Nghĩa của từ vexed bằng Tiếng Hàn

adjective - vexed
안절부절 못하는: fidgety, vexed
머리를 이프게 하는: vexed

Đặt câu có từ "vexed"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "vexed", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Hàn. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ vexed, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ vexed trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Hàn

1. She looked vexed again.

2. And there is another vexed question.

3. His conduct vexed her very much.

4. He was vexed at his failure.

5. She was vexed that I was late.

6. She is vexed by many cares.

7. Later Mr Moi raised the vexed question of refugees.

8. The memory of their conversation still vexed him.

9. Why can you always have vexed thing hafnium?

10. Take, for example, the vexed subject of health care.

11. This opens up the vexed relationship between idealism and reality.

12. They're discussing the vexed question of private health insurance.

13. Was the vexed question of extradition discussed at the Council?

14. What does Annoyed mean? Troubled, irritated by something unwanted or unliked; vexed

15. We come now to the vexed question of pension rights.

16. Then there is the vexed issue of paying for tax cuts.

17. Exporters, farmers and industrialists alike are vexed and blame the government.

18. Corbett sat muttering to himself, going over the questions which still vexed him.

19. We are vexed by too much inconsistency and vacillation in our creed.

20. Factitious what has so much vexed thing? How is ability happy?

21. It vexed me to think of others gossiping behind my back.

22. Japan's troubles with its neighbours are still vexed by past belligerence.

23. 3 It vexed me to think of others gossiping behind my back.

24. I shall not turn to the vexed question of the national minimum wage.

25. An energetic worker himself, a lazy or idle person vexed him no end.

그는 정력적인 근로자였기 때문에 게으른 사람에 대하여는 참지 못하였다.

26. NURSE Now, afore God, I am so vexed that every part about me quivers.

27. The government has to deal with the vexed question of how to reduce spending.

28. The Reports gave close attention to the vexed question of enclosures and commoners' rights in the forest.

29. Synonyms for Bad tempered include disgruntled, discontented, dissatisfied, annoyed, displeased, malcontent, grumpy, irritated, sullen and vexed

30. Synonyms for Beleaguered include harassed, aggravated, badgered, hassled, plagued, tormented, troubled, persecuted, pestered and vexed

31. Potentially an even bigger bombshell is about to burst on the vexed question of pension rights.

32. 21 Potentially an even bigger bombshell is about to burst on the vexed question of pension rights.

33. The other deities were vexed beyond words , but dared attempt no rescue for all her piteous cries.

34. The Bible says that Peninnah vexed Hannah sorely “for the sake of making her feel disconcerted.”

브닌나는 한나를 “속상하게 하려고” 몹시 괴롭혔다고 성서는 알려 줍니다.

35. These are vexed questions that involve the whole community in Western societies: scientists, professionals, and the general public.

36. Peninnah also publicly vexed her—no doubt before relatives and friends—while the family attended the festival at Shiloh.

37. May I wish my hon. and learned Friend well in getting proper safeguards over the vexed problem of undisclosed sites?

38. It is a tangle of historic forces, compounded by present-day fear and pride and vexed by world ideological powers.

39. Until recently what was on the child's school record and whether parent or child could see it was a vexed question.

40. Telemachus saw her waiting by the threshold and was vexed to the heart that a guest should not find instant welcome.

41. National Abjection explores the vexed relationship between "Asian Americanness" and "Americanness” through a focus on drama and performance art

42. (Genesis 26:34, 35; 27:46) Think, too, of Hannah and how her rival wife, Peninnah, “vexed her sorely” because Hannah was barren.

43. The his behind towards the Wan in summer pure secretly on smiling, originally see her ashamed to get vexed is also a stuff that makes people dulcify.

44. The salient reality was the depth of popular Antipathy to the political establishment as a whole. As a Yorkshire born Aussie, the question of Scottish Antipathy to the English has vexed me often

45. In thee have they set light by father and mother: in the midst of thee have they dealt by oppression with the stranger: in thee have they vexed the fatherless and the widow.

46. Trade an Arean Abjuration: Legs and a Vexed Hakama or a Jinxed Hakama to Alphollon C Meriard at (L-6) in Northern San d'Oria to obtain a Ryuo Hakama or a Ryuo Hakama +1, respectively

47. Trade an Arean Abjuration: Hands and a Vexed Kote or a Jinxed Kote to Alphollon C Meriard at (L-6) in Northern San d'Oria to obtain a Ryuo Tekko or a Ryuo Tekko +1, respectively

48. Adjective irritated, bothered, pissed (taboo slang), harassed, hassled (informal), aggravated (informal), maddened, ruffled, exasperated, nettled, vexed, pissed off (taboo slang), miffed (informal), displeased, irked, riled, harried, peeved (informal), piqued, browned off (informal) She tapped her forehead and looked Annoyed with herself.

49. (Jane Eyre, by Charlotte Brontë) He really felt Conscientiously vexed on the occasion; for the very exertion to which he had limited the performance of his promise to his father was by this arrangement rendered impracticable

50. Lysias Besieges Beth-zur 11 Very soon after this, Lysias, the king’s guardian and kinsman, who was in charge of the government, being vexed at what had happened, 2 gathered about eighty thousand infantry and all his cavalry and came against the Jews.