Nghĩa của từ tremors bằng Tiếng Hàn

noun - tremor
떨림: quiver, trembling, shake, tremor, dither, shudder
진전: development, tremor, movement, crescendo
전율: thrill, shudder, trepidation, tremor
미동: tremor, handsome boy

Đặt câu có từ "tremors"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "tremors", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Hàn. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ tremors, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ tremors trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Hàn

1. Weakness, tremors, loss of abilities.

2. (verb) Tremors that Convulsed the countryside.

3. Tremors of impact shook my arm.

4. The scandal sent tremors through the political establishment.

5. The warm rum stung and sent tremors through him.

6. News of 160 redundancies had sent tremors through the community.

7. It says here you suffer memory loss, tremors in the extremities.

8. Several studies have shown that Anticholinergics are useful in reducing tremors

9. The story was so terrible that It' sent tremors down my spine.

10. Large dosage can cause headaches, dizziness, vomiting, tremors, gastroenteritis and pathogenic erections.

11. They got only blushes , ejaculations , tremors, and titters, in return for their importunity.

12. The shock sent tremors through the family which are still reverberating today.

13. The heavy traffic that winds its way through the old city causes tremors.

낡은 도시 지역을 통하는 길을 무거운 차량이 지나가면 흔들리게 되지.

14. Perturbed by the tremors rocking the market , the Finance Ministry cracked its whip .

15. Symptoms include tremors , slowness of movement , poor balance , and stiffness in the limbs and trunk .

16. 7 A gutsy and popular player, Howe ignored medical warnings despite previous heart tremors.

17. Paralysis Agitans has four main motor symptoms: postural instability, bradykinesia, rigidity and tremors

18. Are there any tremors of dorsal or pectorals that could signify irritation from parasites?

19. Tremors 2: Aftershocks is a 1996 direct-to-video sequel to Tremors, in which the character of Earl Bassett, returning from the first film, is hired to deal with a subterranean "graboid" infestation at a Mexican oilfield

20. Medication can ease the symptoms of hyperthyroidism, such as accelerated heartbeat, muscle tremors, and anxiety.

심장 박동이 빨라지거나 근육에 경련이 일어나거나 불안감을 느끼는 것과 같은 갑상샘 항진증의 증상은 약으로 완화시킬 수 있습니다.

21. The proper joints will also absorb earthquake tremors, allowing the house to roll with the shock.

적절하게 사용된 이음들은 또한 미진(微震)을 흡수하고, 집이 지진의 진동에 따라 움직이게 하여 충격을 완화시킨다.

22. I could feel strong mechanical tremors vibrating in many directions within my white-knuckled grasp.

23. Treated insects exhibit leg tremors, rapid wing motion, stylet withdrawal (aphids), disoriented movement, paralysis and death.

24. 20 The muscles involved in such tremors and twitches are skeletal, as opposed to cardiac or smooth muscle.

25. Two 8.5 tremors have left the people in the streets... desperately fighting for the last remaining resources.

26. It is felt intensely, especially when the plane is shaking, often the tremors of the plane trigger the Airsickness.

27. The network uses ground motion sensors to compile data about the location, frequency and magnitude of earth tremors.

28. "Gas extraction has resulted in increasingly strong earth tremors, some measuring as much as 3.6 on the Richter magnitude scale.

29. The withdrawal symptoms may include anxiety, irritability, dizziness, headaches, sleeplessness, stomach upsets, hunger, cravings, poor concentration, and tremors.

금단 증상으로 불안, 과민, 현기증, 두통, 불면증, 복통, 허기, 갈구, 집중력 감퇴, 떨림이 나타날 수 있다.

30. Regardless of the causative agent, the tremors and twitches experienced by some users of caffeine are usually harmless.

31. It blocks the important neurotransmitter GABA, leading to stupor, delirium, muscle cramps, loss of coordination, tremors, and/or seizures.

