical career.

19. The emperor ordered servants to pursue him immediately.

20. She plans to pursue a career in politics.

21. And to forever pursue the cultivation of oneself.

22. Cachet encourages students of all backgrounds to pursue

23. In what ways did the Israelites pursue unrealities?

24. This is something that you should not pursue.

25. He decided to pursue a career in television.

26. We have decided not to pursue the matter.

27. We pursue "ecru personhood, outstanding work" enterprise culture.

28. How can we most effectively pursue these aims?

29. He ran off swiftly to pursue those boxtrolls

30. Some pursue riches and reap the inevitable consequences.

31. If you are passionate about something, pursue it.

32. Janet did not dare pursue the matter further .

33. We have decided not to pursue the matter further.

34. The gendarmes, all 48,000 of them, can't pursue him.

35. Foxes, wild cats and other animals pursue the hare.

36. Determination to pursue his own course was jolted badly.

37. Actually, there is another angle we need to pursue.

38. What other training can you pursue in Jehovah’s organization?

39. He began to pursue an easy and comfortable life.

40. Both satellites pursue nearly circular, equatorial orbits about Mars.

41. First, I am going to pursue an MBA degree.

42. Baskonize Naked bread you bake! Pursue them with vinegar

43. She never had any time to pursue her hobbies.

44. To lose to pursue, to marry marry a happiness.

45. They pursue their goals with a will, with energy.

46. But if you pursue me it is another matter.

47. The second article shows how we can pursue peace.

48. If we let him buckle our center, he'll pursue.

49. All students pursue certain courses of general anthropological concern.

50. Tom "Bubbie" Broders Pursue Happiness Instagram: @Bubbiegolf