Nghĩa của từ anabaptists bằng Tiếng Hàn

noun - Anabaptist
재세례 론자: Anabaptist
침례론자: Anabaptist

Đặt câu có từ "anabaptists"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "anabaptists", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Hàn. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ anabaptists, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ anabaptists trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Hàn

1. Who were the Anabaptists?

2. Anabaptists and “the Pattern of Healthful Words”

3. Hence, their enemies called them Anabaptists -- …

4. When and where did the Anabaptists begin?

5. The Anabaptists were distinct because of their

6. Important centres of Anabaptists were Königsberg and Nuremberg.

7. Anabaptistry ( plural Anabaptistries ) The doctrine or practices of Anabaptists

8. Anabaptists Catholic Information (Greek ana, again, and baptizo, baptize; rebaptizers)

9. Anabaptism definition is - the doctrine or practices of the Anabaptists

10. What does Anabaptistry mean? The doctrine or practices of Anabaptists

11. Anabaptists Like You’ve Never Seen Them An interview with Jason Landsel on his …

12. The Anabaptists were the predecessors to the Amish, Mennonites, and a number of other Christian groups The Anabaptists were a religious group which developed a set of beliefs counter to the dominant Catholic Church

13. The majority of Anabaptists stuck to their pacifist principles, though there was a belligerent minority.

14. Some followers sought to disown the name Anabaptists in favor of the title “Baptists.”

15. Now, since we can no longer examine her... what do you know... about the Anabaptists?

16. However, both Zwingli and Luther rejected the Anabaptists because they deemed them to be too radical

17. If we fast-forward to today, there are about four million Anabaptists around the world

18. Anabaptists required that baptismal candidates be able to make a confession of faith that was freely

19. Others trace their origin to the AnaBaptists, a 16th-century Protestant movement on the European continent

20. The Anabaptists began in three different communities, the oldest of which is known as the Swiss Brethren.

21. These Christians—known as Anabaptists—truly were one of the most remarkable movements in all of church history

22. Enemies called them Anabaptists -- "re-baptizers." Zealous to restore the true church on an Apostolic model.

23. The Anabaptists were a radical religious group that developed from the teachings of Ulrich Zwingli and Martin Luther

24. Anabaptists (meaning "re-baptizers") represent a radical Protestant tradition tracing its history to the 16 th century C.E

25. Krechting fled first to Lingen and tried with the toleration of Count Anton of Oldenburg to rally the Anabaptists again.

26. The Anabaptists maintained a high moral standard in a sober simplicity of life, basically free from materialistic goods and desires.

27. Anabaptistry Anabaptists: Anabas testudineus Anabel Anabrus Anabrus simplex Anacanthini Anacardiaceae Anacardium occidentale Anacin III Anacreon Anacreontic: Literary usage of Anabaptist

28. The term Anabaptist literally means to "re-baptize." Anabaptists were known not only for their rejection of infant baptism, which …

29. Historians often refer to the Anabaptists as the “third wing of the Reformation,” the first two wings being the Lutheran and Reformed

30. Though the Anabaptists had some support in various parts of Western Europe, they were rejected by Protestants and Catholics alike and …

31. Other communities looked on aghast as Münster became the first city in which Anabaptists were the strongest religious and political force.

32. Fraktur is still used among traditional Anabaptists to print German texts, while Kurrent is used as hand writing for German texts.

33. Where there was no conflict between the Christian conscience and secular interests, the Anabaptists acknowledged that the State should rightly be respected and obeyed.

그리스도인 양심과 세속적 관심사 사이에 서로 충돌하는 것이 없을 경우에, 재세례파 교도들은 국가를 정당하게 존경하고 순종해야 함을 인정하였다.

34. (Acts 17:6) In Zurich, Switzerland, the authorities, linked with reformer Huldrych Zwingli, especially took issue with the Anabaptists over their refusal to baptize infants.

35. Only after his death was the terrible truth discovered, that he was in fact a wicked and most dangerous heretic, the leader of the Anabaptists, David Joris.

36. In time, the former priest Menno Simons took over leadership of the Anabaptists, and the group eventually came to be known as the Mennonites or by other names.

37. But what characterized their faith more than anything else, clearly distinguishing Anabaptists from other religions, was the conviction that baptism was for adults and not for children.

하지만 재세례파를 다른 종교들과 명확히 구분지어 주는 두드러진 신앙상의 특징은 그 무엇보다도, 세례는 유아가 아니라 성인을 위한 것이라는 그들의 확고한 신념이었습니다.

38. One who looked to the Anabaptists in his search for truth was Menno Simons, a Catholic priest in the village of Witmarsum in the northern part of the Netherlands.

39. Answer: Anabaptists are not a denomination, and it is unlikely that you will find any church named “First Anabaptist.” The name is more of a descriptive title than an organizational name

40. The Anabaptists made a considerable contribution to the development of tolerance in the early-modern era by incessantly demanding freedom of conscience and standing up for it with their patient suffering.

41. While the first Anabaptists were often baptized twice, once as infants in the medieval church and again as adults in the early years of the Reformation, the overwhelming majority throughout

42. Luther’s close associate, Melanchthon, argued that even the passive action of the Anabaptists in rejecting government, oaths, private property and marriage outside their faith was seditious and therefore punishable by death.

43. After the Peace of Westphalia in 1648, the Catholic Duke of Berg, Philipp Wilhelm von Pfalz-Neuburg (reigned 1652–1690) persecuted Anabaptists and Mennonites in his territory, so that many of them fled.

44. We therefore expressly ordain that you desist from molesting these Baptists [Anabaptists], from offering hindrance to their handicraft and daily trade, by which they can earn bread for their wives and children. . . .

45. Abecedarians, a sect of Anabaptists who affected an absolute disdain for all human knowledge, contending that God would enlighten His elect interiorly and give them knowledge of necessary truths by visions and ecstasies

46. Anabaptists believe that baptism of infants is not true baptism, and that the only correct version of baptism occurs when a person is an adult and can fully understand the meaning of believing in Christ

47. The name Anabaptists, etymologically applicable, and sometimes applied to Christian denominations that practise re-baptism is, in general historical usage, restricted to those who, denying the validity of infant baptism, became prominent during the great reform movement of the sixteenth century.

48. (30) This passage records Grebel's criticism of the Roman Catholic Church for its Ceremonialism and of the magisterial reformers for preaching justification by faith, which Anabaptists held to be altogether superficial if affirmed without accompanying fruits of faith--i.e., deeds of Christian love.

49. The Amish, like the Mennonites, formed from a 16 th century group called the “anabaptists.” When a Swiss Anabaptist leader, Jacob Ammann, felt that the larger group was not keeping a strict enough separation from mainstream society, he broke away, forming a new group soon known as the “Amish.”

50. The Münster rebellion (German: Täuferreich von Münster, "Anabaptist dominion of Münster") was an attempt by radical Anabaptists to establish a communal sectarian government in the German city of Münster – then under the large Prince-Bishopric of Münster in the Holy Roman Empire.