신경전달 물질인 GABA 차단으로신경학적 증상 stupor, delirium, muscle cramps, loss of coordination, tremors, &/or seizures.

32. Blytheville, which is prone to tremors, lies near the epicenters of the record-setting New Madrid Earthquakes of 1811–1812

33. 22 Unable to see beneath a volcano, researchers can only theorize about what causes the pulsing tremors they hear within it.

34. (Isaiah 9:5) The tremors caused by the tramping of the boots of marching soldiers will never again be felt.

35. Carcinoids that spread to the liver can lead to symptoms of carcinoid syndrome, such as diarrhea, flushing, diaphoresis, tremors, or swelling

36. Paralysis agitans has four main motor symptoms: postural instability, bradykinesia, rigidity and tremors. With postural instability, the patient has impaired balance, which affects walking

37. Stop using All day Allergy-D and call your doctor at once if you have: fast, pounding, or uneven heartbeat; weakness, tremors (uncontrolled shaking)

38. Advise patients to seek immediate care from a healthcare professional if they experience arrhythmias, tetany, tremors, or seizures while taking PPIs. These may be signs of hypomagnesemia.

39. Typical Antipsychotics: These are more likely to cause extrapyramidal side effects in which motor control is sometimes severely impaired, causing tremors, spasms, muscle rigidity, and the

40. The neurologic findings of movement disorder (Blepharospasm, grimacing, facial and neck dystonia, tremors, chorea) and ataxia (gait ataxia, dysarthria) correspond to regions of iron deposition in the brain

41. The drugs, called atypical Antipsychotics, have generally proven as effective as earlier generation typical Antipsychotics but with far fewer extrapyramidal side effects (including spasms, tremors, rigidity, and restlessness)

42. Since the islands of the Philippines are located in an active earthquake zone, brothers engineering the project made sure that the 11-story building could withstand strong tremors.

필리핀 열도는 활성 지진대에 위치하고 있기 때문에, 그 건축의 구조 설계를 하는 형제들은 그 11층 건물이 강한 진동을 견딜 수 있도록 보강하였습니다.

43. Appeasing the Flame/tsw Main Mission : REPEATABLE: Ptahmose says the Jinn have a deep connection to the land and may know something of these tremors and disturbances

44. According to Dennis Charney and his team of researchers at Yale University School of Medicine, caffeine can produce “anxiety, nervousness, fear, nausea, palpitations, restlessness and tremors” in some agoraphobics.

45. The flower and root are used to make medicine. Cowslip flower is used for swollen nose and throat, cough, bronchitis, trouble sleeping (insomnia), headache, hysteria, nerve pain (neuralgia), and tremors.

46. And as nearly 200 tremors and aftershocks continued daily to rock the country for more than a month, the lives and activity of the already fear-stricken people were further numbed.

47. Owusu's lyrical and tough memoir is called Aftershocks; and though, at first, it may seem like an overly dramatic conceit for Owusu to tell the story of her life in terms of tremors, seismic shock

48. Severe eye and respiratory tract irritation, decreased breathing rate, tremors, convulsions, diarrhea, coma, and lung and liver damage have been observed in laboratory animals exposed to moderate-to-high air levels of Allyl alcohol

49. Since the earth’s crust around the Mediterranean, including Jerusalem, lies in a moderately active earthquake zone, and therefore would suffer from crustal instability, earth tremors would not be uncommon to first-century inhabitants of the area.

‘예루살렘’을 포함한 지중해 주변의 지각은 어느 정도 활동적인 지진대 안에 들어 있어 지각의 불안정으로 인해 고통을 겪곤 하였기 때문에 땅이 진동하는 일은 제 1세기의 그 지역 주민들에게는 생소한 일이 아니었다.

50. Aftershocks are themselves earthquakes, but they are more accurately described as the lower-magnitude (or lower-intensity) tremors that follow the principal earthquake or main shock (that is, the largest earthquake in a sequence of earthquakes)