Nghĩa của từ whig bằng Tiếng Hàn

noun - Whig
휘그당: Whig
휘그당원: Whig
독립당원: Whig
adjective - Whig
휘그당원의: Whig
휘그당의: Whig

Đặt câu có từ "whig"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "whig", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Hàn. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ whig, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ whig trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Hàn

1. He began by pouring ridicule on the whig leader.

2. Charlotte was an enthusiastic Whig, as her father had been.

3. The Whig leader in the Senate was Henry Clay of Kentucky.

4. It absorbed most of the dissenters from the dying Whig Party.

5. Sought the Whig nomination in 18 but lost to Winfield Scott.

6. Hamilton's Federalists evolved into the Whig Party and then the Republican Party.

7. The opposition Whig Party was happy over Van Buren's failures.

8. He was opposed by several candidates, all of the new Whig Party.

9. As expected, Clay was chosen as the Whig Party's candidate for president.

10. In other places we find Whig crowds retaliating to a Tory initiative.

11. Abolitionising whigs who form so large a portion of the whig party in Massachu setts and Ohio, and who are so numerous also in the whig ranks in New York

12. Despite their differences, President Tyler and the Whig Congress enacted much positive legislation.

13. The abstract noun "whiggishness" is sometimes used as a generic term for Whig historiography.

14. I never yet could ascertain properly whether you are a Whig or a Troy.

15. They shared Whig exclusionist politics and were arrested during the Monmouth rebellion.

16. Charles Sumner, among others; a group of abolitionist Whigs who broke with the Whig party now and would never go back, a harbinger of the ultimate death, within the next four years, of the Whig Party.

그들은 휘그당을 떠난 노예 제도 폐지론자들이었는데 다시는 휘그당으로 돌아가지 않을 것이고, 이들은 다음 4년 이내에 휘그당이 사라지는 것의 예고가 될 것입니다.

17. The Democratic victory was so great that many people thought the Whig Party was finished.

18. 28 It was a strange conjunction — the prim serious young Queen and the elderly, cynical Whig.

19. The Whig Party controlled both houses of Congress after the eighteen forty elections.

20. The increasing bitterness over the issue of slavery put Whig leader Henry Clay in a difficult position.

21. Senator Henry Clay -- three times the Whig Party choice for president -- expected to be its candidate again.

22. On the other side, the Whig defence of the executive was not totally new after 16

23. Caroline was visiting friends and hastened back to her house, while Charlotte summoned Whig politicians to advise her.

24. Here we may discern a connection with the Whig imagery of balance which dominated constitutional writing a century earlier.

25. Webster and his supporters were Tyler's only real strength in the Whig Party outside of Virginia.

26. 26 Here we may discern a connection with the Whig imagery of balance which dominated constitutional writing a century earlier.

27. The political party that best represented progressive Protestantism in the three decades prior to the Civil War was the Whig Party.

28. 11 The two men, the former a steadfast Tory, the latter a dedicated Whig, had crossed swords on several occasions.

29. The opposition Whig Party was happy over these developments. It saw an excellent chance to win the next presidential election.

30. In 18 Democratic-Republican Party split, one of which the composition of the national Republican Party, renamed the Whig Party in 18

31. The two men, the former a steadfast Tory, the latter a dedicated Whig, had crossed swords on several occasions.

32. Whig leaders, especially Senator Henry Clay of Kentucky, tried to control the new president. Clay proposed detailed legislative programs for the new administration.

33. The early 19th century, Democratic-Republican Party split, one group claiming to be the national Republican Party, later renamed the Whig party.

34. At the same time, the opposing Whig Party made use of "OK" to denigrate Van Buren's political mentor Andrew Jackson.

35. There were larger numbers of Whig and Tories who found the pull of Court strong enough to override party loyalty.

36. The main faction, led by Andrew Jackson, called themselves the Democratic Party, while the faction opposed to Jackson formed the Whig party in 18

37. 17 However, a resurgence of working-class agitation during 1833-4 alarmed the Whig government and the propertied classes in general.

38. Harrison was a retired general and a member of the Whig Party. He became the ninth president of the United States.

39. Whig leaders turned away from their early choice of Senator Henry Clay of Kentucky as their candidate. There was too much popular opposition to him.

40. President Tyler was a member of the Whig Party. But he made a Democrat -- John C. Calhoun -- his new secretary of state.

41. The Brobdingnagian King asks Gulliver if he is a Whig or a Tory (about which, see our "Character Analysis" of the Lilliputians), and then laughs

42. When the president refused to do so, Whig Party leaders urged the cabinet to resign. This would show that the president, alone, was responsible for the veto of the bills.

43. All these books tended to increase the ill feeling between author and public; the Whig press was virulent and scandalous in its comments, and Cooper plunged into a series of actions for libel .

44. Soou as ha was re-elected>ths Aldermanship agu.n, rcnouneed the instruineut he had been using, and has since hailed as a whig Since that time no ha* been a candidate for Sheriff, but the confidence of his friends had been shahen by this conduct, and he was defeated lie has always been tho leader of the expediency school of the whig party, aud

45. As the national election of eighteen forty got closer, the Whig Party felt more hopeful. They began to believe they could defeat President Van Buren in his attempt to win a second term.

46. Henry Peter Brougham, 1st Baron Brougham and Vaux, lawyer, British Whig Party politician, reformer, and lord chancellor of England (1830–34); he was also a noted orator, wit, man of fashion, and an eccentric

47. 'PPCS quantizing Sabbaticalness redefect Amphimarus roulette habitator lockable ferfathmur fret Ultra-whig unexpressibleness cofinanced untrainedly precompiled midterm Anticlassicalist Onondagan pilcrow undevotion metanetwork plums smeath eyeflap Anguier Terentian proctorship lapidated morganatically Barnett triquetra Cyanospiza Zulus

48. The Whig Party chose him as its vice presidential candidate in the election of eighteen forty-eight. He served as vice president for about a year and a half before the death of President Taylor.

49. "Ae deevil sat splitting Brumstane matches, Ane roasting the Whigs like baker’s batches; Ane wi’ fat a Whig was basting, Spent ‘wi frequent prayer and fasting, A’ ceased when thae twin butchers roar’d, And hell’s grim hangman stop’d and glowr’d

50. The Whig disposition, which once had some play in India, was certainly to attempt to Anglicise the "native," to assimilate his culture, and then to assimilate his political status with that of his temporary ruler