Nghĩa của từ triumphal bằng Tiếng Hàn

adjective - triumphal
승리를 자랑하는: triumphal
승리를 축하하는: triumphal
개선식의: triumphal

Đặt câu có từ "triumphal"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "triumphal", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Hàn. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ triumphal, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ triumphal trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Hàn

1. The Lord's Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem

예루살렘으로 승리의 입성을 하신 구주

2. 102 Christ’s Triumphal Entry Into Jerusalem

102 그리스도의 개선의 예루살렘 입성

3. 26 He made a triumphal entry into the city.

4. His arrival for the inaugural ceremonies would be triumphal.

5. Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem fulfilled which prophecies?

예수께서 예루살렘에 승리의 입성을 하셨을 때 어떤 예언들이 성취되었습니까?

6. He made a triumphal entry into the city.

7. Dissenter audaciously there Brainiest thank until irritating will exaltedly vibrant triumphal

8. The soldiers were making a triumphal march through the city.

9. The general was given a triumphal parade up Broadway.

10. Valentinian took no part in Theodosius's triumphal celebrations over Maximus.

11. Triumphal, an urinous legousia jogged the telegnostic Autogenies close to our loyalist

12. The triumphal arch (or Arch of Hadrian) was built to celebrate his visit.

13. 7 God’s triumphal march means disaster for those who rebel against him.

14. Display the picture Triumphal Entry (Gospel Art Book [2009], no. 50; see also

승리의 입성(복음 그림책[2009], 50번; 또한 LDS.org참조) 그림을 전시한다.

15. When Nero made his triumphal entry into Rome, the streets were sprinkled with it.

네로가 로마로 승리의 입성을 하였을 때, 거리에는 이것이 뿌려져 있었다.

16. Her popularity has declined since her triumphal return from exile two years ago.

17. Hampton By Hilton Astana Triumphal Arch is located in the business district of Astana

18. Poets wrote triumphal odes for victors at all these games, conferring immortality on them.


20. Domitian, his brother, took the throne and promptly erected a triumphal arch in Titus’ honor.

21. It includes drawings for wall decorations, tapestries, silverware, stage designs and even a triumphal car.

22. 9 It includes drawings for wall decorations, tapestries, silverware, stage designs and even a triumphal car.

23. His triumphal entry into Jerusalem, for example, represents an attempt to conform to one of them.

24. The events from Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem to his resurrection are described in chronological order.

예수께서 예루살렘으로 승리의 입성을 하시는 때부터 그분이 부활되실 때까지의 일들은 발생한 순서에 따라 기록되어 있습니다.

25. What did the apostle Paul have in mind when he spoke of “a triumphal procession”?

26. The trio was given a triumphal parade up Broadway, followed by a reception at city hall.

27. • On that day, Mobutu made a triumphal return from four months of Convalescence abroad after prostate cancer surgery

28. He accompanied the Belgian monarch King Albert I on his triumphal re-entry into Brussels on 22 November.

29. She made that quite clear: it was a triumphal return, although what the triumph was, was not vouchsafed.

30. When we observed the centennial of these events 50 years ago, the tone of the public celebrations was triumphal.

31. Look at the picture Christ’s Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem (Gospel Art Book [2009], no. 50; see also

승리의 입성(복음 그림책[2009], 50번; 또한 참조) 그림을 본다.

32. But troops loyal to the general foiled the attempt and he emerged with his customary grin and triumphal air-punching.

33. They were probably created to top a triumphal arch or some other grand building, perhaps commissioned by the Emperor Septimus Severus.

34. One supposed Bible Contradiction is that the Gospel accounts seem to indicate that Jesus was anointed before and after the Triumphal Entry.

35. The Arch of Constantine (Italian: Arco di Costantino) is a triumphal arch in Rome, situated between the Colosseum and the Palatine Hill.

36. The Arc de Triomf (2) (Triumphal Arch), situated near the center of the city, was built to commemorate that important event.

37. The Karls‘ gate (Karlstor) is a triumphal arch in honour of the Prince Elector Karl Theodor, located at Heidelberg's east side.

38. Some consider the Gospel accounts to be at variance with respect to the animal Jesus rode on his triumphal entry into Jerusalem.

일부 사람들은 예수께서 예루살렘으로 승리의 입성을 하실 때에 타신 동물에 관한 복음서 기록들이 서로 다르다고 생각한다.

39. The squad as a whole then took a lap of honour while waving a vast Bayern flag to the strains of Queen's timeless triumphal anthem We are the Champions.

40. The alchemist Basil Valentine is sometimes credited with “discovering” the element; he described the extraction of metallic Antimony from stibnite in his treatise “The Triumphal Chariot of

41. *+ 15 He has stripped the governments and the authorities bare and has publicly exhibited them as conquered,+ leading them in a triumphal procession by means of it. *

42. Harper, page 215: "Why now, I expect," said the American, "you would not shoot me in cold blood, although you are a Britisher, I guess." 1959 August 6, “Nixon's Triumphal Return”, in Universal Newsreels (32), episode 63, spoken by

43. Animalizing the Emperor in Suetonius’s Nero 199 the battlefi eld into success on stage when, following his tour of Greece, he returns to Rome like a triumphing general riding the triumphal chariot of Augustus, dressed in a purple robe, and accompanied by a throng pro …

44. Bethphage figures in the account of Jesus’ approach to Jerusalem and as the point from which he sent out his disciples to obtain the ass upon which he rode during his triumphal entry into Jerusalem, Nisan 9, of the year 33 C.E.

벳바게는 예수께서 예루살렘으로 가까이 가시는 것에 대한 기록에 나오는데 그분은 이곳에서 나귀를 구하러 제자들을 보내셨다. 이렇게 해서 그분은 기원 33년 니산월 9일에 그 나귀를 타고 예루살렘으로 승리의 입성을 하셨다.

45. Bera Upazila, in Pabna District, Rajshahi Division, Bangladesh Arc de Berà (sometimes written Barà), a triumphal arch north-east of the city of Tarragona, Catalonia, Spain Tower of Bera , remains of a medieval watchtower located in the civil parish of Almalaguês, in …

46. Bescutcheon'd and betagg'd with verse, 640 Which, to beholders from afar, Appear'd like a triumphal car, She rode, in a cast rainbow clad; There, throwing off the hallow'd plaid, Naked, as when (in those drear cells Where, self-bless'd, self-cursed, Madness dwells) Pleasure, on whom, in Laughter's shape,

47. Barely 11 months after the impressive Pezzi, Francesco de Gregori continues his triumphal return to form with the stunning Calypsos.Both musically and thematically, this album could be taken as an introspective, personal counterpart to the rock-oriented Pezzi.The aggression and global despair of his prior album only reappear in "Mayday" and "Per le Strade di Rome" -- and, anyway, these two