Nghĩa của từ toleration bằng Tiếng Hàn

noun - toleration
관용: tolerance, toleration, forbearance, clemency, usage, official business
용인: employee, admission, toleration, mediocrity, reception
신교의 자유: toleratio

Đặt câu có từ "toleration"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "toleration", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Hàn. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ toleration, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ toleration trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Hàn

1. He preached toleration for all religions.

2. Toleration of dishonest officials encourages corruption.

3. (Zeʹbul) [Toleration; or, possibly, Lofty Abode (Habitation)].

(Zebul) [‘용납’. 또는 ‘높은 거처(처소)’를 의미할 수도 있음]

4. Complete religious toleration exists in this country.

5. He encouraged moderation and toleration on religious issues.

6. I think I could learn toleration and calmness afterwards.

7. Toleration, moreover , is something which is won , not granted.

8. Religious minorities were allowed a wide measure of toleration.

9. Hard work keeps away poverty. Toleration keeps away violence.

10. So Jehovah’s toleration of wickedness and suffering is nearing its end.

11. Nestorianism and Roman Catholicism also enjoyed a period of toleration.

12. And she added something po-faced about toleration and talent.

13. Later he initiated a policy of promoting immigration and religious toleration.

14. At the end of his reign, Leo reversed his stance of toleration.

15. In 1741 Catherine the Great issued an edict of toleration for Buddhism.

16. They had not gone overseas out of a belief in religious toleration.

17. This construct provides a reference for design of intrusion toleration system.

18. Toleration is not a virtue any more beyond a certain limitation.

19. It lacked that toleration and regard without which the home is nothing.

20. We believe not only in universal toleration, but we accept all religions as true.

21. Two working conclusions follow from this, namely, toleration and the qualification of majority rule.

22. It allowed religious toleration, encouraging Settlements spread, and trade in deerskin, lumber, and beef thrived.

23. These determined sects emerged in the time of toleration as the early centres of Dissent.

24. 23 King Darius I is noteworthy for his administrative reforms, military conquests,[] and religious toleration.

25. Concerning these, Jehu took decisive action to show his “toleration of no rivalry toward Jehovah.”

26. 16 Then he said: “Come along with me, and see my toleration of no rivalry toward* Jehovah.”

27. The religious toleration that was a hallmark of most of the colonies did not extend to Catholics

28. However, instead of being welcomed warmly, Laura is greeted with chilly toleration and ill-concealed resentment.

29. What was achieved in 1689 was certainly not what Anglicans such as Nottingham wanted, toleration without comprehension.

30. * However, when God’s toleration of these evildoers ended, they were “hurled” out of heaven, ultimately to be destroyed.

31. But God’s toleration of Pharaoh merely allowed him to reveal his true “colors,” his actual hard-set disposition.

그러나 하나님께서 ‘바로’에게 관용을 베푸심으로써 그의 “본색” 즉 참으로 강퍅한 그의 마음 상태가 들어나게 되었을 뿐이다.

32. (2 Timothy 3:1-5) Jehovah’s toleration of this and of wickedness and suffering is nearing its end.

(디모데 둘째 3:1-5) 여호와께서 인간 통치와 악과 고통을 허락하시는 기간이 거의 끝나 가고 있습니다.

33. There were controversies about various forms of Church Government and many sects flourished at this time of religious toleration.

34. Krechting fled first to Lingen and tried with the toleration of Count Anton of Oldenburg to rally the Anabaptists again.

35. There were even attempts by Anglican groups to prevent the Dissenters from enjoying the toleration they were offered after 16

36. Because of this and because the colony was committed to religious toleration for everybody, it attracted a great many immigrants.

37. She believed that religious unity was necessary for a peaceful public life and explicitly rejected the idea of religious toleration.

38. Stricter environmental requirements introduced only in the EU and toleration of dumping by Asian producers are accelerating the deindustrialisation of Europe.

39. A first step toward secularization was the separation from the Church of Rome and the beginnings of toleration of religious diversity.

40. Third, Mr. ZHOU adhered to freedom and toleration firmly, for he was a liberalist , at the same time, sublating the theory of Nietzsche.

41. (Matthew 19:4-6, 9) Jehovah’s toleration of polygamy came to an end with the formation of the Christian congregation. —8/1, page 28.

42. However, in our collective, we shouldn't be overcritical for the moment. On the contrary, more forgiveness, compassion(sentencedict .com), toleration and concerns are needed.

43. Nevertheless, the Peace of Saint-Germain-en-Laye, signed on 8 August 1570 because the royal army ran out of cash, conceded wider toleration to the Huguenots than ever before.

44. (communication, toleration, and Contextually appropriate behavior [also referred to as compliance]) Seminars by Gregory Hanley, Ph.D., BCBA-D 2 P a g e Tips for conducting open-ended caregiver interview Use the interview available below

45. Christians" is "the chief Characteristical Mark of the True Church."21 When read together, these works outline a publically authoritative religious teach-ing-one which encourages a morally robust (because limited) attachment to toleration, and which therefore stands in stark contrast to the relativism