Nghĩa của từ unsound bằng Tiếng Hàn

adjective - unsound
상한: not fresh, unsound
얕은: shallow, shoal, fleet, unsound
건전하지 못한: unsound
근거가 박약한: unsound
견고하지 못한: unsound

Đặt câu có từ "unsound"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "unsound", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Hàn. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ unsound, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ unsound trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Hàn

1. The project is environmentally unsound.

2. Don't listen to unsound advice.

3. The house roof was unsound.

4. His lungs were unsound.

5. The houses are structurally unsound .

6. The municipal pension plan was deemed Actuarially unsound

7. The methods used were unsound.

8. The church was structurally unsound.

9. The roof is structurally unsound.

10. That bridge looks unsound to me.

11. Crazy definition is - full of cracks or flaws : unsound

12. Unsound or troubled: a financially Ailing corporation.

13. Gay Blood Donation Ban Is Scientifically Unsound

14. 1 word related to Corroded: unsound

15. The findings of the research seem unsound.

16. The municipal pension plan was deemed Actuarially unsound

17. The thinking is good-hearted, but muddled and fundamentally unsound.

18. The use of disposable products is considered ecologically unsound.

19. (adverb) The municipal pension plan was deemed Actuarially unsound.

20. With Bobbie, unsound judgments were not a real possibility.

21. I am afraid that it is an unsound investment.

22. Tainted in flavor by an unsound cork: Corked port

23. The thinking is good-hearted, but muddled and fundamentally unsound.

24. Spoiled, unsound . Term applied to wine showing some evidence of spoilage.

25. Around 1902 the Leversons lost money through an unsound investment.

26. The bridge is one of several said to be structurally unsound.

27. I would go further and suggest that it is also ideologically unsound.

28. No sensible person would put his money in a bank he knew to be unsound.

29. Absurd definition is - ridiculously unreasonable, unsound, or incongruous : extremely silly or ridiculous

30. 38 synonyms for Ailing: weak, fAiling, poor, flawed, unstable, feeble, unsatisfactory, deficient, unsound

31. My early experience taught me how unsound it is to rely on human reasoning.

32. If rationality means omniscience, then it is indeed an unsound premise for economic reasoning.

33. His proposal was roundly dismissed as being diplomatically unsound as well as physically impossible.

34. Some attacked the fact that faster growth has been environmentally unsound, creating excessive carbon emissions and destroying natural habitats.

35. Why is it unsound thinking to rely on oneself when determining right and wrong?

36. Also, many names are painted on the bottom of the routes - ecologically unsound, but convenient!

37. But even a house with a solid foundation will become structurally unsound if the bricks crumble.

하지만 기초가 튼튼한 집이라도 벽돌이 부서지면 건물의 구조가 약해질 것입니다.

38. It was expensive, high tech, brutal and, I don't doubt, ecologically unsound but I loved it all.

39. He escaped a prison sentence by reason of unsound mind at the time the crime was committed.

40. 500 bc) shared the unsound intuition that any two lengths are “Commensurable” (that is, measurable) by integer multiples of some common unit

41. Some members argued that the debt-burden adjustment was technically unsound because it mixed income and capital concepts.

42. When they found that this was impossible, they turned their backs on religion and declared its teachings to be unsound.

43. Blares definition: a loud harsh or strident noise synonyms: cacophony, noise, blaring, clamor, din antonyms: consonant, vowel, unsound, broken, unfit

44. The idea that a baseline need only be established immediately prior to delivery of an operational system is considered to be unsound.

45. They were often structurally unsound and costly to maintain, hard to staff because of their physical isolation and far too big.

46. Adjective 1. weak, fAiling, poor, flawed, unstable, feeble, unsatisfactory, deficient, unsound A rise in overseas sales is good news for the Ailing economy

47. It is the firm conviction of your Board that you should not become shareholders in a company with such an unsound strategy.

48. Charlatanism is for confusing or obliterating the distinctions between excellent and inferior, sound and unsound or only half-sound, true and untrue or only half-true

49. As the unsubstantial intendance and unsound related laws, unmerited affiliated transactions are more and more which has attracted the attention of the academia and the community for a long time.

50. Yet it seemed to fit the needs of the people well enough to bring into question statements made by those critics who said Communist economy would collapse because of an unsound monetary structure.