Nghĩa của từ apollos bằng Tiếng Hàn

noun - Apollo
아폴로: Apollo
아폴로 우주선: Apollo
태양: Sun, Sol, Apollo
굉장한 미남자: Apollo

Đặt câu có từ "apollos"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "apollos", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Hàn. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ apollos, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ apollos trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Hàn

1. Apollos became adept at making disciples

아폴로스는 제자를 삼는 일에 능숙한 사람이 되었다

2. Apollos—An Eloquent Proclaimer of Christian Truth

3. Eloquent Apollos gets help (24-28)

4. How did Apollos, a man “powerful . . . in the Scriptures,” react?

5. In what way did Aquila and Priscilla help Apollos?

6. The leading men of silent films were Adonises and Apollos

7. Apollos was exceptionally useful in persuading the Jews about Christ.

8. “I planted, Apollos watered, but God kept making it grow” (1Co 3:6)

9. The seeds also required water, such as Apollos supplied.

10. They are not Apollos, and Venuses, nor Adonises, that knock at painters' doors

11. With his eloquent words and power of persuasion, Apollos had captured the attention of his audience.

12. And Paul humbly acknowledged Apollos’ contribution to the work, granting him privileges of service.

13. Apollos showed animation in his speaking, and he was described as an eloquent speaker.

14. 5 Because Apollos accepted the assistance of Aquila and Priscilla, he became a more effective servant of Jehovah.

15. By his own admission, Paul was “unskilled in speech”; Apollos, on the other hand, was “eloquent.”

바울은 스스로 “말에는 능숙하지 못”하다고 시인한 반면, 아폴로스는 “웅변에 능”하였습니다.

16. 6 Apollos appreciated the example of his teachers and became even more adept at making disciples.

17. At that time, Apollos knew only of the baptism performed by John in symbol of repentance for sins against the Law covenant.

18. Paul and Apollos knew that their work of Kingdom preaching and disciple making did not earn them some special prominence in the Christian congregation.

19. Luke described Apollos as “eloquent,” “well versed,” and “aglow with the spirit,” a man “speaking and teaching with correctness the things about Jesus.”

20. (Luke 10:21; Colossians 3:10, 12) Like Apollos, an eloquent early Christian teacher, they are happy to adjust their viewpoint when presented with accurate new information.

(누가 10:21; 골로새 3:10, 12) 겸손한 사람들은 웅변에 능했던 초기 그리스도교 교사인 아폴로스처럼 정확한 새로운 정보를 알게 되었을 때 기꺼이 견해를 조정합니다.

21. How delighted he would have been if two such dynamic personalities as Apollos and the apostle Paul had allowed themselves to become rivals, perhaps jealously vying for influence among the congregations!

22. Giuseppe Ricciotti suggests that “[Apollos’] colorful language and his high-flown allegories had won him the admiration of many who preferred him to Paul, an unpretentious and unrefined orator.”

23. We are still a long way even from Francesca Woodman's stylized teen angel or Robert Mapplethorpe's sculptural, silver-gelatin Adonises.: The Cosmos players looked like bronze Adonises and we came in looking like the Osmonds, it was unbelievable.: They are not Apollos, and Venuses, nor Adonises, that knock at painters' doors.: The waters are meant to be medicinal, well I can tell you some of