Nghĩa của từ upheavals bằng Tiếng Hàn

noun - upheaval
대변동: upheaval
융기: bump, uplift, upheaval, protrusion, eminence, protuberance
밀어올림: upheaval, boost

Đặt câu có từ "upheavals"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "upheavals", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Hàn. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ upheavals, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ upheavals trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Hàn

1. The whole of Africa had been buffeted by social and political upheavals.

2. Industrialisation brought with it major social upheavals across the western world.

3. Dramatic upheavals can occur overnight, bringing chaos and wanton abuses of human rights.

하룻밤 사이에 극적인 대격변이 일어나, 무질서와 부당한 인권 침해가 벌어질 수 있다.

4. The political upheavals find an echo in the art of the time.

5. Seed banks are also subject to political upheavals, economic downturns, and natural disasters.

6. The Board has had to weather its own political upheavals and adjust to changing circumstances.

7. To continue this long trend is to guarantee tremendous social, cultural, political, and economic upheavals.”

이 상황이 계속되면 사회, 문화, 정치, 경제 분야에서 필시 큰 혼란이 발생할 것입니다.”

8. In Nepal, lost in the chaos of political upheavals, a silent revolution is afoot.

9. Beset, trouble, plague, harass, badger, perplex, pester, entangle, bedevilbox Buffeted by social and political upheavals

10. The globalisation of the world's economy proceeds apace, along with the upheavals that this entails.

11. All this added to the general upheavals in the Hindu population, increasing its social mobility.

12. These in turn may be linked to widespread economic or political upheavals of one kind or another.

이런 일은 광범위한 경제적 또는 정치적 격변으로 이어지기도 합니다.

13. During the warlord upheavals of the 1920s he emerged as commander of General Feng's 1st Army Group.

14. The four-year struggle involved sporadic but bloody armed conflict, internal Indonesian political and communal upheavals, and two major international diplomatic interventions.

15. For this reason, faith in the Last Judgement is first and foremost hope—the need for which was made abundantly clear in the upheavals of recent centuries.

16. THIS is a stirring account about humble Christian men and women who courageously stood firm through political upheavals, religious conflicts, and a clergy-inspired ban that lasted 25 years.

정치 격변, 종교 분쟁 그리고 교직자들의 선동으로 25년간 지속된 금지령 가운데서 겸손한 그리스도인들이 어떻게 용기 있게 믿음을 지켰는지 그 흥미진진한 기록을 읽어 보십시오.

17. The tumultuous Trump tenure has been marked by unprecedented upheavals and international Belligerences, besides an embarrassing vote of impeachment and remaining mired in the Covid-19 pandemic

18. Formally, it is Antiegoistic because all the time he was allegedly making choices and experiencing upheavals of one sort or another, his Christian God was, he maintained, leading him through an edifying obstacle course to his predestined conversion

19. The means towards this lay in hard-earned financing, while men were restricted to being stevedores, policemen, coopers and other not-so-wide Artisanships with fixed wages, that often led to the many labour upheavals, women were needed to sustain …

20. It was a close - knit social order well adapted to the needs of the changing times because it , could weather all kinds of upheavals in society till it was exposed to the inroads of the modern European industrial system which began in the 18th century .

21. Recently in the debate in the Assembly on the Public Safety Bill , it was a touching sight to see the spokesmen of government waxing eloquent on the beauties of Hindu and Islamic ideals of society and pointing out in woeful accents the terrible upheavals that would follow the spread of socialistic and communistic ideas .

22. Carp paints the story of the transmutation from confidentiality to secrecy onto a complex background: the changing role of social workers and the changing intellectual context of social work; the political and social upheavals of the 1960s--including civil rights movements and (because of the secrecy/disclosure issue) Watergate; the role of the media and other forms of publicity in the