Nghĩa của từ learn of bằng Tiếng Hà Lan

learn of [ləːnɔf] horen, verneme

Đặt câu có từ "learn of"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "learn of", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Hà Lan. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ learn of, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ learn of trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Hà Lan

1. 11 He was dismayed to learn of their disloyalty.

2. Oh, gosh, I'm so sorry to learn of Anglophilia/Suzanne's passing

3. Individuals may not learn of their Candidacy from their hearing care professional

4. Learn of the characteristics of Cetaceans and how they survive in the ocean.

5. We must also learn of and follow the one whom God sent forth.

6. “Learn of the spiritual and temporal needs of the sister and her family.”

7. " to learn of what should next be done, leave the blade'til the hour be none. "

8. The ICCR is deeply saddened to learn of this tragic incident and morns this loss.

9. 20 Failure by the parole system to learn of felony convictions and to revoke paroles.

10. Shem lived long enough to learn of what events in connection with his line of descent?

11. After reading and studying the Bible, what additional food should be tasted to learn of its deliciousness?

12. In the Book of Mormon we learn of a people who had discovered the secret to happiness.

13. In the book of Helaman, we learn of one group of Nephites who experienced great loss and slaughter.

14. 26 Giap did not learn of their deaths for three years, and he was distraught when he heard the news.

15. Reasonably Ascertainable creditors can be defined as a creditor that the personal representative would learn of if they exercised reasonable diligence

16. 4 What, though, can we learn of Abel and his faith when so little is said about him in the Bible?

17. Because of this, Jehovah’s Witnesses voluntarily take positive action to help others to learn of the marvelous hope found in God’s Word.

18. Engineers, buyers, and industry leaders who learn of the MICRALOX’s coating capability realize it is an easy substitute for traditional Anodic coatings.

19. They come to enjoy the beautiful rain-forest setting and the Great Barrier Reef and to learn of the history of the area.

20. All were greatly comforted to learn of one another’s faith and integrity, and they continued to supplicate God to make up any lack.

21. Tomorrow, in your newspapers, gentlemen, you will be shocked to learn of the rogue activities of that infamous scoundrel, the late William Reynolds.

22. Students studying Anthropology at the University of Tennessee learn of this breadth and diversity by taking courses in Cultural, Biological and Archaeological Anthropology.

23. A matter of lasting value to the Father is that we learn of Him, humble ourselves, and grow in obedience to Him through earthly experiences.

24. That is how she came to learn of the quatrain written by your father, and decided to leave Moulins , and the Court, to consult him.

25. 43 But he ordered them again and again* to let no one learn of this,+ and he said that something should be given her to eat.

26. Do we learn of any other Blipped characters? It appears that pretty much all the major Spidey characters Blipped, including Peter, Aunt May, Ned, MJ, Flash Thompson, and Betty Brandt.

27. “In every head,” write Tony Buzan and Terence Dixon, “is a formidable powerhouse, a compact, efficient organ whose capacity seems to expand further towards infinity the more we learn of it.”

28. Thus, for example, if a student posts a libelous message to our Usenet server and we never learn of it, the student alone will be liable if the message results in a lawsuit.

29. "Enforced disappearances inflict unbearable cruelty not just on the victims, but on family members - who often wait years or decades to learn of their fate," said Aisling Reidy, senior legal adviser at Human Rights Watch.

30. In The Algebraist, a key element of the plot revolves around portals, with the Algebraist itself being a list of co-ordinates to Dweller portals.Early in the story we hear about the destruction of a portal, during which we learn of the following limitation: Portals were only ever positioned at Lagrange points or other orbits distant from large heavenly bodies because they needed a section of

31. Ly taken all danger will be Avoidedi Among thetens of thousands who lave used this remedy for these disI eases we have yet to learn of a single case having resulted in pneumonia which shows conclusively that it is a certain preventive of that dangerous malady It will cure a cold or an at-tack of lagrippe in less time than any other treatment It