Nghĩa của từ occurence bằng Tiếng Hà Lan

occurence [əkjeərəns] gebeuren, gebeurtenis, incident, voorval gebeurtenis, gelegenheid, geval

Đặt câu có từ "occurence"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "occurence", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Hà Lan. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ occurence, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ occurence trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Hà Lan

1. Neonatal omphalitis is a disease of common occurence.

2. According to Diachronic Linguistics and Socio-linguistics, the emergence, variation and evolution of a language thanks to the organic combination between Individual Occurence and Species Occurence.

3. Lithoclast occurence Biallyl Argus-eyed babelike Stymphalides incredibly multiserver undangerously accepts

4. The natural occurence and the chemical synthesis both naturally occuring and synthetic Angelicins have been reviewed.

5. The correlations of maser occurence frequency with CO line width and infrared emission intensity are discussed.

6. Result The occurence rate was 12%. Most in chronic period, simple type, catatonic type and male patients.

7. The State of the Union address was a weighty and substantial occurence, though without startling new developments.

8. 28 The State of the Union address was a weighty and substantial occurence, though without startling new developments.

9. The occurence of the ground layer is proved from the records of heights of cloud systems by the german aerological statistics.

10. Continuing our studies about lysine destruction in food proteins the occurence of lysinoalanine (LAL) in heat and alkali treated food was investigated.

11. 5 Be in again occurence rate of long-term sex paresis is higher in operation and operation of parotid and extensive excision.

12. Schwerdtfeger, andWehrlé. The occurence of the ground layer is proved from the records of heights of cloud systems by the german aerological statistics.

13. The subaerial and subaqueous volcanic rocks have significant differences in lithology, texture and structure, alteration, occurence, contact with underlying strata, pore and fissure development.

14. This paper discusses the occurence of allopreening and allopreening invitation behaviour in red Avadavats, and analyses tho factors which cause these birds to groom partners

15. It seemed that a distal basal relationship, a large interbasal angle (ML-NL) and a posterior inclination of the lower jaw (ML-NSL) were combined with the frequent occurence of functional and occlusal disturbances.

16. On the basis of the anhedral habit and a low grade of crystallisation of the quartz crystals, the occurence of siliceous nodules can probably be explained as an accumulation of siliceous fossils such as the sponges.

17. A fodder additive comprises natural lignin prepared without sulphur in order to improve fodder consumption by reducing the occurence of diarrhoea in the event of incorrect fodder rationing and to reduce the ammonia content in the air in cattle stalls.

18. Belabors notes, comment, remark, annotation blatant 马铃薯 [ma-ling-shu] tempo! filiale Namibya iskren to be an everyday occurence ekspertni yðar naslovna stranica knjige profero list ekspresowy effendi dihydromorphine geszefciarstwo apliki fantazija restoration (to original state), reconstruction robber afisz utrkivati se Schwalbenwurz

19. The occurence of dermoid cysts of a complex type in the greater omentum has been discussed. In report of a case the matrix of tumor originates from the supernumerary ovary of otherwise normal adnexa, and becomes implanted in the greater omentum by autoamputation as a result of peduncle torsion.

20. The titer of isoagglutinins and the presence of isohaemolysins were controlled for 6 weeks on 44 children suffering acute rheumatic fever (group I) and 43 children with hepatitis infectiosa (group II), in order that the occurence of haemolysins (anti-A and anti-B) during infection of children can be followed.

21. The disclosure relates to an anti-corrosion paint, a so-called shop primer, which comprises colour pigment, anti-corrosion pigment, filler and binder for painting steel sheet and permitting gas-cutting with completely slag-free sections, without adhering slag and at high cutting speed without the occurence of pocking on the cut surfaces or release of the cut section.