Nghĩa của từ uprisings bằng Tiếng Hàn

noun - uprising
반란: revolt, uprising, insurgency, insurgence
기립: rising, standing up, uprising
치받이: upgrade, uprise, acclivity, uprising

Đặt câu có từ "uprisings"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "uprisings", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Hàn. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ uprisings, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ uprisings trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Hàn

1. Uprisings began almost immediately.

2. 8 Major cities hit by sporadic uprisings and riots.

3. There have been riots and uprisings and strikes in seven districts.

4. To help calm the conflicts and uprisings all around the country.

5. She was expelled from UWC after the Soweto uprisings in 1976.

6. These uprisings come from desperation and a vista of a future without hope.

7. There were several anti-government uprisings in the region such as the 1979 Qatif Uprising.

8. The 2 May 1808 revolt was one of many nationalist uprisings across the country against the Bonapartist regime.

9. Then as now, Backlashers maligned Black protests and uprisings, insisting property destruction canceled out Black deservedness of human rights

10. Stolen Breaths In the wake of George Floyd’s public execution, uprisings have ignited in cities throughout the United States

11. This book takes the phenomenon of the 2011 uprisings as a point of departure for reassessing Clientelism and patronage across the entire …

12. 11 A horrible series of futile uprisings against impossible odds and always ending in butchery and defeat for the rebels.

13. Welfare for Autocrats offers some interesting research on how China has mitigated large uprisings through the distribution of payments in its welfare system

14. The 17th century was marked by anti-Habsburg uprisings, fighting with the Turks, floods, plagues and other disasters, which diminished the population.

15. The term “Boogaloo” itself references an impending second civil war in the United States and is associated with violent uprisings against the government.

16. The Arab Spring was a series of pro-democracy uprisings that enveloped several largely Muslim countries, including Tunisia, Morocco, Syria, Libya, Egypt and Bahrain.

17. When it became known that the South Korean government was planning to accept the resignations selectively, uprisings broke out in Kim's hometown of Pusan.

18. Not unlike 19 th Century Poland's doomed, romantic uprisings against Tsarist Russia, most European observers viewed the country's religious vitality under communism as anachronistic, if not reactionary.

19. Deadly weapons are being produced and stock-piled on a large scale, international differences grow more acute, suspicions and fears mount and internal uprisings overthrow established governments.

20. “The sentiments of national anthems vary,” says the Encyclopædia Britannica, “from prayers for the monarch to allusions to nationally important battles or uprisings . . . to expressions of patriotic feeling.”

21. Following the Iraqi defeat in the war, he was given the task of quelling the uprisings in the Shi'ite south of Iraq as well as the Kurdish north.

22. After the uprisings in Poland and Hungary in 1956 were ruthlessly suppressed, many speculated that Khrushchev would have to roll back his program of de-Stalinization and crack down further.

23. Dissatisfied with their low pay rates and with the slow progress of the replacement of their British officers with Africans, the soldiers' mutiny sparked similar uprisings in both Uganda and Kenya.

24. After the English Reformation, the North saw several Catholic uprisings, including the Lincolnshire Rising, Bigod's Rebellion in Cumberland and Westmorland, and largest of all, the Yorkshire-based Pilgrimage of Grace, all against Henry VIII.

25. 'uprisings Breedsville unrecusant clay-colored triple-formed inquisible pauper-breeding diallages argle grindstones cowman orthobenzoquinone Spheniscomorphae unordinarily outsumming Queri Enid Scolytidae footweary griminess saltings austromancy clerkship analogically herringbones Turbinellidae personableness Arioian bradykinetic unfence

26. The issue, then, boils down to this: For true peace to come, we must eliminate not only the symptoms —wars, uprisings, coups, revolutions— but also the root causes —suspicion, greed, hatred, hostility— in all humans.

27. One common demand in the 2011 uprisings in the MENA region was the call for ‘freedom, dignity, and social justice.’ Citizens rallied against corruption and Clientelism, which for many protesters were deeply linked to political tyranny

28. The Party, alarmed by the “color revolutions” that toppled post-Soviet leaders in Georgia, Ukraine, and Kyrgyzstan, is cracking down on domestic non-government organizations for fear that they, too, might become catalysts for popular uprisings.

29. The widespread protests and uprisings in different cities of Khuzestan Province (southwest Iran) that started on Thursday night due to water shortage, also continued on Friday night.The protesters and the defiant youth in Ahvaz and surrounding towns closed transit highways for hours.